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Supervising MSc students- how much do you do for them?!
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this is totally unacceptable - as you see my by spoonfeeding thread, I am not too happy with similar behaviour! I know a sup who goes to France for the whole of the summer holidays and just leaves his MSc students to cope. So of course they end up crying to everyone else in the department! Although the attitude of the sup seems different to yours i.e. he thinks that the students should just get on with it, whereas yours seems to think its your job to sort stuff out for them.

Is your sup expecting a few publications to piggy back on from these students? Has your sup asked you to do this in front of the students or privately? - maybe you could convince the students its their job and you are there for reference only.

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the saga continues! I was approached while lecturing today by the same student saying in response to my email which said she should try the other library we have access to across town "but I CAN'T walk all the way over there!" and has now requested that I send a load of articles over to her. Now I wouldn't mind if it was purely access to these articles i.e. she found some she wanted to read and didn't have access. She hasn't even found them - she wants me to provide a list and the fulltexts!!!

Hello everyone- introduction and tips for beginning
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THere is a sticky 'tips' thread somewhere. My no.1 tip would be write as you go, even if you don't think it will be useful later, it will be!

slope calculation
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my brain just exploded!

When writing gets so painful!
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Aye! i'm on an eighth draft of a paper and can't bear it now.my sup wants it totally rehalled everytime she reads (skims) it and its wearing me down now. Even turning on the computer feels exhausting!

slope calculation
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are you sure they are not referring to the calculation of slope in regression?

slope calculation
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err here's where you've lost me. I know slope can be carried out for regression because its based on a linear assumption. Not sure about ANOVA -my advice would be to google!

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this is a tricky one. I remember that the staff striked(struck?) when I was doing my undergrad and I remember thinking it was totally unfair because our year graduate late because assignments were not marked on time, so althoguh I knew I was going to do an MSc, a lot of my friends had job offers taken away because they hadn't got their final degree class, by the correct date.

Now I see the other side of things! I don't know if I would join the picket, because I'm not a member of any unions etc. although I do support their stance. i would probably work from home on the selfish side of things and avoid the picket :$

University of Sussex sit in/protest
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======= Date Modified 18 41 2010 08:41:16 =======
What do you all think - have they got a chance of changing the mind of evil Mandy?


Diet-exercise-health pacts thread
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oh I had baked salmon, sweet potato mash (not that bad considering its not proper potatoe) and I had sweetcorn for dinner last night - for me that is amazing and the most healthy meal I have eaten in years!

Diet-exercise-health pacts thread
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ill again today. The plan is to rest and watch films because I'm lecturing tomorrow and need not to have my eyes and nose streaming! I am off to the shops to stock up on maltesers, ice cream and cheese - I need it to make me healthy again :p

racism by prospective employers?
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agree with Wal, i've never come across racism in academia. However, I do interview for an MSc course and we do turn people away for their English ability - no matter what their skin colour. But as you are British born and bred it would suggest the other candidate, as Wal says, may have had better experience, had worked in the area before etc etc.

How many papers would one need to be confident of passing?
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I'm in my third year and hoping to put publications together over the next few months and then put the thesis together. Although it feels like I am running out of time whichever way I look at it.

How many papers would one need to be confident of passing?
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I think it may be about the quality of the publications e.g if they are in high impact factor journals then it should be fine. I've decided to try and get all my studies published before submission - that would make me so more confident walking into the viva. of course the comments from reviewers will also enhance it!

Diet-exercise-health pacts thread
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haha loving the new boursin advert. "du pain, du vin, du boursin......du tracteur" - as a 'tractor' wheels towards a couple in a meadow about to presumably kill them! haha.

Although as a born and bred country girl I would like to point out it was more of a combine harvester than a tractor.