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PhD Journal

Not at home????

What do you do...

We're quite a mixture, aren't we. Being very curious (nosey!) it would be nice to know how many voted and who is in what area, though I guess it pops up in posts over time anyway...

Has anyone heard of these colleges before?

You could always teach there for a short while to get the money, but not put it on your CV. As long as you've got something else that looks better academically for that period on your CV, it could be your secret! You might find it's not for you anyway.

Someone here does a lot of teaching English as a foreign language, but it's more a money thing than a career thing for him - he'd drop it if he got more teaching in his chosen field, but there isn't much around at present. It comes down to economics in the end.

Has anyone heard of these colleges before?

They're independent, aren't they. The St Patricks one is in a tiny road off Oxford Street in central London and I can't say I've ever noticed it, though I've been based at colleges round here for years. Seems odd to have all their degrees validated by different UK unis.

Personally, I would only teach at colleges like that if I really needed the money, though my subject wouldn't fit anyway, as they seem to be more industry-orientated in their range of courses. I know there are certain places I *should* teach at for career enhancing purposes, if that doesn't sound too pretentious, though those colleges would also be far more interesting academically for my topic.

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======= Date Modified 25 Sep 2008 10:14:02 =======
It would be interesting to know many lurkers there are online at any time too, to identify the voyeuristic element on here! Or is that a dip too far into the darkside...?

Anyway, now that the excitement has worn off, I'm off for another coffee or I'll get nothing done today.:-s

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I think me and Sillybilly deserve a star each for being sharp-eyed at this early hour of the day :p

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Ooooh we can see who's online, so we can logon when our virtual mates are here too!

NEW FEATURE for www.PostgraduateForum.com

I'll sit and wait... it's the final countdown!

Please can someone help settle this for me?

And she has an unfeasibly large number of nephews and nieces in practically every part of the USA, plus one dead husband and no other relations that I've ever noticed, so I can't work out how all that's possible.

Name our Fish

Walminski, you've got no chance of a long and healthy life if the greens are those artificial fronds you get in tanks, it'd be the fishy equivalent of a KFC bucket.

Oh Tricky, absolutely not! I like neon tetras, I just got a bit carried away with the novelty of having a psychotic fish named after me! Though I do hear it's a dog eat dog world in that tank (or the fishy equivalent) so if I was you, my new motto would be carpe diem... ;-)

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Pari, it's better to have too much enthusiasm and no work than the other way round! Good to get selected for the basketball though.

I'll tell my supervisor about the pic problems, she will understand and say the right things! Don't know how much to say about my PhD really, it's quite nice being more or less anonymous on here, though I'm probably not really as it's too much effort!

See you tomorrow!

Name our Fish

Don't get too comfy in that tank Tricky, they don't call us the Angels of Death for nothing hehehe

Please can someone help settle this for me?

I prefer Quincy, I like the opening sequence when all the big policemen faint in horror when the sheet is tweaked off the supposed corpse, but not Quincy. It's so quaint in the way it shows dead bodies, compared with all the high-tech blood and guts of CSI forensic investigation. Clever too - they only had hair colour and blood type for clues in those days, before all that DNA malarkey. Plus there's some interesting 70s period styling, obviously. I'd never really noticed his womanising though!

The trouble with old Dr Sloan is the comedy element gets annoying sometimes, he really does break into songs and tap dances about when he gets the chance, he'll always be the Mary Poppins character to me. But I like him anyway!

I do love Ironside and the older 70s Columbos too, good period styling and clothes, plus Columbo often has interesting guest actors playing evil murderers, like Johnny Cash and Leonard Nimoy and even Dick van Dyke once, probably the only time he played a swine!!! Actually, I watch any TV detective programmes, sorry - the poll's not big enough!

Name our Fish

404 - lol you have a way with smileys - a true talent! (up)

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

That's great - if you'd been truly weird, they probably wouldn't have offered any help at all!

And actually, we probably all squirm at the memory of bad presentations we've done, but luckily the horror of it becomes more embarrassingly funny than anything else as time passes.