Overview of satchi

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The One Goal Thread

hi sneaks!
Today's goal is to get lots of rest and SLEEEP!!
really had a rough week
love satchi

Today is a great day

I dont know who Floella Benjamin is :-), peerage for her is good indeed and also TODAY itself is a great day!!!
My very very rough week came to a good end!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

The One Goal Thread

hi sneaks how u doing :-)
I've had a very rough week (last week!) and this week is again the same.
Hopefully things get better soon.

Today's goal again is to do yesterday's work.
love satchi


yes i think its possible to combine research with part time work. But i found this very difficult. I couldn't cope, mentally it was ok, and I enjoyed getting to know new friends while working part time.

There was also no pressure from my part-time work or phd but the physical demands were too much for me (lots of walking to-and-fro, plus I had to carry my backpack, lunch etc.) and eventually I had to stop working part-time.

My advice will be: work part time only if you absolute have to and can cope with it
love satchi

funding-what to do first?

hi ellimay
Goodboy is right. I think you need to give yourself more time to find out about applications, funding competitions etc.

Preparation is really a part of the phd process :-)

It is also a good idea to wait and apply to universities when competitions are open--but you can use this time to find out everything you can about funding, research topic, where you want to do your phd etc.etc.

You graduated in december, and it's nearly the end of May 2010 now. Plenty of time, really. Don't worry. Everything will fall in place in time.

love satchi


hi, congratulations on starting your phd :-)
Don't worry, the first year can be worrying especially when you feel that not much is done.
Issues with collaborators are common in most phds.

Since you are working in a different field now, it is understandable that you feel more anxious and confused at times. This is normal for most people, don't let it discourage you. Switching fields takes time, some people transform like chameleons, some need more time, some cannot adapt at all. You need to give yourself more time.

You also need to take care of yourself. Sometimes you need a break away from your phd work, take short walks, spend time with friends, talk to family, go window-shopping, exercise, do something.

Also, when you are able to concentrate, focus on your new topic of study. Since it is completely new to you, it should also be fun and interesting to learn, why not :-). Focus yourself on this instead of dwelling on your insecurities. The insecurity feelings will always be there, but these come and go.

Choose to be happy, and think positive.
Remember that if you feel lost, you can be found again.
Take care

Let's form a story!

when suddenly,
"ouch!!!!" squealed the professor

Let's form a story!

Seven days later, the Hare was resurrected...
"Rabbit is back,"he snarled

latex question

I have just looked at the lyx.org, thanks for this.
Also what is the difference between jabref and bibdesk?
If i use bibdesk I dont have to use jabref?


General questions + Funding

hello! Goodboy is right. I'm in a hurry now so I'll make this short :-)
Dont worry about your 1st degree results; concentrate on your masters :-)
yes its possible to get a monthly amount
* rushing rushing
love satchi

latex question

help! JabRef crashed after I tried to import a .txt file (my bibliography) what should I have done?
How do I save a database properly then

Any stats gurus?

hiya sneaks
do u think it is possible to test according to the sentences/theme?

oh ya you remember how good I am at statistics HAHAHAAHAHAHA
I'm just making a guess here :-) :-) :-) hehehehe

what if you coded the data according to the themes. but the problem of not independent scores is still there, perhaps maybe only a simple frequencies' analysis to say such-and-such sentences came from so-and-so.

have you also done intercoder reliability? that is some result too if there's not much tests you can do after that :-) :-) :-)


latex question

hi everyone! I have just exported my references into a txt file to put inside Jabrefs.
Correct, right?
I'm going to look at the macTex tonight
love satchi

Any stats gurus?

hi sneaks
is this a multiple response thingy?
love satchi

latex question

hi and help
its satchi again
I have got proTexT and Jabref; I'm a bit confused, so this means I can get started, I dont have to get the texnicenter download, right? It is enough with just protext and jabref for windows?
