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please help with words? quick question

hi Tree *big hug* thanks
I got a brain-freeze :-)
love satchi

please help with words? quick question

hi everyone
is there a name or a term for this:

say you call up BT for help, but you reach a machine saying

Press 1 for English
Press 2 for German
Press 3 if you want to report a fault
Press 4 if you want to purchase a service

is this called telephone answering machine? But there is no machine there?

or is it a service, but how can it be a service?

love satchi

no access to journal, can somebody help?

Hi datura
Thank you so much :-)
Love satchi

no access to journal, can somebody help?

hi everyone,
does anyone have access to this paper? If so, could you kindly help me?


love satchi

Analysis of Telemedicine from an Organizational Perspective


Telemedicine Journal. January 1995, Vol. 1, No. 3: 203-213

Changed my mind after accepting the unconditional offer

hi there, if you have another offer and you really like the other PhD, the choice is yours whether to take or not :-) Have you signed anything? Don't worry because if you don't take the first one, they can always get other students, the world is full applicants...(for love, food, phd, job etc)

love satchi

First PhD Interview: Prep/Expected Questions

**Big hug**
love satchi

Bank Statement for Germany visa in Ph.D?

hi awaisagha,
Well done thats really a great score for your mphil!
if you are offered a stipend from DAAD, let's say they gave you a scholarship, I don't think you will need a bank statement because your scholarship should cover your living expenses. I know a few friends who did not use their bank statements to apply for visas because they had a financial letter from the sponsor to show. Don't worry about it. Get the scholarship/stipend/sponsorship first :-)

love satchi

Bank Statement for Germany visa in Ph.D?

hi awaisagha I think you may still need to show some financial documents. If there is no tuition free, we still need to satisfy Immigration conditions that we are able to support ourselves in Germany.

love satchi

question about publications

hi marasp, thanks :-) your responses have been very helpful
love satchi

Writer's block

hi, I can understand how it feels because i also had writers block! One easy way to unblock is to scribble or write something unrelated to your thesis -- could be a letter to God, a love letter, a poem, an email and something will happen! Start writing :-)

love satchi

question about publications

hi marasp, if we put say an unpublished thesis, that would give people an idea of our skills? I've been trawling online and I've seen people put "Complete list of publications" and everything is in it. Or they divide it into articles, reports etc..... ? satchi

The reports of my PhD thesis arrived 7 months late!

this has been hard on you, first port of call is your supervisor. Next place is your Graduate School, there should be someone in charge of thesis submissions etc. get hold of this person, do some "stalking", find out who this person is, and get in touch--email, face to face, do something :-)

love satchi

question about publications

hi everyone, when we write a list of our publications, do we include unpublished stuff as well, for example our theses?? And we put say:

Yamaguci, S., 2009. Exploration.....University X, UK. Unpublished thesis.


Advice regarding t-Test results

hi Prins, hi Thesisfun
Prins, this benchmark of 4 is what I don't understand, because the value of 3 also carries weight in justifying people's responses, as much as value 4 or 5 or even 2.
So your true "benchmark" may not be 4? I don't know your framework so I can't tell if component A is very important. You could use the confidence interval to use the range but there is no measure of change so it would be that using the CI to interpret could not tell us anything, as commented by thesisfun.

love satchi

London direction--help?

Hi Marasp
Thanks! Will book my ticket now
Love satchi