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Rules on focus group moderation?

Thanks Hairui,

I take your remarks into account, I had another look at Focus Groups (Krueger) and you are right.

Thanks for the offer to help regarding more (future) questions, I do appreciate that.

So how is the writing going?

Kind regards,


Rules on focus group moderation?

Thanks for your remarks.
Hairui, thanks. I will have another look at Krueger.
Also thanks Shani and A116.

Not sure where the issue of abuse came from. In my focus groups the topic is not about abuse, nor do we discuss sensitive issues, in fact all the information is very neutral.

How is the research from the 3 of you going?

Rules on focus group moderation?

Thanks Hairui,

I understand your remark to stick to the original scheme and add the questions, yet fear that this may lengthen the actual interview.

Topics are not abuse, so that is not the problem, more an issue of time. Also not keen on repeating issues while interested in something else.

In your opinion is it from a theoretical point of view / research method point of view required to stick to the standard questions and to add on?

how to apply for a self funded part time PhD - have I got this right?

Hi Beadabook,

the Open University (OU) in the UK is actually not a bad "place", has got a a good name regarding for example their MBA (obviously not the same as business schools at Harvard, Paris, Madrid etc). I do not know specifically regarding literature.
I am not sure what the quality is of the "Fernuniversitaet Hagen" in Germany, I think at least a lot less known.
Kind regards

phd in tudelft

Hi phdraider,

I am not doing a PhD in Delft, in fact currently I live in Germany.
I do know that Delft is a very good place to study and one of the best places in the Netherlands, if not the best.
Unfortunately, as you indicate it is very expensive, especially regarding the housing! Yet this area is very much in demand, hence that it will be unlikely that you will get a major increase in salary.
No easy solution, I am afraid.

Rules on focus group moderation?

Just wanted to reflect on qualitative research using focus groups.
How do you do the moderation? Do you use a semi-structured scheme? Or just go with the flow?
I have done 3 groups so far, using a semi-structured scheme. There are some specific issues emerging regarding which I want to get more in depth information. At the next focus group I want to focus on this. So what to do with the rest of the "semi-structured scheme"? Just leave it and focus on the important bit? Or go through it superficially and then go in depth regarding the interesting bits? Does this have a impact on the validity of the study?
Would be interested in your views.
In th

Any recommendations for writing "Validity" Section (Qualitative Research)

hi harui,

validity is always a difficult matter in quality research. Some say that by definition arewas like internal and construct validity are difficult to provide.
I think that is useful to write about the validity of your research, often this will be face validity: the design is based on discussion with experts (e.g. supervisor, professor etc.)Obviously this is my personal opinion and others may have different views.

How on earth do you give your PhD thesis a title?

Hi all,

I think a good title is important: I think it should indicate "Exactly what's in the tin".

Obviously if you can define that in beautiful proza, then that's a bonus, yet a clear representation of the content is, in my opinion, crucial.

Ticking word count, Where when and why?

Hi Olivia,

that interesting, the flower paradigm, just to let things grow!

I use drawings before I write, I draw clouds with key words in it, then try and connect them. Based on that I find related issues etc.
I do not write very specific in the early stages, just brain storm to have ideas what need to go in a chapter / under a header.
Once I have that I fill things in. You can compare this with the "Painting by numbers" idea. Eventually I will have (I hope) the full picture!

Ticking word count, Where when and why?

Dear Olivia,

Fair point, agree that everyone got their own style, and knowing what suits you best is crucial.

Sorry for asking but how do you assure there is coherence in your writing? How do do you connect your chapters?

Ticking word count, Where when and why?

Dear all,

isn't the structure far more important than word count? I mean it is fairly easy to write a massive report, yet if there is no good structure it may be meaningless.
I am used to word max and the difficulty is, in my opinion, to write condensed but clear. Therefore the main thing I am doing at the moment is make drafts and trying to set up a structure including only the relevant bits, leaving out issues that are less important.

happy! review published today!

Well done Chris,

make sure that you get yourself a reward: for example a very big ice cream!

You must be proud!

transcribing qualitative intervies

Hi epzds,

I am also doing the transcribing myself. Interviews are in German, and as I am not German myself, I have to ask a friend to correct my grammar. Although it takes a long time I think it is best to do it this way, as you get very familiar with your material and after some time you also get quicker and quicker.

Not sure whether voice software really helps.

Pre-requisites to get funding from Uni

O, yes regarding your question:
I am afraid that I do not really know the answer, as I am not fully familiar with the British system either. Sorry

Pre-requisites to get funding from Uni

Hi mami06,

just wanted to say to you: Welcome to the forum