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The One Goal Thread
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what happened to goals 2, 3 and 4 Emaa? ;-)

The One Goal Thread
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I've completed goal 1, which was to change my password and email on another forum so I can never access it again - thereby stopping that form of procrastination.

I need to go to hospital at 11 for a check up with my specialist.

oh and I became an auntie last week - for the first time!


Goal 2: plan out thesis with what needs to be done in each area.

The "oh &*%£$!!! my supervisor has given me 4 weeks to write up" thread
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wow, thanks for the help with positivist/constructavist. I guess I'm having difficulty with it becasue I think I'm using positivist BUT because I am not a member of my participant group i.e. I don't have red hair (for example), I am also saying as a researcher I need to take that into account because it may effect my interpretation of the work - which sounds constructavist!

Can I say 'I used both'?

The One Goal Thread
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Woo goal 1 done! THere was a HUGE mountain of crumbs, under the HUGE mountain of books, under the HUGE mountain of pens, under the HUGE mountain of paper, and 3 mouldy cups :$

I feel cleansed and ready to start the write up!

The "oh &*%£$!!! my supervisor has given me 4 weeks to write up" thread
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wow, I seriously thought it was an impossible task - but not I'm thinking not so much, so thanks all!

methodology - I'm using 'mixed methods' (apparently) and using interviews with qualitative analysis and a quantiative questionnaire.

The main bit in the methodology that will take time is the whole positivist/constructavist thing, so confusing, I actually have no idea which one I used and/or why. My sup just said pick one and argue it! But whenever I read a book about them I just zone out - I need 'positivism for dummies' 3 year old children'

The One Goal Thread
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I *need* to start using this thread better.

Goal 1: Clean desk so can see the bottom

The "oh &*%£$!!! my supervisor has given me 4 weeks to write up" thread
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Now this is where I'm confused. Sup originally got me to write up the literature in each study - because originally they were written for publication, each have a lit review in the intro.

She will not give me a clear answer as to whether the lit should now be moved - I think I will, because its more common-place to have it, or at least the literature for the first study.

I'm quite confused with it all.

I'm spending today drawing a huge diagram of the thesis so I can decide which 'threads' to pull through i.e. how the studies link etc and what the key points are that I'm trying to make from the thesis.

So far I've erm procrastinated, not good!

The "oh &*%£$!!! my supervisor has given me 4 weeks to write up" thread
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I have about 4-6 weeks to write my entire thesis. Firstly AAAARRRRRRRGGGH!

Secondly - and breathe.

So far I have

Introduction: 3/4 done, but with old statistics which now need updating
Lit review: I have chunks of writing that all need to be pulled together, dramatically edited and made into something coherent.
Methodology: not yet written
Study 1: written (in publication format so needs extending)
Study 2: written (in publication format so needs extending)
Study 3: written - well kind of, doing the results and discussion erm....now. (in publication format so needs extending)
Discussion: not written

So I'm going to use this and my one goal thread to keep me on target over the next few weeks.

If you could have any superpower ...
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I would LOVE bernards watch - so you can stop time and get on with the PhD while everyone is frozen.

You could also rewind/fast forward time and win the lottery!

Obvious down side is that it would still take 3 months to write the end of the PhD and while everyone was frozen you'd come out looking 3 months older, without anyone knowing why. So maybe it needs to be combined with the fountain of youth or fountain of youthful looks anyway.

Top 3 Gadgets Must Have For 2010
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I have no idea what HTC is cos I'm probably 'old' :-(

Surely you can wear your own glasses under 3d glasses?

I am actually quite excited about 3d tv, but will wait until you can get ones at affordable prices that don't need you to wear glasses - which they have developed I believe. I would mainly watch wildlife documentaries - they will look amazing, lions in the serengeti in your living room! :-x

I'm sure 3dtv will be very popular with men for certain reasons that I won't go into on an upstanding forum such as this :$

The 4 star VIP thread!
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TBH, I think the only incentive you could offer that would make me review a book, would be an offer of a 5th star, or perhaps even an entire new row of stars e.g. 10!

Top 3 Gadgets Must Have For 2010
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I have an iphone, but I don't use any of the features. I use one app to track my calories per day, I barely use the phone function - the actual phone! I just leave it on my desk and never answer it :-)

Don't like the ipad - mainly cos of battery power. I want a Kindle

I also want that thing on ps3 that is a bit like the wii - you get remotes to wave about and stuff. My hubs has just told me its the 'PS Move'

I want them to bring back dance mat games :-(

The One Goal Thread
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i didn't get the job :-( oh well, more time to spend getting this PhD done!

The 4 star VIP thread!
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======= Date Modified 10 Sep 2010 11:04:34 =======
I honestly don't think that us normal posters can get 5 stars. The only people with 5 stars are mods, although they claim to be unable to award stars and that they have no idea how many 'helpful user' clicks awards the fifth star - it could be set at 5000 clicks! its all extremely suspicious. I think the forum needs a complete overhall and have a thanking system like talkstats.com and we could have our own avatars, not that I'm going to give up my top hat that easily.

The 4 star VIP thread!
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Is it wrong that I am as concerned about getting 5 stars as I am about finishing my thesis. If i were to become a doctor, with only 4 stars, I would feel I was a failure :-(