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Interesting observation...

Isn't it to do with the middle non-swearing finger (proper name of it...anyone?) sharing muscles with the sweary finger and the little finger? If you turn your hand palm face up and stretch your fingers away from your palm there's far more of a hollow underneath non-sweary finger at the knuckle-level (on the palm side.)

I would guess that being able to do it is to do with the strength of the muscles that your fingers use.

On a not-quite-associated note
Bug: Does playing piano result in having good grip as well?

Fun, happy things!

catalinbond: Can you advertise? Please? I wants me some asparagus....and I'm cheap.

What should our next office pet be?

I just saved my pet brick from being left in an old house (my brother was still staying in the house.) Actually, the house (and the brick - called Roy) is in Sheffield not far from the PGF office (he's a pure Crookes-bred brick, even says so on him.) So, if you were willing to offer him a good home.......

Yet another relationship advice post from me

Quote From Natassia:

I know what you mean Sneaks - I did manage to get something out of him and basically he's staying with a friend whose wife has been taken seriously ill and is in hospital, there are clearly other issues involved as he's worried that this friend is going to harm himself. His mum has thrown him out of the house, god knows why as she got really upset when he told her he was going to move out again with friends. And then there are some more problems that I have an idea about from previous conversations, but they are basically people taking advantage of his good nature. He said that he wished he could tell me but that I wouldn't like it and that it would upset me and make me worry about him when I had other things to worry about.

It isn't an ex though, which is slightly comforting for me, I have to think about my own feelings as well.

Calm it down ladies, this lad is doing his best.

There's nothing suspicious or wrong about a guy keeping things close to his chest and looking after his mates; it's what good blokes do....particularly early in a relationship. I understand that women rarely comprehend the emotional depth/loyalty that a good male friendship has (or the average man has), but surely you have some inkling?

To use an old cliche as way as explanation, I think the problem is just that "men are from Mars and women are batshit crazy."

What should our next office pet be?

How about an Ewok?

Now the Star Wars craze is over there's many abandoned Ewoks littering the country.

The One Goal Thread

I would like to celebrate contacting my supervisors for the first time in two months......with a shed load of work. Ah, the dysfunctional relationship continues.

Who's staying up to watch the election results?

I'd like to point this out in my crusade against the Tory spin machine.

36.1% of the vote, even if its the majority of the vote, does not constitute a mandate to govern without an absolute majority of seats. If you have a problem with this then what you are talking about is constitutional reform.....which is what the Conservatives are opposed to.

The main point is that we are not a democracy, we run a majoritarian system and no party has a majority.

Who's staying up to watch the election results?
Who's staying up to watch the election results?

Evil is on the march again :-(

Who's staying up to watch the election results?

8-1 to the forces of good!*

*I'm of Irish Catholic descent....Sinn Fein is thus seen as good, the DUP as bad.

Who's staying up to watch the election results?


Get in there lads.

I have to listen, I study Politics....it would be wrong not to.

Doing a second PhD?

I have some good advice........get a job!


I guess so. First, who the hell spells their name "Garryck"? Anyhow, from his website
"He trained to become a driving Instructor. they moved to Wales where they had 2 children (one lives locally and the other lives in Cornwall with his wife). Garryck set up his own business later returning back to Chelmsford where he set up Chelmsford School of Motoring. Later he went through a divorce and a year later met a chelmsford girl they married and five years later moved to Cornwall and had two daughters where they still live.Garryck sold his Cornish business and moved back to Chelmsford last year. he was divorced while in Cornwall thereafter he became a mature Student and completed his Bsc at Plymouth University in Law. While in Cornwall Garryck was secretary of FNF and Trained as a Mediator working for Cornish Mediation. In Chelmsford Garryck worked a Driving Instructor but stopped recently due to work shortages. He is involved in a local Housing Forum and has been involved in further training.


Amateur Dramatics, Swimming, The Theatre, Stand Up, Travelling, Burns Night. Philosophy, History, Reading both Fiction and Non Fiction, New Technologies, Popular Music & Dressing up."

Checking off the info from the article
Four children
Driving Instructor
Amateur Dramatics
"Dressing up"
Again, the name.8-)


And a little bit more to depress you. His website bio tallies with the events http://www.falmouthpacket.co.uk/news/1881488.why_gee_gee_was_sacked/


While I know his electoral chances are less than Torquay winning the Premiership 5 seasons from now (come on lads!) I was just on my g-mail account and guess what was advertised to me! Yes, that's right, our one and own Garryck. The only reason I picked up on it was because it mentioned Essex, and I didn't figure many political parties had started in Essex recently. Looks like he's really throwing (wasting) his money behind this with google adverts.