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The One Goal Thread
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Goal 1 done,

Goal 2: run 3 regressions and report

The One Goal Thread
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I've packed of hubs to the football, so I have 5 hours or so to get a load of analysis done and written up.

I've got my slippers on today so hopefully won't have cold feet!

Goal 1: Run VIF and Tolerance stats and write up.

and now....
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I hate work! Good luck Emmaki :-)

so is the london meet up happening after all?
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I have responded 8-)

I know this has been asked before, but...
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I reckon its probably 'bad form' to plagarise yourslef across different thesis chapters e.g. nick a paragraph from chapter 1 and re-state it exactly in the discussion.

But writing a publication paper FROM thesis content seems perfectly acceptable, I mean you're discussing the same work, why should you have to re-phrase? I know that in my field that journal editors have NO problem with thesis > publication plagarism, so I don't see why publication > thesis plagarism should be any different.

However publication 1 > publication 2 plagarism is not allowed.

so is the london meet up happening after all?
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i think its doodle lol.


so is the london meet up happening after all?
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could you set up a moodle poll thing with a range of dates? is it moodle? the meeting thingy??

and then you could see when we're all available :-)

Post doc interview
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I've had two post doc interviews so far. I've lost out on both becasue I've not got the PhD yet - going up against people who have. BUT you never know who's applied AND you have got an interview!

The questions I have been asked are..

- tell me a bit about yourself (urgh!)
- why do you want the job?
- why do you want to work at [university x]
- what can you offer us (urgh!)
- what was your PhD about?
- what have you learnt from your PhD
- what are the 3 things your PhD has given you (same as above really)
- if you don't finish your PhD, how will you manage work and your PhD?
- what expereince do you have of publishing your work?

Just assume they have not even looked at your CV - as I'm sure they didn't in my case. Half way through one interview they said "so your PhD is mainly qualitative, you haven't got any quantitative skills" and I was like "erm, I TEACH stats to other PhD students and half my PhD is stats" (as they had only asked about the qualitative bits up until then!)

Good Luck!

Ideas anyone?
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ah Wal, you have exactly summed up my feelings on the matter! That is exactly why I would probably need the dole - because I'd rather get the PhD done and be able to walk into resaerch jobs as a dr. rather than someone saying "erm I'm going to finish....soon" - as I've already lost out on both jobs I've had interviews for because I'm not a Dr. and I've only got 1 publication - going up against people with 2 or 3 publications and the Phd finished.

mortgage, rent and finance?
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Could you borrow money from family to make 85% up to 88%? It may make you better off in the long term.

Just remember to turn off the water and the gas. Do you know a nice neighbour you could leave a key with and your phone number in case they see anything 'suspicious'?

Ideas anyone?
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ooh £65 :-x

Maybe marry rich?

I'm quite tempted my dog sitting/walking. In my area people charge £10 for one dog to walk it for 45 mins. Now ifyou could do that for 3 or 4 dogs a day you'd be quids in and quite fit. A lot of people will pay £10 just for you to drop in and let their dog out for a wee in the middle of the day when they're at work.

You could try the 'academic writing' companies i.e. write essays for useless idiots who can't be bothered/lack the skill to write it themselves.

You could also tutor - not really an option as I'm psychology, so there's not much call for non maths/science/english based tutoring in my area.

I know this has been asked before, but...
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Unless your uni has specific regulations about this, then you can definitely plagarise oneself. I am essentially putting my 3 publications in as chapters - I'm going to expand them, but not change them really, the wording will be identical in 90% of the chapter.

I know this has been asked before, but...
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I went to talk recently on this.

You can plagarise from thesis - publication (as long as they're yours!)

But you cannot plagarise across publictions, e.g. I have 3 publications, which all require essentially the same introduction paragraph, but I'm going to have to re-phrase it if I want to publish all three papers.

Ideas anyone?
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Yeah job seekers is appealing, isn't it like £50 a week? If it means I qualify sooner, then its probably a better option.

Ideas anyone?
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I'm about to go to a temp agency - although I didn't want to do it too soon and then turn down work, because then they won't offer me anything when I do want it.

I've also thought about having a baby and getting state maternity pay :$ apparenty babies are free! (gift) although I think I'd have to wait 9 months for the payments to kick in.