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Any AMOS experts - SEM?
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looks like I'll have to become an expert myself then (mince)

PGF Drinks/Dinner in London week of 30th August
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I'm at a conference end of sep - although can't remember when. Set a date and I will see if I can come along :-)

Any AMOS experts - SEM?
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I need someone who can help me with structural equation modelling in AMOS.



Getting funny things into academic work
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I have a reference called "smith-lovin" and I always think of McLovin from superbad whenever I type it.

I have many swear words, as I like to leave them in my participants' quotes 8-)

PGF Drinks/Dinner in London week of 30th August
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======= Date Modified 26 Aug 2010 17:22:25 =======
I 'over clicked' :-(

PGF Drinks/Dinner in London week of 30th August
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I can do the 1st (obviously) I can make it anytime after 5.30, but will have to leave 9ish for the train (turkey)

When Natassia met Phdbug!
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agree adam, which is why I live south of the north AND south of london ;-) its not the places I'm scared of, its the people :$

When Natassia met Phdbug!
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ooh I'll be in london on the 1st sep and then on the 8th, but pretty busy all day :-(

I'm venturing to birmingham late sep though (I'm scared of the north)

Sample representativeness
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I have too many women in my sample - stoopid women (or men for not doing my questionnaire).

If I control for gender in my regression, can I then generalise results to the population? or are my results just rubbish because the sample is not representative??


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maybe "a hyperlink was added to the electronic mail that was sent through cyber space using the internet super galactic highway"??

The One Goal Thread
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my parents have just gone to france for 3 weeks after a manic summer for them, so I'm hoping its not pouring with rain for them!

Does sound nice though make the most of it!

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ok I'll use hyperlink!

I do sound like my mum trying to be 'cool' though :$

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I need to say that I added a link to my questionnaire in an email.

Should it be 'hyperlink' or just link?

I feel like my mum when she calls the charts 'the hit parade' when I use hyperlink lol.

The One Goal Thread
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wow where are you??

We've had biblical rain for AGES now. I nearly killed myself driving back from london last night - it was fog lights, 40mph the whole way :-(

Font for conference poster
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calibri? Tahoma?

I'd say comic sans is a bit too 'I'm a quirky researcher, look I'm so whacky", or "I didn't realise how important this conference was"