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I *have* to get my stats done and written up today. I have such a hectic week!

Goal 1: Run regressions
Goal 2: Write them up
Goal 3: correlations (yes I know they're supposed to go beforehand, but I want to work out which variables I'm using first :$ )

The most awesome (fictional) supervisors...
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======= Date Modified 04 Sep 2010 09:47:18 =======
This thread means I now can't help thinking of flight of the conchords 'Frodo don't wear the ring' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWf3iJjqYCM
and 'Bowie's in space' song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4zV4pJ8MwM

on that note, I would have Murray Hewitt as my supervisor. That way most of our meetings would be taking the register....'Present!' and I wouldn't have to explain why I hadn't done any work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDjJc_ZH6dk

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I find I have a very bad memory. So

Supervisor: "are there any papers looking at X?"
Me: "oh yeah, there was this one, by erm...Smith and erm"
Supervisor: "what was their method"
Me: "erm....."

So I look like I haven't bothered reading anything - but i have! I've got over that just by taking notes with me to meetings.

In terms of confidence when speaking up, I found that mine came when I had a few meetings with other people who were not in my uni. I suddenly found I knew a lot more about my subject area than they did and there wasn't anyone from my uni there to make me feel like I was being 'above my station'.

I can never properly present work in front of people from my own uni, because i just feel like they're thinking "oh she thinks she knows it all" - I don't know how to get over that, apart from not inviting them to talks!

Stats Help
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good plan wal! (up)

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======= Date Modified 03 Sep 2010 22:02:44 =======
It sounds like you need a 'repeated measures t-test' (please feel free to contradict me someone).

I can explain it better in psychology terms i.e. people so...

its a test that compares across 2 groups - with the same people in each group - so you compare them across two different conditions. So it should say whether there is a significant difference between the two groups - I guess your hoping for a non-significant result!

I would normally conduct such a test on SPSS, but there are other programmes that will probably do the job.

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======= Date Modified 03 Sep 2010 21:48:22 =======
I'm a bit confused by this. A z score is just making the data standardised - its not a correlation.

Pearsons r will tell you the correlation of 2 things e.g. "chocolate eating and weight are positively correlated r=.08**, the more you eat chocolate, the more weight you gain" sadly :-(

If you are looking to compare

e.g. case 1 across data set 1 and 2, then you are probably going to need a repeated-measures t-test if I am understanding your data correctly.

Referencing data / software in EndNote?
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It depends on your referencing style. APA style for example has a 'guideline' book that tells you in ridiculously specific detail how to lay out every aspect of your paper including types of references.

People say the most annoying things
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what is it with the schizophrenia/multiple personality thing? Why do they get so confused!? I get people asking me questions about stuff like that and I have to explain that doing a degree in psychology and then specialising in a completely different area of psychology does not qualify me to clinically diagnose mental disorders.

Unfortunately my PhD is very mainstream - everyone can understand it and has observed it in their lives and I constantly have people on the street (a few weeks ago it was a check out man at ASDA) telling me what the real problem was with my participant group was in a very BNP/national front type way (obviously you can tell who my particpant group might be!)

The One Goal Thread
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I doubt it Wal, my hubs does barely anything at work and they think he's great!

I have got a job interview come through - which is good but scary and can feel the butterflies in my stomach already :-(

need to get on with analysis!

People say the most annoying things
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is phytoplankton the ones that light up? or have I been reading too much dan brown?

People say the most annoying things
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so true KB - "i had a dream last night...what does it mean?"

My mother in law asked me on advice about what colour to paint her bathroom 'because you're a psychologist' WTF!? and has also asked me if I know of a 'syndrome' where people graffiti things - so she could complain against a planning proposal in her street because she thougth it might cause this 'syndrome' i.e cause people to graffiti things. Erm..what!?

The One Goal Thread
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I'm very pleased for you Emaa!

I had last week basically written off because of parents visit. THis week hubs has taken a week off work, so I've run one anova analysis, but spent the rest of the time writing job applications and going round town with him. I don't feel too guilty about this though because we needed some down-time together.

Today he has decided to make me a cake (up) So hopefully I will get that soon. In the meantime..

Goal 1: Run t-tests and write up.

graphs in SPSS
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I have no idea, but perhaps you can save the syntax and then re-run it with the variables you need for each one? and hopefully that might save the formatting?

People say the most annoying things
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======= Date Modified 03 Sep 2010 11:42:08 =======
my dad is ALWAYS saying "oh you just need to get this phd done" and I feel like saying "well dad, you went to art school 40 years ago and therefore have NO idea what a PhD is or what it involves, plus, what the hell do you think I do all day - this is the process of 'getting the phd done' its just going to take longer than 1 week" :-s

ETA: My parents also seem to have the habit of asking me how my PhD is going when I've just spent 30 mins trying desparately not to think about my PhD and have at last achieved some 'psychological detatchment' from the blimmin thing e.g. evenings/weekends. They then tell me what they think I need to do to get it done. Right dad, sorry your expertise in my very specific area of psychology is outstanding, considering you don't even know what psychology is.

People say the most annoying things
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Yes Wal, I feel your pain.

I keep on getting the 'you'll get a really good job after' at which point I just spiral into a deep pool of despair. I had a student tell me that this week - a student who has NO idea what the job market in academia is. And this was the day after I had to sit down with hubby and write out a budget because my funding has now ended, I have no job and I have essentially educated and specialised myself out of 'normal' jobs :-(