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There is no way I would use that 'service'!

I'd rather my mum went through it and phoned me up every 2 mins with "what's a variable?" and "why do you call them participants, why not call them people" type questions.

I am an incompetent fruit bat.
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ok, breathe.

Firstly, you are not, no matter how much you think you may be, behind on any skills, becuase a) they wouldn't have let you do the PhD if they didn' tthink you were up to it and b) a PhD is research TRAINING - learn as you go.

I would suggest that you break what you're stuck on into very small chunks, then sit and do each very small section. If its something you are stuck on, then use all the available resources e.g. books/papers/youtube, and people - other PhDs, postdocs, supervisor.

If there are areas you need to learn more about (I need to learn strucutral equation modelling, arrrrgh!) then why not ask for some training? there will be a budget somewhere for you to do it.

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yep, I think you're write ;-) bennyhill.

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I saw that it said 'get it write' - but wasn't sure if that was supposed to be there??? as a joke?


Stupid theoretical Framework
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for some reason I'm thinking of an actual picture of a model. I guess its not like that?

I get confused between theories, methodologies and epistomological stance things i.e. I have reviewed 10 theories, which are grouped in constructavist/positivist stances etc.

URGENT help!!! Please, formatting graphs
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That's fantastic news. I had to wait about a year before my article came out :-(

The One Goal Thread
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G3: done :-)

G4: calculate some more stats :-(

The One Goal Thread
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G2 Done :-)

G3: check how to write quotes in APA format

URGENT help!!! Please, formatting graphs
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ok, have you tried adjusting the tabs?

I didn't get the job - WAAH!!!!
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yep Stressed is right there, recent hires in my department have been from europe, I have a sneaky suspician that if I put on a foreign accent I may come across more intelligent and therefore get a job (?).

Either that or they've already got someone lined up for the role.

I didn't get the job - WAAH!!!!
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sorry to hear it Sue. I feel like I'm in a similar situation, having not gotten the last two jobs I've gone for, losing out to more experienced people. I'm just hoping that once its complete and I am Dr. Sneaks, and I have a few publications, things will look up and I'll be the one with more experience. Hopefully.

Have you thought about coming to england, not so many freaky spiders here ;-)

URGENT help!!! Please, formatting graphs
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======= Date Modified 28 Sep 2010 09:05:15 =======
Have you tried 'wrapping' the table around the figure?? *goes to hunt around in word menus*

err, maybe go to 'format object' by right clicking, and then you can say whether the figure is infront/behind/alongside the text. Not sure if that's what you're looking for!?

The One Goal Thread
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Goal 1: Done :-)

G2: provide references for my bizarre statistical technique

The One Goal Thread
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Wow Wal, you're really churning the work out. I feel really lazy :-(

Today's goals....

G1: move section from intro to discussion.

Stupid theoretical Framework
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oh, I have no idea how to make a theoretical framework then :-(

I was just going to review all the theoretical approaches and then say which one I was going to use, is that what it is??