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Mods - my PM thingy is wierd
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======= Date Modified 06 21 2010 19:21:51 =======
Hey Mods,

My inbox won't tell me when I have new messages.

And when I do have new messages, they are displaying as 'read' i.e. unbold, rather than unread (bold) :-(


(can we have some new smilies please?)

After the PhD: where are the jobs?
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not sure the CS fast stream is going to be particularly easy to get onto this year. hubs works as a civil servant (after doing a PhD) and he said they are going to run the various fast streams but they will be more competitive that ever this year because other recruitment is frozen. :-(

The civil service (non-fast stream) was kind of my back up plan - stupid budget cuts :-(

Do you have to pay Journals to publish your articles?
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IMO - I'm the person who's done the work, they should be paying ME

AND I should get ....erm......£1million for every citation :-x :-x:-x:-x:-x:-x

MHRA style referencing
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I'm going to bump this for you

I don't know anything about this ref style, but there was definitely a post about this and endnote so someone out there is using it!

Decisions, decisions
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It depends if most people in your field have a masters. In mine you have to have one really, particularly if you want to become a pracititioner rather than an academic. The dissertation should also give you some research experience.

I guess it depends on whether you can afford to i.e. paid RA vs Masters tuition fees and no income.

After the PhD: where are the jobs?
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======= Date Modified 06 Sep 2010 14:28:15 =======
======= Date Modified 06 Sep 2010 14:27:01 =======
there are two separate issues here.

1) there are no jobs

2) getting through the sift.

so for me....

1) - yes there are NO jobs in my field. Only 2 jobs have come up in the last 6 months that I feel I am appropriate for. There have been psychology lectureships starting at £40k - but I really don't think that I'm qualified for those. So it is only 2 posts (tbh, there have only been about 2 lectureships come up as well!)

2) I have got interviews to both the jobs I applied for - I think my CV is good (if I don't say so myself) I didn't get the 1st job, because they also interviewed 3 people who were 4 years out of their PhDs - which either means my CV was amazing, or they got me to go all the way there for giggles.
2nd interview for the other job is tomorrow eeeeek!

ETA: on my CV i have a brief overview of my thesis in laymens speak (even for the academic version of my cv as don't want to alienate people) and then I have...

Skills and Experience:
? Presentation Skills: Conference presentations and invited talks
? Written communication: Both academic writing and organisational reports
? Consultancy Skills: Working with stakeholders, managing expectations
? Knowledge Transfer: Ensuring the research impacts organisational policy
? Research Skills: Critical analysis, problem solving
? Project Management: Organising, planning and time management
? Computing Skills: Microsoft Office, SPSS

Cluster analysis
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Here's Andy Field's handout http://www.statisticshell.com/cluster.pdf

I did do an exam in cluster analysis at the beginning of my PhD, but I've forgotten most of it! Hopefully this handout is a good starting point.

Bedbug nightmare
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wow, my dad would say use wire wool to block up holes to stop mice. Don't know how to stop anything else!

Bedbug nightmare
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I hadn't hoovered in 18 months (no joke) before the lice thing.
Although I asked hubs to hoover and he just chucked out all the carpet, so we now have floor boards.

I would worry about bedbugs, but we didn't have a boiler this winter - during the coldest winter in 30 years or whatever, it was cold enough to wipe out anything in our house!

Bedbug nightmare
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ah, apparently they die on contact with parraffin, not petrol. (up)

Bedbug nightmare
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My dad says they're little B******s and live in the seams of your jeans etc. so its worth hot washing all your clothes. He said if we ever get them, then put the feet of your bed in trays of parrafin or petrol (can't remember) - obviously only works if you have a wooden bed I think because the stuff seeps in???

My cat had lice recently (even after frontline, but vet said 'oh it doesn't always work' so have advocated them (advocate is a product) - stupid expenisve useless frontline), the vet said they're species specific, but I went mental around the house - I've washed EVERYTHING that can be washed and hoovered about 20 times in a week.

writing: nature or nurture?
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I think that top academics do mould a certain style of writing and then stick to it. I notice my sups publications all have the same types of phrases - if not the extact phrases - throughout. And I know her papers are broadly structured the same - i.e. paragraph 1 intro, paragraph 2 backoground stats, paragraph 3 blah blah blah. So I guess you mould a 'template' and then stick with it.

My sup doesn't critique my writing at all. She has spent 3 years saying "you're a fantastic writer Sneaks" but when I actually give her 'final copies' she then goes and literally changes everything I write - I mean EVERYTHING. If track changes are in blue, there is NOTHING that is not blue on every page.

I would prefer to be critiqued personally.

The One Goal Thread
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ooh I'm supposed to be an auntie today, my Sister in law is due. I'm really hoping she has it before we go to london tomorrow night, so at least we can drop a card in to her mums. Very excited!

The One Goal Thread
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well for 3 years now I have managed to get out of going to stay in a summer house with her and her family (for a week or so every summer). I can't get out of staying over one night in her normal house though. I don't think I'll actually mind once I'm there - it will be a good chance to talk about the thesis for more than our 30 min meetings and I will be able to talk to her about jobs etc. I just haven't been in that situation i.e. having to be very polite and staying in someones house for years!

The One Goal Thread
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OMG, my sup wants me to stay over at her house one day this week i.e stay the night! As if next week wasn't stressful enough!