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The One Goal Thread
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yesterday was a bit rubbish. I'm also late getting started today, because I've gone for a 45 min dog walk, then did 30 mins on my treadmill, then had a shower, then I had to handwash a load of clothes as my washing machine broke yesterday and 'the man' isn't coming out until monday :-(

Goal 1: finish table in paper with quotes.

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Quote From bleebles:

I don't know how you can stand it! These changes relate to writing style, and you already have your own. Of course she prefers her style, because it's hers. But your work should not exhibit her writing style.
You don't like them and they're done in your name. Remove them.

I'm just finding it difficult to work out whether its her personal style of writing, or an academic style of writing that I'm not good at. She gives me NO feedback, just changes. But she does repeatedly say my writing style is good. But I've thought for a while now that is her own way of motivating me - its not really working.
She also tried to 'motivate' me to finish by saying I couldn't have this funding she'd set aside until I'd completed my thesis, so I pointed out that I'm now going to have to get a job in morrisons - she's now offered me the funding (albeit very little of it!)

Programme to reduce internet usage
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Ah, I think its called Leechblock

Programme to reduce internet usage
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There was a program for firefox (only) that does this, people on here used to use it, it blocked specified sites, during certain hours (which you set). Have no idea what it was called though, so not that helpful :-(

ESRC Complaints
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I had my ESRC stipend paid into my account monthly. I would advise actually going down to see the finance team (maybe with a box of biscuits) and getting them to sit with you while they make the changes necessary, so you get paid monthly and you don't get any requests for fees etc.

£112 million - what would you do?
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I might set up my own high impact journal (I'd pay people to cite my articles) and publish all my own work :-)

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I did just have to ring my dad up to ask whether I should say 'this effect is manifested' or 'this effect manifests' so maybe I should go with sup!

I'm Sneaks and I'm pretty thick

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haha star-shaped, that's the issue. She *says* that its my decision. But I leave on track changes, get it emailed back to me and it looks completely red, I'm not even joking here, there will be ONE black word per paragraph, the rest is re-written, moved, deleted (only for publication, she doesn't tend to do this for my thesis work).


she still says "the best thing about you Sneaks is that you're a fantastic writer and your writing skills are AMAZING" (or similar)

Very dispiriting :-(

stats guru required
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I'm going with one-tailed. The hypotheses are difficult, because I'm testing two theories, but I reckon one-tailed is the safest bet, I'm sure the reviewers will flag it if they think its an issue.

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My supervisor keeps using However, IMO, in inappropriate places.

For example she has edited my work and put a load of 'Howevers' in that start paragraphs. Paragraphs, that don't lead on from the previous on in a 'however' kind of way. For example, paragraph 2 does not disagree, or bring any different info than paragraph 1, but it still starts with However,......

What do you think?

The One Goal Thread
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I'm feeling rubbish today :-( Its hit me how little money we now have now my stipend has run out. hubby's let me pay off my credit card with our savings, but his is maxed out. I feel SO guilty for not earning. I have no idea what to do, do I get a job, but risk not completing the PhD, or do I finish the PhD, run out of money and make his life a misery, and then get a job? So confused. Not helped by the fact my supervisor seems to think that I don't need to work/earn money (!?)

urgh, anyway, goal 1: finish making changes to paper and send to sup.

If your PhD was an album cover...
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Mine would be very smilar to Fuseli's nightmare (my favourite painting) http://satan666.blogg.se/images/2009/20070913233540john_henry_fuseli_-_the_nightmare_37781656.jpg

But the horrible goblin thing would be my mounting worries.

The horse thing would be my supervisor eagerly waiting for work that will never arrive

and the stuff on the table would be a pile of empty chocolate wrappers

stats guru required
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I don't think there is an option in SPSS. Andy Field just says you divide the p value by 2 for a one-tailed.

I think I'm going to go with 1-tailed in my results and clearly mark that its one-tailed. and maybe state in my text the two-tailed (and clearly label it)

Last on to post on this thread wins
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Congrats Doodles

£112 million - what would you do?
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I'd want to buy the hotel I went to on honeymoon :-x

and an ice rink