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I think Bleebles is a nice youthful sounding name ;-)

Woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown
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is it an option to see your bf a little less i.e. maybe have a week or so where you don't see him, just to give you a break. Commuting/driving is very tiring, so its not surprising you're feeling teary.

Are you eating enough? I've had a few days recently like this and realise too late that I've not eaten all day - hence the emotional shakeyness :-(

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ah t'is true. Now I'm married people look at me with a "when are you going to want maternity leave" face.

The One Goal Thread
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I haven't done the work, but I have gone out to post the very important envelope related to the work, return a library book and I've had lunch. I've also had an invite to an interview which has thrown me. Its requiring a presentation on how I will contribute to teaching and research at university X.
WHat do you do in this type of presentation? - I'm not sure, I'll have a formal interview afterwards, so don't want to run out of things to say in that! Confused.

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Quote From P3PM:

DON'T use photographs - this does not strengthen your CV unless it was specifically requested

Surely they'll want to see my nice hat!????

The One Goal Thread
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After a lot of faffing about with a Word table, Goal 2 is complete.

Goal 3: do that non-Phd work that was supposed to be sent yesterday :$

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Well I've done Goal 1 which was to compare the meerkat/market and see if my car insurance can be lower. I got confused with confused.com and have decided to let hubby work it all out. How am I supposed to know how many miles I've driven!? I have NO idea how to check that on the car.

Goal 2: Check emails, I know there's one from sup in there, so reply to that and change paper accordingly.

Travelling alone
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dare I say the B word? maybe you could write a Blog? and update it each night with a journal entry and photos? That would keep you busy and be a great momento in years to come :-)

Travelling alone
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I can imagine how you feel, but at the same time there are often times I would lOVE to be able to explore somewhere e.g. barcelona without someone (usually my hubby) moaning that its boring, he's too hot, he wants to go somewhere else (i.e. a football stadium), he's tired etc etc (not just hubby, ALL my friends do the same - not the football stadium bit though).

So I'd look at the positives. Plus if you get bored, you can leave when you want without having someone else annoying you. :-)

I would imagine the main time when lonliness may hit, would be mealtimes. But a good book, ooh maybe a kindle, could be handy here!

I would also do a little project - maybe a photographic project, while you're there. So you are using the time constructively, not just moping about under some beautiful building

I'm very jealous. (sprout)

The One Goal Thread
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Remember how I said that I'd taken the dog for a walk, went on my treadmill and had a shower, and was at my desk by about 10??


I know its long and thick, but seriously. I need to find my hairdryer (haven't used it for about 7 years!)

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Wow Bleebles, you've made me feel a whole lot better. When I have asked her about why she's changed it, she doesn't really have an answer. Also, her changes frequently end up with the meaning being lost from what I'm trying to say - then we edit edit edit (about 10 times) - and then she asks me to put stuff back in becuase she's changed it so dramatically.

E.g. original sentence: "Dahl (19??) describes how Charlie went to the chocolate factory, which sells sweets and chocolate"

Her sentence ends up "Dahl (19??) eats sweets.


And not had any funding yet, I'm existing on my overdraft, which is awful. she *says* she *may* have *something* for me soon :-s (although I'm probably lucky to get anything tbh)

The One Goal Thread
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Oh gawd, I've just realised I have non-PhD work that is due to hand to someone TODAY!

Goal: Do this work before eating lunch

The One Goal Thread
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ooh hope the holiday was nice Button. Have you got anything left to arrange for the wedding? I've had to pull myself off a wedding forum recently, because I was addicted to it (even though I got married last year!)

£112 million - what would you do?
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Of course JC. Although thinking about it, I'd have to get other people to publish there first, and get cited, before I would publish in it myself - I have standards donchya know and I can't publish in anything below impact factor of 3000. 8-)

The One Goal Thread
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I have done 2 tomatoes :-) first time I've used that for AGES. I'm now going to go and have my elevenses (tea and a biscuit) and start back again ASAP. I feel quite energised, but knackered at the same time if that makes sense, from the jogging this morning.