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Not sure I'll get an answer to this one...
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Wal, I don't even want to know how you get these things!

The "oh &*%£$!!! my supervisor has given me 4 weeks to write up" thread
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oh its all going horribly wrong!

I at last thought I had my stats sorted today and now having major doubts. I have really unequal sample sizes, but don't know whether to cut 100 participants from 1 sample, or do all sorts to correct it, mainly bootstrap the data.

And there is no one I can turn to for advice on the matter - my supervisor asks me to do her stats for her. whaaaaaaa!

got a third, I feel so angry
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If you have medical notes etc. then definitely appeal. My hubs got a 2:1 but I made him appeal haha! Because he had dyslexia that was only diagnosed half way through the second year (after I bugged him to get tested) after a brilliant performance by me (if I don't say so myself) as his representative in the appeal meeting, he was given a 1st :-)

In the current climate, accountancy firms shouldn't be turning away graduates - they can essentially take their pick. I know accountancy stuff is mainly done through UCAS points and A levels. It may be a question of re-doing your CV so it highlights your 'passion for accountancy' (:p ) and that you are committed etc.

Also,rather than going through recruitment consultancies, who will often disregard your CV if it doesn;'t have a particular key word on it, try going to local firms and handing your CV over in person.

completely off topic - chilli con carne
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yeah, I was thinking that the basil etc might make it wierd - but maybe if I add enough chilli.....

Can't get a sauce mix as that would involve venturing out of the front door.

Will see what hubs actually wants for dinner - will probably be something else anyway :-(

completely off topic - chilli con carne
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======= Date Modified 15 Sep 2010 14:02:22 =======
yeah, I know the dolmeo is not too good, and not up to my usual standards. But in my defence, I'm writing a thesis :p

Thanks for the recipe - will have a go!

I'm tee total, so no wine about, maybe if I grate enough cheese over it afterwards it will be fine.

The observant thread
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That's good, and I'm glad we both got them on the same day - wouldn't want to be all jealous over Wal's achievement!

completely off topic - chilli con carne
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i made a spagetti sauce last night - mince, carrot, onions, tomatoes, jar of dolmeo

I want it on baked potato tonight, but I want to make it into a chilli (without the gross bean things - ewww)

How is this done?? What spices do I add?

Or am I attempting the impossible?

The One Goal Thread
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argh, spent ALL morning cleaning my data set (and celebrating my ***** status)

Goal 1: make and eat crumpets
Goal 2: check to make sure the same amount of participants have answered for the outcome variable.
Goal 3: Start running some blimmin analysis!

The observant thread
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On balance, I would say that Wal is more helpful than me, given our star to post ratio. Either that or I spend far too much time with insigifnicant posts :$

TBH I'm a bit suspicious about the whole thing - why were we both 'promoted' on the same day?

Is this an attempt to quash the uprising about no one being given 5 stars?

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If you're still worried Wal, just make the margins bigger ;-)

tired, but relieved
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OMG Eska (((hugs))) I'm glad to hear its benign. I went through something much less scary, and I was scared, so I can't imagine what it must be like. At least they sorted it out quickly and you weren't waiting for weeks. My mum recently had a scare and my dad phones up 2 weeks before she was due to have it checked out to say that she was definitely dieing - erm no she wasn't so had 2 weeks of extreme stress, and then for it all to be normal.

I think you should snuggle up in front of a comedy, I would recommend a film, but as a film student you probably think my taste is poor! and eat some maltesers :-)

The observant thread
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omg omg, I'm SO (embarrassingly) excited! Well done too Wal. I hope we earned them properly (actually I don't really care) woooo.

I'd like to thank everyone who clicked the 'helpful user button' :-) and my husband for keeping my spirits up when I was a lowly 4 starer (up)

The One Goal Thread
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oh dear Emaa, maybe you need some chocolate?

My main goal for today is to get the stats done - its something that has been dragging on for weeks now and just needs to get finished!

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You're making me panic now Wal! My studies are only about 5k words long! So I daren't think how long the whole thing will be.

My hubs' thesis is 130 pages including references - about 30k words. He's a little worried, but his is maths based so a lot of the thesis is funny sigma signs followed by lots of 'to the power of ymca etc etc' :p

From all that I've been told its all about the story you tell. Do you supervise masters dissertations? I do and I am constantly telling them that its the story they tell throughout the work - not how many pages, or how complicated the stats are.

I'm actually panicking today because my 'huge' questionnaire study only has 200 participants! Although my hubs said "there's nothing you can do, so submit and if they want you to collect more data then do it as an amednment" :$ spose he's right, although I'm a little concerned :-(

The "oh &*%£$!!! my supervisor has given me 4 weeks to write up" thread
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Thanks Olivia, I have PMd you with my specific dilemma.

On another note - having a VERY bad day as my statistics have decided to play up and become non-significant, I have no idea how this has happened :-s