Overview of Sara

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Just heard some bad news

Definitely! She has to have a surgery as soon as possible but at the moment, her very high flu makes it impossible. So, we are waiting... Thats all I know and I got very down tonight. It also made me reconsider things and see my PhD and all the stress that comes with it from another perspective!

Just heard some bad news

Athina is in the hospital. I just found out from a colleague of hers (we are in the same uni). I do not know exactly what is wrong but it must be something with her heart. He parents and brother came from Greece.. I don't know how serious it is. She also took the term off already. I hope she will be ok soon :-(

Weird Naughty Dreams

Piglet, my list is very similar to yours! And I feel exactly the same. In my dreams, I have a wonderful time but when I wake up I am wondering why I dream of these people since I don't care about them at all. Very very weird! My last dream though, was about my boyfriend being with a female friend of mine. That was not very enjoyable

Weird Naughty Dreams

Good morning everyone (working from home today. Its great!)

For the last three weeks I am with a guy and we have a really good time together. The thing is that since the day I met him, I started having naughty dreams involving strangers or people I already know (but I never thought of them sexually) but I never had a dream of him. It is all very weird because I didt use to have such dreams before and now I wake up each day after dreaming of a whole romance-sex-passion story involving a neighbour, another night a fellow PhD student... even my supervisor! Do you have any explanation for that?

Pub is calling...

Hi all! I have been out of the country for a 2-week holiday and it has been amazing! For some strange reason I do not feel guilty (I have even booked my next holiday for April). Even when people tell me how much they have worked, I do not seem to worry. Either I am very optimistic (falsly) or I have too much confidence in how hard I can work (when I need to). I don't know what it is but I have been like that in my whole life and it has all been ok by now. Maybe we shouldnt stress people by saying how much each of us works. Honestly I have more that 6 weeks per year totally free and it is still all working fine!

Christmas Parties - Tell us about yours!

I hope it is not the same person DJ. Ahhh, 4 hours until I meet him!

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas H!! Where are you going to? Anywhere nice?

Christmas Parties - Tell us about yours!

Ahh mine is gorgeous! Average-tall -ish height, slim and fit, dark blond-brown short (and crazy) hair, AMAZING deep blue eyes, fantastic skin and goutsou goutsou lips. He is half boy half man as well. I hope he is man in the right half-LOL. And he is innocent and sexy at the same time. And the way he looks at you... ahhh! He is from Norway! Maybe I should learn something dirty in his language for when he comes to meet me

Christmas Parties - Tell us about yours!

Even better! What does he look like, tell us!

Christmas Parties - Tell us about yours!

Tricky, do you also fancy 22 year olds? Well the good about men is that when they are very young they like older women (the bad thing is that when they get old they like the younger ones). Sorry I am talking about my little under-boy. I am so much in love!!! And I am going to see him in a few hours!

Christmas Parties - Tell us about yours!

The PGFT is unusually talkative today. Any particular reason for that?

Christmas Parties - Tell us about yours!

I meant 22 year olds are so little and cute, they are more to the kid side (sort of like late teens ) than to mens. I love them though!!! I have to get myself one. So innocent, so delicious.. goutsou goutsou!!! Why are you touchy PGFT? Are you 22 year-olds? If yes...mmmmmmm!!!!!

Christmas Parties - Tell us about yours!

I am planning the same thing on the same day as you With the type of man (if 22 year-olds are considered men). Hmm...

Christmas Parties - Tell us about yours!

I will go to a Christmas Party on the 21st. I hope with my little undergrad!!! DJWickid, you havent told us. What happened that night on the double date? Was it a Christmas party?

Is everyone sleeping?

Jesus! Is it that late??? I m going to bed!!!! Goodnight guys! Sleep well! Sweet dreams!