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Refusal and no further feedback
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its annoying, but they could well have had hundreds of applicants. If you didn't get an interview it could be your CV/personal statement. Of course it could be that there were a lot of other people with better/different experience than you. Also, its best to avoid studentships that are only advertised for a week or so, they tend to go to internal candidates who are already lined up.

mature student with children - financial help ?
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I would imagine that you would lose all benefits. You wouldn't have to pay council tax though. Your university might have a money pot for students with dependents, so its worth asking there. You can also pick up paid teaching and research work arond your PhD - the first £6k goes un taxed. Although I wouldn't rely on this, as it is not always a constant income.

The One Goal Thread
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omg, sups just phoned for a long chat! everything is looking good, but its all a bit scary! must push on with these analyses!! - after warming up the tea that is now cold!

error value question
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ooh, i don't think it matters, I could be wrong! You would report it, because people need it to build the full regression equation but it is the r squared, adjusted r squared and the F values (and significance) that gives the overall model stats. Then the for the individual variables it is the B, beta, T values and significance you need to look at. So I would tend to ignore it!

Anyone know different??

How long does a PhD take?
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error value question
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I think what you are referring to (correct me if I'm wrong!) is whether the change is significant when adding variables in blocks - i.e. a hierarchical regression.

So you want to know whether the change in the model is signficant from block 1 - block 2 and then block 2 - block 3??

Is that right??

If so then when you run the regression you can request 'change statistics' - you then get R Squared change and a F values etc. that tell you this.

The One Goal Thread
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Is it your first conference Ev? How big is it?

I've finished Goal 5. On with Goal 6. I want to get it done by 6pm - hoping hubs is staying at work a bit later so I can do this!

error value question
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======= Date Modified 20 Apr 2010 16:29:38 =======
Ok the 'constant' just refers to the Y intercept - i.e. where the regression line starts off on the vertical line of the graph.

So that value represents the predicted value of the outcome variable when all other variables are 0.

I don't think I would worry about this in my own work - its part of the regression equation but the real interesting stuff is the significance of the other predictors (which is shown in the rows below the constant in the same table).

I hope that makes sense Satchi! 8-)

Advice on PhD Research with a company
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I have to deal with companies all the time for research and am sponsored by one. The only real way they will collaborate with you is if they get something concrete out of it. They will not be interested 'for interests sake'. Giving them something for free that they pay for at the moment is good, or that would cost them a lot of money (but not just a 'free' researcher - they probably couldn't care less). The best thing is to consult with them about what they are looking for, but go prepared with a few ideas about what you could offer them.

This may mean compromising your study aims or the rigour of your approach though.

error value question
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do you mean the constant row in the coefficients table? (asusming you are using SPSS)

How long does a PhD take?
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ah well, I'm ESRC funded and they require that you finish in 4 years otherwise I think they penalise the university/your supervisor - so basically my sup will demand that I finish in 4 years because it may impact her ability to get future funding from them. The people In know were on departmental grants, so I guess it is different for them. I was annoyed about that at first but I think you need a deadline. 8-9 years is far too long to be doing a project in my mind! And it must impact on the relevance of the research e.g. if you started in 2000 and you publish the work in 2012!

How long does a PhD take?
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Don't think that's the case at my uni. There are several people here who are on their 8th and 9th year of their PhD. I'm hoping to have a fair amoutn written up by october, so fingers crossed I won't need to pay the £3500, just the £300!

How long does a PhD take?
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I just asked about this at my uni. I'm an ESRC funded student and they said if I go over 3 years I have to pay about £3500! BUT if I am doing writing up, then its only £300. I was very pleased when he told me the second half!

Although I can't see how they can tell if you're in the writing up stage or not!

Who has the highest number of references in EndNote?
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oh I can definitely say that I have only read about 2 of those articles, I skim them for relevant points, but never read them cover to cover. :$

The One Goal Thread
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Did half of 1 analysis for goal 4. I've taken the dog for her second walk.

Goal 5: Finish analysis already started

Goal 6: complete one more analysis

Goal 7: go over ones completed today and check the 2 things I have to check! (I know its so cryptic!)