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The Word Association Game Thread


When is best?

I've never done anything like this before, and I was wondering whether it's usual to arrange the finer details of this sort of thing publicly, or what do people normally do?

I can't imagine that there are a bunch of internet stalker-weirdos planning to come unannounced, but sometimes I stop and think about how much personal stuff people put online and I wonder what the balance is between being naive, sensible and paranoid. Or maybe it doesn't really matter with things like this. Do you ever think about things like that, or is it an unexpected side-effect of my freshly-caught cold ;-)

Was promised teaching but nothing has materialized!

Don't get despondent yet, Argh! I got teaching on a second year undergrad programme as soon as it was mentioned by my supervisor, but it took me over a year to start doing final year undergrad dissertation supervision, mainly as there are less staff doing it so less opportunity for new lecturers to start. For the latter, I ended up expressing my interest in doing the teaching to the relevant staff who ran that dept and were responsible for employing lecturers, then I just waited until other staff left, making new teaching slots available. That wasn't anything to do with my supervisor, as my research topic was known to other staff by then and it seemed a good idea to speak directly to those whose students I would actually be teaching. Depends on the set up in your uni, I guess. Is there a lot of competition for teaching work in your place?

Why don't you mention it again to your supervisor to see what's going on? There might be other things out of his/her control, or other people involved that has made it slip from his mind or take longer to actually make the teaching happen. You'll never know unless you ask. Save your demoralisation until you know more!

The Word Association Game Thread


The Word Association Game Thread

Watership Down

The Word Association Game Thread


The Word Association Game Thread


The Word Association Game Thread


The Word Association Game Thread


Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

hehe so we did! I'll try to pop in while I'm at work, though I should make sure I don't look shifty and just save it for lunchtime really. That exhibition opens tomorrow too, so it will be interesting to see what it looks like!

Good luck with the rest of your reading, I'm impressed you've done as much as you have after the past few week's exertions!!

See you soon!:-)

When is best?

I'm afraid I don't like facebook, so am not on it - will that be a huge problem? There's always the PM thing on here too, I guess...

Let's have a forum meet: Episode II

Sorry 404, it got a bit out of perspective while you were away, but don't worry, everyone's happy now!

Yep, absolutely agree with what you've said.

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Hi Lara,

I noticed your weightwatching thread, hope it works! I'm not fat really, just a lazy so and so that puts weight on a bit when I go into so-called intellectual couch potato mode. I'm more concerned about staying healthy and getting through this winter and the rest of the PhD with no colds etc. than a bit of extra fat, but I'm not good with work-related stress so I suppose exercise would help... They do good exercise classes at my local gym that are a mish-mash of yoga, pilates and tai chi, set to pop music, so it's definitely not for yoga purists, more for people that want to get rid of a bit of stress, have a good stretch but find normal yoga deadly boring. I was thinking of going again soon anyway, though I'm not a huge fan of Robbie Williams songs and the like, but they are very good classes and harder work than you might think!!!

I've done sod all today I'm afraid, I started reading that chapter and I must have got bored with it, as I started doing something else... I wonder what...? Can't remember now, how embarrassing! I'll have another go at it before bedtime anyway. I'm at work for the next few days so I suppose I'd better give it my best shot tonight!

Good luck with your corrections!

How flexible is the flexible working?

I'm doing my PhD in a large arts institution, and hardly any of the graphics PhD students work in college. They are not linked to any specific large research projects though, but there purely for their own PhD research. Some drift in occasionally for seminars or other events, or to meet with supervisors, but some work in college regularly because they want to use certain bits of equipment, but definitely not because they have to come to college. They are a mixture of externally funded and self-funded students, both full-time and part-time. Actually it's the same for the fashion and art students too, everyone works all over the place, so I suppose that is pretty flexible! Needs a lot more self discipline though.

I'd assume that you'd probably have a better setup for kit at home than in college, if computer graphics is your subject, but as the previous posters have said, it's probably a good idea to ask your supervisor and also to pop in sometimes anyway, to show your face and keep in contact with other PhD students and related staff.