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The One Goal Thread
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ARGH! feeling overwhelmed today, I've had loads of 'advice' from people about the interview (I like the advice on here, but this is from annoying people who actually have no idea), and I've had about 10 people ask me how the PhD is going, have I finished yet etc. NO I HAVEN'T!!!!!

Plus I've got colleagues at uni being a bit snidey and have dropped me in it a few times, can't work out if I'm imagining it or if they are really doing it, maybe I'm just paranoid?

PhD Year One, Year Two, Year Three
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Just make the blocks bigger on the chart e.g. so lit review starts in novemeber and finishes in october lol.

PhD Year One, Year Two, Year Three
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ah yes, sorry, should have said that my timeline in my post below, was only in relation to my first study, I had another 2 years of collecting, analysing and writing up data as I went, and then I'm still writing now.

PhD Year One, Year Two, Year Three
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I'd use a gant chart for each year. THink about when you are going to start data collection (if applicable) and write it up etc. I think my first year one inlcuded reading, writing literature review, developing research questions, accessing data, collecting data, analysing data, providing feeback to data providers, writing up findings, writing up chapter etc etc.

Didn't do any of it of course :p

The One Goal Thread
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Actually I think one of the reasons they rejected was because my supervisor changed my wording in my conclusion. I put that the results "may have implications for xyz" and she changed it to "the results show that.." and they've said "well actually you haven't shown it at all" lol, I did raise this beforehand though and was shot down, so hopefully we'll change this before submitting to the next journal. I'm still aiming for 4* ones though.

I just have to spend all day practicing for this presentation and interview. Wish I could get something stronger than bach's rescue remedy!

The One Goal Thread
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haha, no it was a rejection. oh well, on to the next!

Just getting ready for interview
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good to hear JC. I went for a job recently like that. Unfortunately I'm not in a financial situation to withdraw, but didn't get it anyway haha!

I've re-done my presentation and feeling slightly better about tomorrow, even with the rubbish reference :-(

Just getting ready for interview
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Good luck! Mines on thursday and I'm feeling super under-prepared and yesterday realised my sup has given me a crappy reference :-(

I reckon you'll be great! (up)

The One Goal Thread
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Oh dear, I'm everywhere today. Have had to wait in all morning for a parcel, so only just been out with the dog.

I've checked my journal article progress (the top journal in my field eek) and it says a decision letter has been drafted - that's probably not good as its quite quick, but at least I can resubmit to another journal ASAP if its a no.

Todays goal: re-do presentation for interview and practice practice practice

Pointless topic of the week - hair styling
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I have very long (i think its nearly down to my belt line now) and very thick hair. I tend to just wash it, with a load of conditioner, especially at the ends as it gets knotty, and then let it dry naturally, I've not used a hairdryer in about 6 years.

I sometimes straighten it, if so I wash it the night before, let it dry and then straighten it in the morning, I use treseme's heat protect thing if I do this and bed head shiny spray (its in a pink can) afterwards.

But generally nothing. However, I always go to the hairdressers and ask for a style that needs NOTHING in it. So they cut away, and when they're done they're all "so you just need to put a bit of clay here, a bit of mousse, a bit of serum, then spray it with this..." erm no. If I put anything in my hair I feel the need to wash it every day cos it feels all yukky.

any tips?
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yep, this week, I'm getting v nervous and snappy with hubs :$

At the mo, I've swapped round the teaching and research sections, so I have teaching first. THis is because I think I need an 'conclusion' slide, which I guess would need info about what I want to do in the next year, but also a summary of why I'm the best/the ideal candidate. I'm just not sure what to put on it - its blank at the mo :$

any tips?
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its occurred to me that I need a slide about what I'm doing next i.e. applying for research grants and publications, do you think that's a good idea?

Stats question: log-transformations
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isn't it a friedman's test (or something!?) or a krusal wallis?

The Elusive Research Question
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mine was defined from the outset, but my sup didn't want to use what had been in the proposal. But i never really got a research question. I ended up doing an exploratory study to explore the key issue, and there was a huge gap in the literature. Then I did my 2nd and 3rd studies from questions raised in this and also things I was interested in. I'm stringing it all together with a story line at the mo. But I never had a clear question to address if that makes sense.

anyone got any confidence tips
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omg, I forgot about the 5 stars! I might as well rip up my CV and present them with this forum - the evidence of my true procrastination potential.