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Does length matter?
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I was hoping for so much more from this topic :p

I haven't written mine yet! but I do have about 6 or 7 7000 word separate pieces which I wrote early on, so I'm going to pull out the key info from them and hopfeully end up with a literature review that's about 10,000. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes over though, because I'm looking into so many areas that its hard to cover them all (which my sup has said I do have to do :-( ).

My hubs' thesis is 130 pages so far - in total. But he's maths based, so most of it is funny equations with lots of those sigma sign things - it looks like a blackboard of a nutty professor in a hollywood movie.

wiped off the face of facebook, but no reason why...
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I have no idea, I don't really like FB and never really use it. I've only used it this week to spy on my brother in law in case he announces my Sister in law's baby - because my phone ran out of battery and we can't remember their number!

I think that facebook accounts do get hacked though, so maybe it wasn't FB but some random who hacked into it and closed it down. Have you checked that his friends aren't getting weird status updates or anything from him?

Anyways, who is this "friend" (in desparate need of romance gossip!)

Endnote virgin here
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Yeah, I think if you just email the library to yourself - or put it in dropbox or similar then you should be able to use it fine when you get to uni. Although I think if you have linked actual Pdfs to the endnote entries then they may not be carried over too - so the links may be broken??

Last night I......
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it did go ok, although I still don't feel like I solidly know what I'm doing!

She also persisted with the "well the thing about you sneaks is that your damn good at writing" with no explanation why she had deleted or modified EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE of my recent work.

Last night I......
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....stayed the night at my supervisors house!

It was strange, I didn't really want to break the boss/pal divide, but her family are lovely and we got on, discussed things we would never have discussed in a meeting at uni (PhD related) and I got to 'lobby' her for info about jobs etc.

Strange but true.

Romantic Vivian...
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I got two! I'm obviously vivian's favourite :-x

The One Goal Thread
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ok I have NO idea how that interview went. I seemed to get on well with the project lead, but there were 2 other women in ther interview who just sat there pouting. So have no idea. had a tricky question which I bluffed until they asked me another :$ Will wait and see. I can definitely see why people go self-employed - no more interviews!

What should I do - word count
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I have exactly this same problem. My sup doesn't seem to understand the words 'word count' - she keeps on saying "oh you need more quotes here" etc. but its already WAY too long!

I would say carry on,finish it, then edit it. If you can't get more out of it, then perhaps email the journal, sometimes they make exceptions. If they don't want to, then find another journal :-)

Calling all gymmers!
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blimmin eck! 22 to a size 10-12! well done stressed! I'm a size 14 - a big one at that and I desparately want to be a size 10 - a size I have never been, I seem to go up and down from size 12-14 all the time :-(

Mods - my PM thingy is wierd
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======= Date Modified 07 Sep 2010 10:51:02 =======
it is resolved now I think, I think I had too many messages in the inbox and sent messages :-)

ETA, can I have a star? :p

The One Goal Thread
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bleugh I have an interview this afternoon - and am feeling very anxious about it and now at the stage that I just want it to be over, no matter how it goes! Bring on 4.30pm!

My sister in law STILL hasn't had the baby :-(

no phd work for today - will sit around practicing interview responses like a crazy person and walk the dog and then worry about what to wear and how to get there!

Calling all gymmers!
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If I get a job (currently feeling extremely sick about this afternoons interview) in the next month or so, then I am definitely buying a treadmill. I already have a gym standard home exercise bike. I find I just cannot sweat in front of strangers, so can only really push myself at home! I also want a cross trainer.

Mods - my PM thingy is wierd
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Ok I think I fixed it, I deleted a load of messages.

Can I have a bigger inbox? :p

Time to relax
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wooo! well done, I've just PMd you with what now looks like a stupid question. :$

Mods - my PM thingy is wierd
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I've just realised I spelled weird wrong - its one of my 'sticky' words like 'persuade' that I never get right :-(