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Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Tractorgirl I know, I'd better hurry up!! It's my final deadline to get my pics out of the way for once and for all!

I was a bit worried I'd sounded like a panicker in my earlier comment, but I'd hate anyone to give me false reassurance about my work, and for me, my supervisor and PhD colleagues are the best placed to help, as they really know me and what I'm doing. My mum says she can't imagine why on earth anyone would want to do a PhD and put themselves through all this stress and anguish, and she can't wait till I've finished. Maybe we're all a bit strange and we never realised it before...

Doing a PhD, does it make you ugly?

A supervisor told me ages ago that he could always spot a PhD student close to submission, even if he didn't know them, because of the physical signs... freshly overweight or painfully thin, tired or permanently ill looking, hair falling out, skin problems, a glazed expression in their eyes. (He didn't mention bad dress sense, but I don't think he'd notice that anyway.) My hair's thinner than it was a few months ago, which is bothering me a bit. It's probably a good thing that completing students don't take part in recruitment events for new students though, as they (we!) probably wouldn't present a very enticing cohort.

I'd echo Bonzo's comment about the change in people who've finished though- it's like they're different people, or had a Trinny and Susannah/Gok style makeover or something. Amazing contrast.

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

======= Date Modified 04 Sep 2008 12:14:20 =======
Hi all,

Lara, I don't sound alarmist, but as your supervisor's the only person who can really reassure you, I think you should speak to them asap about your worries, or one of the other research administrators responsible for PhDs if you can't get hold of your supervisor right now. If they think you're worrying over nothing and reassure you, then that would be great and you can carry on with the current submission plan, hopefully with their advice on how to make the best use of the time you've got left. However, if they also express concerns about you being ready in time, then that's also ok if you can sort out an official extension. Don't leave it any longer though, you'll just work yourself into a state and sink down into in a well of misery.

My only experience is at my own uni, but they really do all they can to help students get through. They don't want failures as it's not great for the reputations of the college or the staff involved, especially if you've got virtually all of the work done. They know PhDs are huge projects and really stressful, and sometimes it's not humanly possible to get things done in time, hence the use of extensions in some cases. You really need to speak to someone though, to see what your options are.

I know what you mean about people asking if you're 'on target' too, really irritating. Can't bear people who've not done a PhD who keep asking if I've finished yet, or when I'm finishing, as it always sounds to me like they're saying "hhhm not finished yet? What's taking you so long, it's only a thesis...so what have you been doing all these years?" Or maybe that's just my PhD paranoia setting in lol.

Hope you're feeling a bit better today and had a good sleep, as being tired makes an already stressful situation a million times worse. Speak to your supervisor (or 2nd choice, another research person) today and let us know how you get on.

Take care of yourself, and see you later.

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

======= Date Modified 03 Sep 2008 23:51:19 =======
Hello there,

Lara, sounds a pretty worthwhile day so far, well done, you're getting there if you're about to start the writing at the computer! That'll make you feel better.

Armendaf sounds like you're gradually fine-tuning your chapter rather successfully, good stuff!

Is it ok to have a mini-rant, please...?? I've had a hideous day, a techno-nightmare. I had 17 pages of images to do and a few things to photograph, but it's still not all ready to print off. Had problems with my camera, it kept thinking the memory card was write-protected and it wasn't, so had to charge up my old, less good, one and the drivers had got corrupted on my pc, couldn't find the original disk to reinstall it, or the manual, as I am very untidy these days (PhD debris everywhere). It took ages to download new ones and reinstall them, downloaded a manual in Danish by accident which wasn't much use..... I'd forgotten how annoying technical things are when they don't work properly and how much time it takes to sort them out. Even listening to happy music didn't help. I was SO sick of it all. It's ok now though *phew*

In case it sounds a bit silly to get annoyed about pics, they're central to my whole thesis, they're my original data and evidence, so the whole thing doesn't make any sense without them. I only took breaks today during the essential murder/mystery and The Bill slots to have something to eat and still haven't got the images finished yet. I'm just staring at pictures of things and can't tell anymore which is the best photo, so I'd better go to bed I think.

Hope you have a good night if you're working anyway, see you tomorrow.

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Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

2.15pm on BBC1, but don't expect too much- it's just a lunchtime diversion and my taste in telly is apparently dire, so I'm told lol but I don't mind!! I think I'll go out and get the shopping first as am flagging a bit now.

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

======= Date Modified 03 Sep 2008 11:50:12 =======
======= Date Modified 03 Sep 2008 11:49:00 =======
I think the childcatcher is still quite a scary character, even as a grown-up.
I agree, Monk is brilliant, really funny sometimes - loved the plague episode a while back!
And yep back to work!

all these edits - still haven't woken up properly obviously lol

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

======= Date Modified 03 Sep 2008 10:28:46 =======
======= Date Modified 03 Sep 2008 10:28:27 =======
Hi everyone,

Also checking in for the day.

Armendaf, hope you get enough of the chapter done before going to work, it is hard juggling different things but it will be worth it in the end. Great that you were only half as sore from the footie - next time hopefully pain-free!

Lara, Tractorgirl and Armendaf are right, you achieved a huge amount yesterday - 13 pages!! Well done!! (up)
It's hard to be pleased with yourself when you're up against deadlines and are so close to your work, but you really can't do any more. And we're all told a thesis is *never* perfect and corrections are to be expected, so that should stave off termination for you and TG, though I'm sure you'll both be fine and are being far too critical of your work.

Tractorgirl, yep DM looks good today from the blurb in the TV guide. Possibly a bit sad to arrange a viewing schedule for the day before one's PhD objectives, but ho hum, if a break's timetabled in maybe more will get done!!!

I'm in a better mood today and am actually interested in my work again (couldn't muster any enthusiasm at all yesterday). Amazing what a bit more sleep does. Today I'll do what I should have done yesterday and finish those pics for my supervisor, so I can finally get rid of that chapter, and then start planning the 2nd draft rewrites.

Good luck with the work everyone, see you later!

Four Letter Word--Change one letter


Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

======= Date Modified 02 Sep 2008 20:34:18 =======

I'm calling it a day as well, I just can't get into it. Decided on the images and accompanying text for the exhibition, and have written a rough draft, but that's all. And I fell asleep after lunch:$

Tractorgirl, sounds like a good day for you, but hope you don't have to resort to running away or termination!! What more can you humanly do but plod on?
Diagnosis Murder was about a deranged murderous secretary today, it had it's moments! I love the way Dick van Dyke often seems to squeeze Mary Poppins cheeky-chappie song and dance routines into it, really incongruous but quite endearing. And the number of his family members he gets into the cast- I counted 5 different van Dykes in one episode a few weeks ago, am curious to see whether he can top that for showbiz nepotism!!

Hope you all get stuff done if you're still working, see you tomorrow.

Coping with a mortgage whilst doing PhD

======= Date Modified 02 Sep 2008 16:08:35 =======
I think it would depend on how you are planning to fund your PhD and whether you are doing it full-time or part-time. A PhD is a much longer and more time-intensive commitment than a masters, and unforeseen events can unfortunately make it last even longer, should you need time out for bereavement/illness/other personal things. A 6 month or one year suspension of studies can easily mess up any careful financial planning you might have done prior to embarking on a PhD, but life happens, as they say, and you need to be as confident as you can that you're able see it through financially.

I did my masters part-time while working in a full-time job, which was ok. I started off in the same way with my PhD, but quickly realised I had to give up some of my job to realistically do my doctorate properly. I paid off most of my mortgage before I chucked in half my job, as tend to be quite cautious about money stuff and didn't want to get into a dodgy financial situation that would make me even more stressed than a PhD normally should! Apart from not being able to plan for unforeseen life circumstances that might lengthen the time you spend on your doctorate and put a correspondingly greater financial burden on you, there are also annoying property-owning expenses that have to be met, and tend to happen when you least expect them - eg if a boiler needs replacing, or other domestic things that are really boring to spend money on, but essential.

In retrospect, I would have had real problems if I'd done my PhD full-time on a bursary, as I got rushed into hospital for a major operation a couple of years ago completely out of the blue, which entailed a long recovery period and time off my PhD. Goodness knows what the situation is if that's your only source of income and you're really ill. I don't want to sound pessimistic or put you off as it's worked out fine for me so far - am more sensible than I realised 8-). But unless you're a millionaire or have other people who can support you financially, it does need some serious thought and planning.

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