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I don't really get it either, although my husband takes a blimmin laptop in there with him and sits looking up football scores/gossip (apparently!)

Luckily its not the same computer I use for my PhD - although I am constantly wiping it down with anti-bac wipes - ewww!

the film review thread
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======= Date Modified 19 Sep 2010 07:23:48 =======
Thanks to Wal's review I managed to persuade hubs he didn't need to see the expendables :-)

I really want to see Tamara Drew - I have a slight girl crush on Gemma Arterton, I want to be her!

I've just found the computer open on the Odeon page, with times to see resident evil 3d today, so i guess we'll be seeing that and I can report back.

sleeping question for computer
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I hardly ever turn my PC off, and my laptop is on all the time, but only because I'm lazy.

I think if you leave them on its actually worse because the fan has to work 24/7 and then seizes up and then they overheat and then they break (?) which would make sense because I broke 2 desktops during my PhD because of them overheating.

Ideas anyone?
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I think they currently pay £250 for egg donation, my understanding is that it only really covers the costs incurred i.e. travel, having a medical procedure, testing, having a psycho couple follow you about trying to work out your eye colour etc etc. But they were talking about increasing it to £1k although it says £800 here...


Maybe you could be a surrogate for a few £k, but the hormones would probably make finishing the PhD take longer (?)

My plan was winning the lottery, but it isn't going well, I keep on forgetting to play.

Ideas anyone?
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I think they only pay for blood donation in America. I think you probably do get paid for sperm donation, and they were talking recently about paying women £1k for egg donation, but not sure I really like the idea of lots of little Sneaks's out there running about without knowing who they are!

The One Goal Thread
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ooh, sounds like my idea of fun Ev!

Mine's going ok, done 8 regressions out of 16. Hubs will be back from the footy soon, so really need to get the last ones done, before he demands tea (he's not that bad, but he will come and annoy me and want me to sit and watch a film with him or something).

List of typos
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She's a working cocker spaniel - this is her ladyship ;-)


I do also have two cats - I'm like one of those freaky pet hoarders on those animal shows, although I do feed mine and they're allowed out all the time and bring back lots of birds/mice/frogs as presents :-(

Ideas anyone?
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I have Pfizer near me - maybe I could pop along. Although my friends who work there say they mainly test on beagles which is horrible :-( :-( poor beagles :-( test on PhD students instead!

Ideas anyone?
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Medical trials? :-(

List of typos
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just walked the dog in the sunshine :-)

My friend did a PhD on shift work - must have been a nightmare for dodgy typos! :$

List of typos
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======= Date Modified 20 Sep 2010 10:11:14 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============
I recently had a publication that was proof read by 3 people multiple times and there was STILL a blimmin typo in it when it was published! And one of those sneaky ones that doesn't get picked up on a spellcheck e.g. ration rather than ratio (I pick this up a lot in hubs phd as he's doing a maths one AND is dyslexic).

I *nearly* left in 'b*&%$r' the other day, as meant to write 'buffer' NOT GOOD - might do a search for rude words before I hand it in. The sentence was "variable x buggers variable y in xyz situations" - haha!

I'm cold and waiting for SPSS to process some bootstrapped regressions, which seems to take 10 mins a go for the poor sickly processor

Ideas anyone?
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======= Date Modified 18 Sep 2010 16:29:20 =======
PamW - I would apply anyway, you may well get it! I recently didn't go for a job in oxford, because I thought "well I haven't finished my PhD, AND its Oxford for christs sake" - I then heard from someone (after the closing date) who works in the department that they didn't have any applications from finished PhDs AND they were specifically looking for a woman (not sure if that's really legal?) and he said if I'd applied I would have had a very good chance. So I say go for it :-)

Luckily my hubs earns enough to support both of us, just ,as long as the interest rate doesn't go up on the mortgage. Although I feel guilty, he went into a job before the end of his funding and is still trying to finish his PhD.

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I assume it all depends on your examiners. I have a copy of a girls thesis, I know she passed with no amendments, yet I have found NUMEROUS mistakes throughout it, she's hardly referenced half the people she's cited (i.e. she has cited but not provided the full reference) and there are a load of typos.

Mind you, I'd rather have my amendments being typos than anything else :p

The One Goal Thread
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I feel so old, my 20 year old sister in law uses the term 'gathering' in my day we used to say a 'party' :$

slowly getting work done, although having issues with Word and getting decimals points in a table to line up :-(

A tough call- how much more of my supervisor can I take?
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======= Date Modified 18 Sep 2010 14:33:31 =======
I remember I had a conductor in one of the orchestras I went to like this. She used to blow up, in front of the whole orchestra and pick you out, then shout at you for 10 mins, embarrass you, and then she'd come back the week after and quietly say sorry.

One day she did it to one of the better brass players who promptly got up and walked out - quit the whole thing. Problem was, this girl was really valued, so for once the conductor had to apoligise to her in front of every one,, rather than in a quiet corner. I think it taught her her lesson.

However, I guess you need quite a lot of leverage to be able to pull the whole 'right I'm off then' trick. I know if I tried it with my sup, she would hardly come crawling back to me. Its tricky.

Maybe you can send her an anonymous invitation to some anger management classes- maybe your uni's staff development unit do them?