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First week woes
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ah ok, otherside of the world is a bit worse than a 3 hour train journey!

I would wait and see, in one way it could be a blessing in that you will be 100% concentrated on your work.

I think there are others who have/are doing LDRs during their PhDs, so I think its definitely doable, especially in this age of Skype.

Of course, keep an eye out on all the conferences going on where your bf lives :p you might get funding to visit!

You could in a few weeks discuss arrangements around christmas etc. I know people who just take 2 months off around xmas! So maybe you could ask to go home during that time - and possible the summer hols.

It all depends on subject though and how you collect your data.

First week woes
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do you mean 6 months in a row?

I think it all depends on the department/subject - it may be that your supervisor is happy for you to work at home (where your bf is) and come in for meetings. I do that, I just travel in (about a 3 hour journey), when needed.

I probably wouldn't bank on 6 months in a row at home though, even in the write up, as people will want meetings etc.

taki PM
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while you're here pete, can we have some more smileys please :-) a tomato one would be the best :-)

The One Goal Thread
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I've had a rubbish few days on work - sitting and doing very little, I can't seem to break out of it, nothing will work. I've tried mytomatoes, tried making lists/setting deadlines, and I've blocked all the internet sites I procrastinate on, but still I'm having trouble settling and getting a task done in the time it SHOULD take :-(

Journal Article(s) Request
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I had a look for all of them but couldn't find any :-(

taki PM
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Quote From satchi:


Is this a threat of some sort?

I haven't received one :-( maybe James Taki does not think that I am a trustworthy person :-(

Analysis help
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Andy field's 2009 book has a great chapter at the end on multi-level modelling - very easy to follow. There's a limited preview on google books.

I have a book somewhere about using AMOS on pdf - pm me your email if you want me to send it over. also see http://www.statisticshell.com/sem.pdf

Thoughts: quoting the bible and the Pope in an academic paper
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I suppose you could argue that the gospels have been peer reviewed, and the peers have written their own versions (i.e. amednments), but haven't they got a load of gospels that the churches don't allow to be 'official'? I suppose that's like ignoring the reviewer that wanted you to re-write loads of it.

Paper Help Fiasco - Walminski Investigates!
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Wow Wal, you've taken procrastination to a new level :-)

Did yu phone them, or did they LOL by email?

paper help please
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But you are directly discussing information related to your topic of interest. And formally, or informally you are collecting information about our behaviours and opinions on the matter, without declaring (initially) that you are researching (or thinking about researching) the topic. It just seems a little sneaky (and I should know, cos I'm Sneaks).

The One Goal Thread
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======= Date Modified 14 Oct 2010 13:34:25 =======
its too cold!

Edited due to typing in gloves

What is the PhD finally titled??
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ah ok, I replied to your other post which you should also anonymise as you have with this :-)

what decides PhD title/ field ?
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I think it will become clearer overtime, when you start understanding which specific bits are more relevant. But also, depends on the job your going for :p I've changed the wording of mine to appear more subject-friendly for a job I'm doing, although they are interchangeable names I've used.

If you are going to continue to use the forum for help and advice, I would suggest anonymising your post a little.

paper help please
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Quote From Eskobastion:

Quote From sneaks:

does that mean I've been some kind of participant in your research? Can I have a right to withdraw, or even some informed consent would be nice.

No. You should read my previous message a little bit more carefully.

I did, but in discussing and collecting information about the topic, I would consider that in some way research. At least you should have perhaps revealed your motives sooner?

The One Goal Thread
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Goal 3 done :-)

lunch, then

Goal 4: the next bit of non-phd work (when will it end!?)