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Sxxt in a bubble bath - You can't do that!

Quote From Batfink27:

Gah. I swing between wanting to punch a Tory (any passing Tory would do, or even a Lib Dem come to that) and a sense of overwhelmed impotence at how everything just always gets worse and nobody will ever have any opportunities ever again, unless they're lucky enough to already come from a wealthy family.

I'm not defending the Tories, far from it, but it was actually the Labour government who commissioned the report.

The One Goal Thread

Goal 1: Finish reading and taking notes on Article 1.

Goal 2: Read and make notes on Article 2.

Article request

Drop me a PM with your email address. :-)

Proposal frustrations - lack of feedback and wasted time

30-50 pages? For a proposal? That's a lot! My uni didn't have many guidelines either, but I was told that the maximum length for the proposal is 5 pages, double-spaced etc. Are you sure it's not 3-5 pages?

Difficulties getting back into working

So... I handed in my MA dissertation about 2 weeks ago, and I haven't done anything academic since. My PhD started this week, I'm seeing my sup on Friday and I'm supposed to come up with a plan for the next month. The problem is I just don't feel like picking up a book/article or to even look my research log to see what needs to be done. I also have to give a 500 word summary to my graduate tutor by Friday and I haven't done any of that yet.

Anyone else experiencing the same thing? How do you/did you get over it?

is it possible to read 75 pages daily?

Yeah, 75 pages is definitely possible a day. I'm with Stressed, 75 pages should take a couple of hours.

Article request

Hi, I have access to that journal. Drop me a PM with your email.

Submitted conference proposal - how long till I hear back?

Thanks everyone! Yeah, I thought it will be 6-8 weeks or even a bit more, but it's good to get some confirmation of that. Thanks again! :-)

Submitted conference proposal - how long till I hear back?

So, I submitted my first conference proposal on Friday, the deadline is tomorrow. The conference itself is in mid-April. Any idea how long it will take till they get back to me? I appreciate that it differs with every single conference, but what would be an average timescale?

Many thanks!

Article access - Journal of Visual Culture??

I have access to that too. Could you PM me your email again?

Article access - Journal of Visual Culture??

I can get that. Drop me a PM with your email and I can send it to you.

paper scrounge...

I can get it. Drop me a PM with your email and I can send it to you.

standing on our own two feet: quality of research and writing without supervisor input?

I'm just starting my PhD, so I don't have direct experience of this myself, but I guess during your PhD you build up a network of people who you trust, and you can give them your work for feedback. At least this is what people I know are doing.

Article request

I have it. PM me and I send it to you.

how did you acknowledge your supervisor

Quote From jojo:

HAHA Sim 8-). Copying from one source is plagiarism; copying from more than one source is research.

Haha! That used to be on my sup's office door. :-)