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Mega Car Stress
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if you're really worried, sell the car to your parents, then they'll get the fine :-) hee hee.

We had the bailiffs round once because my father in law turned right at a junction, where he wasn't supposed to, got caught. We managed to convince them that we didn't own the car (even though we did), so we paid the original fine, but not the HUGE costs they were trying to add for their bailiff services.

Next Steps after 'failed' Viva
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Aw that's horrible, and your're supervision team should ultimately be taking some of the responsibility for this surely?

Could you consider registering for a PhD by publication? then publishing all the research from your thesis. I'm not sure how these work and if you need another viva, but may be a good way of doing it. Plus you get the feedback from reviewers before submitting it to the university.

giving my first seminar to MA students tmrw!!!
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I teach MSc students most of the time, rather than undergrads. What's great about them is that they are always up for a debate, and they think they know better, so you canuse that to your advantage. If they ask a question you don't know, you can say "well what do you think" or "what have you read?"

Stupid theoretical Framework
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ok I'm going to bed now (yes I know its early, but hubby has to be up at 6am and wants me to watch an episode of jonathan creek with him - rock and roll 8-) )

I want a clear definition of a theoretical framework written on this thread before I come back in the morning (this isyour homework assignment).

Do you mean positivist/constructivist kind of theoretical? - or have you got an example of one?

I'm worried that I might need one :$

Anyone at Oxbridge either for PhD, or who did undergrad there?
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I got an offer for oxbridge and turned it down (up) I wanted a more rounded education and I'm really glad I did now, as I would have had to go with an ex boyfreind who was a bit weird lol and I met my hubby in the uni I ended up in :-) :-x

I'm really, really having my viva at the start of next year
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congrats Wal, my supervisor is threatening similar, I know how you feel, especially as some of my friends have spent nearly a decade finishing their PhDs, its very tempting to let it carry on.

Maybe if we let it continue for another 4 years, we won't age?

hmm, anyway, it would be nice in many ways to finish this 'chapter' :-)

I'm poor and cold
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well I did feel a lot warmer after my second dog walk - I even thought the heating had come on. Not sure what it will be like when its howling wind and rain, and I come in soaked through and muddy, but hey ho.

My big news this week is......I have a treadmill arriving tomorrow! My spinal consultant has agreed that jogging will be ok, and the last one who told me it wouldn't is a complete moron. I'm inclined to believe the latest one as he's quite dishy, whereas the last (evil) one was really old and quite strange. I think the new one looks a bit like kate beckinsale's dad - the young one from porridge, only with a better haircut.

Anyway, i digress, it shall be warm if I run, then work :-)

I'm poor and cold
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======= Date Modified 27 Sep 2010 17:07:05 =======
I like the idea of the primark thing, although I foresee a massive panic and possible fatal fall down the stairs as I try desparately to take it off before answering the door to the postman :$

the only thing i can see with the slanket is that it doesn't do up round the back - maybe i could sew some velcrow on it so it did up?

friendship advice, again?
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Sounds like its run its course then. I'm awful with friends, I never ever bother to stay in touch, I just drift on to the next set. E.g. if I'm asked to meet for a drink by a friend I haven't seen for more than 6 months, then I just won't bother. I tend to have only 1 or 2 friends I actually stay in contact with, and hubby obviously is my BFF :-x

tax - rubbish
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I did some work for another uni - just tutoring work, and was due about £500. I've been paid, but they've taken £100 in tax (or there abouts).

Now, cos I earn NOTHING I don't tend to pay tax (i.e. I earn undert my £6.5k threshold), I do have to do a tax return each year though, because I earn about £200 on self employed associate work.

is there any way I can get the £100 tax back before Jan 2012? which is when the tax return for this financial year would be in for?

Stupid theoretical Framework
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probably, but I don't know what one is. I have to write about my 'stance' but not sure if that's the same thing (?)

I reckon you should do it, quickly, get a rough draft out, and then ask whether you really need it i.e. do you need to spend time editing it and making it good?
Iwould say you'd rather put in the work now, than have a major amendment and get asked to add one,but maybe that's not the case :p

friendship advice, again?
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whoa - is this really over a semi colon??? That is a very 'upmarket' argument! No Jeremy Kyle here!

I would say, be friends, but as you say on a lighter note - maybe just talk about x factor and the like, after all with doing the PhD its nice to have friends who keep your mind off the serious stuff.

I'm poor and cold
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i do find that my halogen desk lamp gets toasty - so might reposition that over my hands, although it may cost more to run than the heating??

I'm poor and cold
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my uni is a £50 trip away, so wouldn't work out cheaper to sit there. I'd probably buy about £20 of coffee if I as in a cafe/coffe shop.

I'm wondering - is it cheaper to just heat one radiator's worth? i.e turn off all the radiators exept the one in my room? or will that blow up the system or something?

I'm poor and cold
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======= Date Modified 27 Sep 2010 12:17:36 =======
stressed - if it burns through wood too quickly then the air-flow may need adjusting. I grew up in a house with 1 aga and wood burners to keep warm, it sounds exactly like your place! Always cold and damp and had to sleep with hot waterbottles and blankets - a bit like a period drama!

My advice would be to get a dehumidifier as this will help with the damp AND make the room warmer :-)

and yes, coal, rather than wood if you want it to burn hotter. You can get it bulk delivered if you don't already, that will save you some cash.