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it was in my own presentation - about my own publications, I've done a few press articles etc because my subject is quite mainstream. I called them 'other' in the end haha! but I referred to them as lay publications when I talked about them (up)

The One Goal Thread
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Right I'm super enthused today!

Goal 1: Set up data sets
Goal 2: analyse data
Goal 3: sort paper our for friend
Goal 4: read through hubby's PhD chapter and make corrections.

nighmare to complete with this in the air!
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Aww rubbish - pretty poor timing on his part. surely he could have ridden it out for another month!

I'd say get the thesis done, tell him that everything will be better once it is! - which it will be.

My hubby's just bought me singstar - which has made me stop thinking about the PhD and laugh at his out of tune singing for an hour or so a night- its hilarious! So maybe you need to inject a little fun.

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Well today I've had a few good things and a few bad things.

Good things: did my annual review presentation, I would say it 'went' rather than went well or went badly, just went - so now its over, I also got my marking moderated and it was generally good, so now that's off my plate and handed in, I had a meeting with sup who went through my paper and now have things to get done so feeling positive.

Bad things: Sup reckons the uni fellowships available are highly politicised so its unlikely I will get it if I apply - although I still will. she also suggested I started looking at my local uni - a strong indication that she reckons there's nothing going at my current uni.

But now, for the first time in a while, feel that I've got a while where I can do nothing but PhD work, rather than being distracted by stupid presentations, marking etc.

Losing it when speaking
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agree with the others. and bear in mind that you probably don't actually go red, you probably just think you do. I'm the same, I assumed I went bright red, but I had a room full of friends and strangers and they all assured me afterwards that I didn't, including people who I know would have said "hey beetroot face" if I had have done!

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I would imagine that either you have a 1+3 offer - which means you do a 1 year masters before the PhD - OR you can choose to drop the 1 and just do the +3 i.e. just do the PhD.

Or more likely, you are registered at the uni for 4 years, but the actual PhD is 3 years, you just are registered for the final year, because you have this year to write up. You usually have to pay small fees in your write up year - mine are £300 I think for the year as long as you are in the write up stage.

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well I'm STILL waiting around for a phone call from hubby to pick him up from the pub :-s I don't mind picking him up, but would like to know a VAGUE time, so I could actually get into work/watch a film etc etc

When he IS back I will subject him to my presentation another few times

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welcome Pink_numbers - I have given you a star for posting on my wonderful thread!

I am very jealous though, I also have about 7 months left, but no thesis to speak of yet :-(

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Hey Ev, I think everyone goes through patches of doing things that are not related to the PhD e.g. committee work, lecturing, tutoring, any other work for proper cash!

Not doing too well today. I've had to ferry my hubs around the county so he can go to the pub with his dad, so practiced my presentation a few times but Goal 2 hasn't been touched!

SPSS.. help!!
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do you mean a variable like 18-24, 25-34 etc?

only way I know is to do it manually - or work out the equations you need and do it in excel.

Or you can change the variable type into date - but not sure that you will be able to use it in analysis or not.

On verge of quitting my PhD - I just don't know what to do
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Quote From missscully:

Why I was so upset is because in the two times I had seen her previous I had an idea - she then changed it, so I changed it back to what she wanted, spent the last 2 months working on it and produced a 20,000 word document based on it - only for her to tell me it was all wrong and that she wants it to be more like my original idea that she previously dismissed. I just can't help thinking that if she had 'properly' supervised me that I would have been guided over the past few months and not left questioning where I failed and what I have done wrong.

I have had this done SO many times to me its untrue - just learn to ALWAYS keep the old versions, because inevitably, you will be giving them back to your sup after 6 months of them saying they wanted something different. The second time you give it to them they will think its the best idea ever! - its just the PhD way I think.

Don't compare yourselves to others though - other people will always come across as doing better, but they are most probably hiding something equally terrible about their own PhD, or they will come into problems later on, because they didn't have to think it through properly themselves as there was too much support - its swings and roundabouts.

If I were you, I would talk to your supervisor about  your fears and explain to her why you think you've been delayed with your work - don't blame the other sup, just suggest blame if that makes sense! And it would be good to find a mentor - preferably someone who is a year or 2 ahead on their PhD or a postdoc who can give you the kind of help that sups (or mine anyway) doesn't give. E.g. my sup will tell me to go and do analysis, but not tell me HOW to do the analysis, just to do it. So having someone to go to who can help with those things is great - obviously in exchange for you buying them coffee and proof reading or similar.


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Ok Goals today...

Goal 1: Practice presentation

Goal 2: clean the data of half my sample.

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GRRR I've got my annual review presentation on Monday, so trying to get together the powerpoint now, so can practice over the weekend. Problem is we are given 15 mins! And now I am in my 3rd year that's extremely short, considering i have to introduce the literature/background, and the rationale, method and findings from 3 studies! Plus talk about conferences, and publications I have done in the last year and talk about time frames for completions ARRRRGH!

On verge of quitting my PhD - I just don't know what to do
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But, I think some supervisors do this deliberately i.e. ignore you at the beginning to make you think about things yourself, read around the subject, learn to work on your own, and then they will start to guide you towards the end of your first year.

On verge of quitting my PhD - I just don't know what to do
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I do see where you'r coming from Goodboy - but I think looking back, my sup was so hands off because it did force me to work stuff out for myself, being plunged into the deep end - I flailed for a long time, but eventuall started to tread water. I think if she had have supported me extensively during that time I wouldn't have half as much knowledge about my area. Although agree, there does have to be SOME guidance.