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paper help please
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does that mean I've been some kind of participant in your research? Can I have a right to withdraw, or even some informed consent would be nice.

Careful, the last PhD Criminology student I heard of was a bit strange http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1282131/PhD-student-Stephen-Griffiths-tells-court-crossbow-cannibal.html

Setting up a Journal
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the BPS have a guide here, quite brief though, maybe they have something similar in your field?


The One Goal Thread
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it is pretty good, although hubby still has £1k left on his, but we can't increase his payments because I'm out of a job :-( I think he's jealous. I'm just glad it was good timing - that it was paid off just as my stipend finised, otherwise I'd find it VERY difficult to come up with the payments.

Next Goal: Do next piece of non-PhD work

paper help please
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I suppose it is 'possible', but I very much doubt that people who are conscientious enough to make sure they are well-read on their subject of choice, would then decide to falsify results.

So if you are ok with borrowing, is it ok if Satchi reads the paper and makes sure she emails it back to JC? :p

Sxxt in a bubble bath - You can't do that!
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I think you need your big coat back on Eska, its getting cold!

Last on to post on this thread wins
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OMG I won!

paper help please
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Quote From Eskobastion:

How long is the pathway from using illegal or infringed material to plagiarisation and fabricating research results?

Erm, a looooooooong way. Borrowing a paper to read, and then properly citing the author within your own work is entirely different to plagarism. The fact you cite the person means that it can never be plagarism! And fabricating research results doesn't seem to have any relevance. Are you suggesting that because we want to learn and expand our minds on the various theories/research out there by sharing it among us, we'll suddenly say "oh actually, this scientific lark is a bit silly, why don't I just make up some results and publish them!?"

Thoughts: quoting the bible and the Pope in an academic paper
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Quote From walminskipeasucker:

If I thought my viva examiner was a religious zealot, I'd certainly do it. Slip in sly little religiously themed sentences in my results. Something like...

Further, all correlations were found to be highly significant (p = <0.01). And Jesus said let this thesis pass. However, the strength of positive association between the two subscales was below 0.45. This may be attributable to Pope John Paul II, who convincingly argued: 'Love is never defeated, and I could add, the history of Ireland proves it, so make sure you pass this thesis with [very] minor corrections at the most'.

Sadly, I'm fairly sure my external is quite the rational man of science, so I doubt it'll work.

I've been thinking about putting an ever, ever, ever so slightly faint watermark on everyother page, that just says "pass this" on it, as a kind of submliminal message.

The One Goal Thread
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Wooo, I've paid the final payment of the loan which paid for my masters course 4 years ago :-) I asked the lady in India whether I'd get a certificate and a rosette, but I don't think she understood what I was going on about :-(

Goal 2: do non-PhD work

(i realised today that I have a ton of marking to do, which I'd forgotten about!)

The One Goal Thread
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wow everyone's doing SO well!

Goal 1: sort out bank stuff

Sxxt in a bubble bath - You can't do that!
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I think the lib dems must be in such a difficult situation. They had to go with the tory party, really, otherwise it would have seemed unfair, and although I despise the tories, I think it was the fair thing to do in the circumstances.

I suspect they have deals worked out which will take effect later down the line. But for now I reckon the tories have got them over a barrell - if they really 'put the brakes' on any policies, they'll be the ones slated all over the papers for 'letting this country go to ruin' (rolling eyes smiley would be useful here mods).

Sxxt in a bubble bath - You can't do that!
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Quote From 4matt:

Sneaks, a different way to put what your mum says is that Labour always bankrupts the country with a ridiculous amount of spending which we don't really need, and it's left to the Conservatives to sort it out. Yes, I find all these cuts about as unpalateable as anyone else, but remember that, in 1997, the Labour government inherited a very healthy economy. Look at what they did with it...

No, I was saying that labour are forced to spend. Her point was that they just leave everything in ruins e.g. roads not having been repaired for years because of cuts etc.

Qualitative research - refs to justify small no. of participants
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How many participants do you have?

Qualitative research - refs to justify small no. of participants
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are your participants of a particular type?

There must be something in Cassell and Symon's book about this. I have a pdf copy if you need it.

paper help please
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Quote From Eskobastion:

Quote From jepsonclough:

Well I for one won't be rushing to offer Eskobastion any advice since s/he well and truly rapped my knuckles. Am just waiting for the day when s/he is desparate for a paper which i have (or even one that one of us has written).:p

You will not see that day.. because my uni will buy that paper for me :p

if its in the UK, they won't after the spending review