Signup date: 05 Nov 2007 at 2:59pm
Last login: 11 Feb 2014 at 3:38pm
Post count: 9243
I'm nearly there, I've done.
very brief outline of research experience
what skills I've gained from this
(I think I need something here about how directly this will relate to the uni)
Very brief outline of teaching experience
Teaching skills
Consulanty experience and skills
I'm not sure whether to pick out modules from their course list and say "and I think I could contribute to these modules" - I'm worried I may run the risk of a) putting someones nose out of joint i.e. the existing course leader, b) looking stupid by suggesting a non-related module by mistake
flip flops for sure Satchi, I heard prison's like a holiday camp, although maybe that was on the Daily Mail site, when I went over to try and stop Walminski from procrastinating.
I didn't see nuffin.
thanks for the tips JC. Luckily all my research has been applied/in organisations. So I'm going to highlight that (because I know people there often end up doing student questionnaires instead), and going to highlight interdisciplinary stuff - I know they're looking to expand that.
This is not a nice task!
yeah I was thinking this. Although they haven't told me how many people will be there - it could be 2 or 200! and I swear the last interview I went to they'd never even looked at my CV. Unfortunately this only dawned on me half way through the interview - I should have just repeated everything I said on it, rather than assumed they'd looked!
I'm having difficulty with their research aims - they have general 'we do high quality research' but nothing specific (and I've logged in to their 'secret' pages with hubby's password). I'm a bit scared to say "as you have an emphasis on xyz, I can contribute to this because I have abackground in xyz" because I know - with my current uni, all of the website stuff is rubbish and if someone said that in a presentation we' d all say "do we have an emphasis on xyz!???"
On a slide, would you put what your degree class was?
I want to have a very brief 'about me' slide which gives my career history - just to provide a bit of background and break the ice/make me more confident! But would I add (1st) etc. to the end of the degree title - or is that a bit 'up myself' lol??
Can someone give me a very brief idea of the requirements for the next ref?
I'm going for an interivew and I want to say how I can contribute towards it (to show I've thought about it).
When is the next one?
How many papers do you have to have?
When do the papers have to be submitted into journals by if they are to be included?
Are there any other things to think about? i.e. do we have to demonstrate impact now, and how do you demontrate it?
I would say it depends on what those variables are. If they are in your hypothesis, or you are controlling for them, because previous literature has said they are important/there will be a relationship then it is important to leave them in.
However, if you are adding in a load of control variables e.g. age, gender etc. that are not identified as having any link with the outcome in ther literature, or there is no real reason you are doing it (apart from to show off you can do hierarchical regression - like my students seem to think is necessary), then I'd take them out.
Of course its really important to check for multicollinearity - to make sure they are truely non-significant and you're not missing a potentially significant effect because of supression.
Thanks Emaa! No rejection yet and its been over 12 hours :-)
I'm late starting, but have been ona long dog walk and on my treadmill for the first time in a while as I've been ill over the weekend.
Goal 1: to do this blimmin presentation and stop procrastinating
My mum (who is really really old :p ) says that the 'tory form' is to cut cut cut, until everything is ruined, broken and in disrepair, because they claim the country is ruined. And then 3-6 months before an election they suddenly announce that actually, they've managed to fix it all and its all fabulous.
Problem is, it surely leaves the opposition having to then come in to power and spend like mad to redress the balance - e.g. child poverty, and then they get blamed for spending too much, so the tories come in and cut it all and then.......argh!
I hate data when it does this (i.e most of the time :-s )
I'd say non-parametric. I assume you've checked for outliers? I had to remove about 3/300 people because they'd scored highly on one of my scales and it completely corrected all my histograms :-) Turned out they were idiots who'd answered the same for every question.
What kind of ANOVA is it? within/between groups?
its next week! *shakes in boots*
Thanks for the advice, will look at the student survey. Luckily hubs gets the departmental emails and never deletes anything so may have a snoop through to see what's on their 'agenda' particularly for NSS results type things.
I'm kiind of anticipating a question on the Browne thing - so might prepare a politically correct answer i.e. the impact may be that students may demand more 'service provision' so I'd have to be aware of that, (and drop in here something about wanting to do the PGCHE thingy) but its a careful balance of independent learning and lecturer support ...blah blah.
Something which has taken the pressure off - sup has given me a part time RA role until april next year :D Although if I got this role she'd be fine with it. I think she's doing it as more of a favour than actually needing someone in. :$
not sure about that. ANOVA is usually robust to non-normal data, as long as its not too non-normal and sample sizes are equal (ish)
I submitted one of my PhD papers to the biggest journal in my field today. I very very much doubt it will get in, I'll probably have an email tomorrow saying "don't you dare send us anything again". But its worth a shot, and I might get some good comments off it.
Goal 2: put this presentation together.
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