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i have results.. but they go against the expected.. should i panic!

Hi PhDgirly

in early renaissance it was thought that blood circulated in the heart going from the left to the right. Scolars in that time were convinced that there had to be a "whole" in the heart making this possible. For science sake at demonstrations they showed a hole in the septum (which they had previously made to strongen their case).

Harvey calculated that the keep a system like that going one needed to have 180 liters of blood!

There is always a first person who discovers that previous thoughts may be wrong.

Just food for thought. No garantee that your figures are right!

Books on Focus Groups

Ha, thanks Pup,

this is useful. I am also in the medical field and know the Bowling book.

Thanks for letting me know.

Seminar teaching: Any experiences?


although no specific experience regarding research seminar I have often facilitated educational sessions and courses. It is important, in my opinion, to be aware that your audience will be adult learners. In general, adult learners learn when:
1. theme fits in with previous experience
2. considered to be relevant
3. non threatening environment
4. inspirational facilitator

In other words make sure the topic is relevant, use plenty of examples people can relate to, try and involve your audience, let them do things (instead of just listening / looking at power point) and create an atmosphere where people can be honest and open (small group work). Finally be enthousiastic about your topic!

Bit of a panic about publishing...

Hi Kremowka,

from previous postings I get the impression that it is nothing to worry about.

As always, obviously it would be good to be able to publish your work, yet worrying about it will not change anything and I understand that there are plenty of people finishing a PhD without publications.

Books on Focus Groups

Hi all,

my research proposal has been changed again. Instead of beginning with a a survey (with questionnaire) the first step will be using a focus group to assess what should be in the questionnaire.

I looked on Amazon for some books related to focus groups: they present:

Focus Groups: Practical Guide for Applied Research (Krueger, Casey) and
Focus Groups as Qualitative Research (Morgan).

Does anyone know these books and can indicate whether they are worth buying? Are there any other books people can recommend? Would value your views.

Kind regards,


my first chapter...

Hi Chris,

would like to say how I write:

First I brainstorm for myself: I write down all the things I can think of around a topic. Not bothered whether makes sense. Make a sort of drawing indicating how these things are linked. Then try and arrange them into catagories. This helps to get a structure. Getting a structure is important and takes quite a bit of time. Once I have a structure I try fill it in. I write freely, not bothered initially whether I can prove what I say (as you have read a lot, a lot is intuitive knowledge). Once I have something like structure and story see whether the things are actually true: connect with references. Then process of review and re-iteration: Corrections, adapt structure etc.

Hope this may be helpful

word limits - what do you reckon I can get away with?


it is indeed more difficult to write less words than more. I would be honest with your supervisor about it. I mean if you send things per E mail he can quite easily check the wordcount anyway.

Often the use of tables is a great way to reduce word count.

How long does it usually take for you to get feedback on your draft?

Hi Bananacake,

for me it usually takes several weeks, in the past longer. Keeping in close contact with supervisor, phoning etc. helps, in my opinion, to speed things up. I usaully have to take the initiative regarding this.

i keep crying!

Hi Phder,

seems a good a idea to go the gym, or ever even better to play sports with others. This will make that you get physically tired as opposed to emotionally tired. Physical tiredness will often make that you sleep well and often helps to manage and cope with the stresses.

Remember you are nearly there! Good luck!

i keep crying!


is there a reason for crying? do you sleep OK? do you feel low?. There can be several reasons for your crying, sometimes it is an emotional problem. Could be that you are working too hard.
Assure that you have plenty of sleep and protected time for yourself and people with whom you can talk. May be also consider to see the GP

Need cheering up

Hi cc,

I am sorry to hear regarding your troubles. Like the others I cannot give you any real advice. May be it helps to be aware that you are not the only one in this situation, see the postings on this forum. Also there is light the end of the tunnel, yet you may not see that now. You have come do far, would be a pity not to persevere and finish the PhD. It may help to write a few things down for yourself, as a means of reflection and to be able to manage your frustration. Voicing your concerns, like you are doing on this forum is also a good means of coping with it. The more your speak / write the less intensive the feelings may become and the easier it will be to manage your feelings

making job applications & tax question

Hi Jojo,

would you earn 70 K in your third year? I am impressed. What does one have to do for that? What type of job would that be? Sorry for being so curious.

I suppose it is expensive to live in London, hence the difference in wages.

research proposals ? ?


like Joyce I am in the process of writing the proposal. Using the word process is correct as it goes to and fro with corrections and changes. Although this is somewhat tiresome it does make that one sees the idea from all angles before embarging on a research project and then halfway finding out that it actually cannot be done or that the basis is flawed.

How to reference this paper

Thanks 404!

your remark made me smile. Yet obviousy you are right

today is where it officially comes to an end...

Hi Kronkodile,

great, you must be really happy and should have a very big party!

Keep in touch.