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Dark nights, SAD, light boxes, etc etc
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well I've spoken to people who say the lumie clock things are great, but you have to have it right next to your bed/head i.e. not across the other side of the room. I think it just helps feeling less startled in the dark when the alarm goes. and you wake naturally rahter than having to have the alarm.

I've also seen those full-spectrum light bulbs which are supposed to work, but not sure if they're clinically proven because they're not enough lux(?)

Dark nights, SAD, light boxes, etc etc
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my hubby is suffering I think, he hasn't seen daylight in weeks cos he's up at 6am and back at 7.30pm.

I'm also considering buying one, my main reservation is that I've heard they can irritate your eyes and even damage them??

I was also considering getting a 'wake up' light alarm clock thingy, like the lumie ones. But again - v expensive.

At the mo, I'm just making him eat his 5 a day and take vitamin tablets. Also trying to increase his exercise and get him out at the weekends.

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I've done 3 mytomatoes (gift) (gift) (gift) so far today. Actually making headway on it :-)

I've seen a job I want to apply for, so will be adapting my CV and writing another covering letter for it :-( not sure my sup will want me applying but the job sounds great!

What did you do during first few months of PhD?
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I panicked, and didn't do much and then got really concerned about the whole thing.

I would suggest you read, but with the aim of doing little 'essays' on each topic. I have a range of 4-7k word sections on each bit of the literature, that say what the overall findings are, problems with the studies, any gaps etc. I probably won't use most of it in my lit review, but it will be SO helpful!

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Quote From Chuff:

Just being nosey Sneaks, when are you hoping to submit?

I'm hoping for before Christmas, this Christmas (tree)

it would be great if I could have a very very good draft or possibly even submit by xmas. I have tried to get my studies ready for publication before writing them up for the thesis though. So hopefully I will have 2 articles submitted to journals before the thesis is submitted. I've basically done this because I am SO scared about the viva, and having 2 papers that are published will make me feel much more calm about it.

I'm just trying to get my 3rd study written up now, so I understand 'the story' I am telling, so I can then go back and re-structure the lit review, and write the method chapter etc.

xmas would be good!

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Goal 1: to write intro.

I think I'll only get some of this done today, but would be great to have a rough draft by the end of the day (up)

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I hate covering letters!

I didn't do my goal 3. Instead I'm proofing hubbys PhD, but it needs to be done. I've also run on my treadmill so feel all healthy.

US post docs
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academia.edu seems to have a load of US jobs listed, not sure if they're post docs though as didn't look because I can't leave my dog in quarantine for 6 months!

Weight! How to lose weight gained during phd.
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err, I have 2. Not used them since the wedding prep, but they are good and cheaper than gym membership. I think its the 'power of 3' one?

Weight! How to lose weight gained during phd.
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I've started a diet and exercise thing today, I'd love to lost a stone or more before xmas. I'm poor, so eating less will also help the bank balance.

If you want to tone your stomach, get one of the davina dvds - you won't be able to walk for a week, but if you keep it up you'll tone up your abs etc. BUT you have to diet too/lose weight otherwise you'll have a perfect 6 pack underneath a layer of flab (well in my case anyway, although I haven't got the 6 pack either!)

I've walked the dog for 30 mins, and going to go on treadmill after lunch at some point.

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I think its fine to call again now Ev, if you need to see him.

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just submitted it to the next journal, with MY changes :p

But has taken AGES because they only tell you how long the article should be when you submit! Its not on the author guidelines, so had to trim it down - i.e I just moved the tables about a bit - hopefully it doesn't look too rubbish. Anyway That's done now :-)

Second goal of the day = coffee

Third goal = get on with the intro for my 3rd study. I'd like to get this done today!

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thanks chuff!

Well we got rejected from the first journal - and they sent a brief 2-3 paragraphs on why and it was ALL around being far too leading in what we were saying we had done vs what had actually been measured - my concern all along.

So we are now aiming for another top-level journal.

I don't really get it as she has had top-level publications.

Think I'm going with mine, she probaby won't remember any way.

Off to read through the whole thing in case any other "our findings show that" sentences have slipped in.

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I'd say its not essential, especially if you are giving lectures/teaching/doing departmental talks, but if you have done none of these then I would recommend trying to practice your presentation skills (I hate it, but much more confidend now than I was at the beginning!).

Maybe you could set up a seminar day with related PhD students where you all present your findings to date i.e. cold-calling related researchers. I did this and I made quite a few 'friends in the field' from my own generation, and now we exchange info and references etc. and no doubt if I want to go into acdemia, they will be my peers in my subject so its good to know them.

How do you get a job in research consultancy - I want one!

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