Overview of satchi

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Excel Alternative

hi maxipat, superman thanks for the graph tips here :-) I am also looking for some nice application for my graphs.

how to choose between two labs

hi Catcat; I would say, choose the phd according to what you really like, not what you want to be, although that is also one of the reasons for your choice. Some people do phd in Subject A but end up working in Subject C, D, or E instead.
For me, the best reason would be to do a phd in a topic which is my true interest. Career will fall into place after.

Also, I don't think it is bad to withdraw email acceptance; but if you take a longer time to reply, you actually deprive another potential student of the offer/position/studentship. Simply said, if you dont want it, give this opportunity to others. So it is best that if you are VERY VERY SURE that you want to say "no thank you" and you know that you are very very very sure, then don't take so long to tell them.

Advice please

hi Ninjaphder,
I just read your list; I dont really know what to say; except that I sympathise with you. Are you happy there? if the phd means a lot to you and you choose to stay then you would have to put up with more of this, I really don't think there will be much changes in the "control" department. Your supervisor/department sounds (to me) to be quite inconsiderable.

I use headphones too, and sometimes I wear them because my colleagues are talking and when they are talking, they sound like they are buzzzing... BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ especially when I'm trying to concentrate so I put my headphones on to try to block out the buzzing because I need to work. If someone told me I couldnt wear them, I would be very unhappy.

I am so sorry that your supervisor constantly criticizes you; maybe hes doing it to make himself feel more secure. I have seen people like that in my old lab.

Whatever you choose to do, follow your heart. if you choose to stay, remember at the end point when you have secured that phd, that you should not keep or bring any bitter feelings with you; but instead be proud that you survived it all, you earned your doctorate, you made it.

love, satchi

When writing gets so painful!

I am also struggling..

Money saving tips anyone?

hi Natassia
Its nice to know at least you have a horse :-) I don't so there is no horse-feed or horse-upkeep...
its true that if you share your horse, it might be more troublesome :-)
here are some tips:
1. Only buy groceries when necessary
2. Absolute control when shopping; if not necessary, don't go :-)
3. Don't even window shop
3. Stay home more often (going out means spending £££)
4. Every month set a target to put aside (and see how it goes)
5. Keep a comfortable distance from shopper-friends :-)
6. Have your meals at your mum's (go home more often if its not too taxing on the horse)

at first it will be quite difficult, but after one month, two months, three months, when you see your bank account getting bigger, you will feel better :-)
satchi x

PLZ anyone give me advice to my scholarship application

hi, sorry to hear that you haven't been successful yet. But all is not lost, you do have other options:
You can either:
1. continue applying for scholarships
2. change your PhD country of choice
3. look for a student loan from where you come from so that you may consider your con or un-con offers
4. do your phd locally where you live where it is more affordable (instead of overseas)
5. look for any external phd options offered so that you may work and do phd on a part-time basis
6. look for any academic vacancy in the colleges/universities in your country, assuming you are qualified to teach, maybe start as junior lecturer--why because there may be opportunities for staff training/development where universities send their staff overseas (or locally) to do their phd. If this works, you may be accumulating work/teaching experience and gradually a phd. And when you finish, you still have your academic post waiting for you.

its not the end of the world.

Is it me, or have you noticed...

hi everyone I just cried my eyes out watching this
( last day on the iplayer )
sniffy satchi


hi sneaks :-) have you sent this student a copy of those "how to find references" "how to use the library website" pdfs; once she knows how to run search on say Web of Knowledge, then perhaps she will stop bugging you.
have a wonderful weekend

Supervising MSc students- how much do you do for them?!

I just read your posts! Goodness you do so much. Undergrads who do their final-year dissertation may need more attention but MSc students should be more independent. I'm glad you also told your supervisor. Hope it goes well from now :-)
saturday satchi

SE and SD question

hi ju-ju and catalinbond, good morning everyone!
thanks for your help; I will report the SE for my t tests :-)

SE and SD question

Hi everyone..Sneaks are u there
its satchi I'm confused again
when do we report SE and when do we report SDs?
why do we have to use SE when reporting t test results? can we not use the SD.

slope calculation

:-) :-) :-)

slope calculation

hi sneaks; yes its not regression; I've just figured it out, I think they used the maximum value (of the data) minus minimum divided by times of exposure; and not done with spss. Then after that compared this value for the days.
:-) satchi

slope calculation

hi sneaks! its just this paper which I am reading says they calculated slopes for each day but didnt say how they did it. I'll have a look round google then.
thanks :-) satchi

slope calculation

Hi all, sneaks are you there... :-)
how do I calculate slope for ANOVA? if its data from repeated measures anova, where do the slope scores appear?

thanks satchi