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Can't find the right phrase - help needed
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Quote From jepsonclough:

"How about individuals/participants/people/visitors/museum attendors " - the reason it is "them" is because the previous sentences have referred to who the participants are etc and using a pronoun seems a more sophisticated style than repetition of the participants (and "attendors " is definitely wrong - they would be attendees). They are also not really visitors as these were people who were taken (ie they did not chose to go - they were made to go for other reasons) and their attitude change as a result of that.

Aw don't feel crap JC, tbh your original sentence sounded fine to me. You should see my writing! And yes attendors is wrong haha! sounds like a type of bird, maybe an eagle.

I think this happens with anything when you over analyse (or we over analyse).

Don't forget that the simplist way of saying something is probably the best

one tailed and two tailed
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use a two tailed tests if you think there will be no difference between groups

use one tailed if you are saying that your results will come out in a particular direction e.g. one group scoring higher than another, a positive correlation etc.

£112 million - what would you do?
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you probably still can Satchi - you can do it online! (although if you've got gambling tendencies, then don't! I have spent probably £100s this year on online instants :$)


Can't find the right phrase - help needed
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I think its the 'them' in particular.

How about individuals/participants/people/visitors/museum attendors (!)

£112 million - what would you do?
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here they come, all the begging letters :p Ok i'd give more than £10. Maybe I'd run a competition and see who was the best procrastinator

Can't find the right phrase - help needed
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feeling of control?

feeling at ease?


that's really difficult!

The One Goal Thread
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Goal 2: Done :-) nutella on toast.

Goal 3: plan out presentation

£112 million - what would you do?
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someone who posts about what a wonderful university London School of Business and Finance is, there was a period a while back where the forum was inundated with it.

The One Goal Thread
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Goal 1: Done :-) how come I can actually get non-PhD work done, but never my PhD work :-(

Goal 2: have lunch.

Proposal frustrations - lack of feedback and wasted time
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30-50 pages is like an MRes of MPhil! I'd bypass the supervisor and ask somene in admin what's required, they probably do have templates or at least past examples they can give you that the supervisor either doesn't know about or doesn't want you to have. - not in an evil way, but my supervisor banned me from touching a thesis because she thought it would influence mine too much :-s

£112 million - what would you do?
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oooh tonights the night. Please please please let me win! I seriously need the cash! and I'll give everyone on PGF at least £10 (well the people I recognise, not the LSBF posters)

Almost there but...
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Welcome back Peljam! congratulations on being ever so nearly there :-)

1) I would put it once in each study (if you've had to use it across different chaptes). In my study I've just put a sentence before reporting the ANOVAs, which although this may identify me in years to come..."As Mauchley’s test of sphericity was significant (X2(?)=?, p<.001), the Greenhouse-Geisser estimate is used (e = .??) in the following results"

2) personally, I'd just email what you just wrote!

3) I think you have to go for it at some point, I know people who are perfectionists and couldn't let go - 4 years down the line they're still hanging on to a perfectly finished thesis!

4) Not sure myself, but I'm in exactly the same situation (apart from not being nearly finished with the thesis) and I'm starting to feel demoralised by it all. I'm hoping the finished Dr. title will allow me to actually get the jobs I'm going for.

The One Goal Thread
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======= Date Modified 08 Oct 2010 09:53:47 =======
late to the desk again today, after dog walk and treadmill and having to take hubby to the station twice because he forgot his train ticket the first time and had to miss the first train :-s

Goal 1: do non-PhD work!!!

mifepristone urgent question
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I've not had the treatment myself Satchi, but I understand it can potentially be extremely traumatic, particularly emotionally. I can't believe she was given this without counselling! They should have also explained to her what was expected to happen in terms of bleeding etc.

I think she'll need a lot of support and a visit to the doctors to demand the appropriate aftercare.

mifepristone urgent question
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I think you should phone NHS direct with some of these issues on 0845 46 47, they should be able to to tell you whether the symptoms are expected or not.

In any case I would also go to the GP with her, no matter what they say on the phone just to be sure.

She will need counselling, I'm surprised they let her have the treatment without counselling to be honest.