Overview of sneaks

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Oh no! I think my laptop is going to die
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buy some 'air in a can' from the computer shop - then clean out the fans etc with it. In the space of a week I have gone through 3 computers (luckily all my own old ones) because they are all having issues with the fans. Hoping this one is ok now! Get a massive external hard drive though and back up everything regularly. I have two 1tb drives that have backups of all my work once a month on them, more often if thesis stuff.

Career choices
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I think it depends on how much ££ you have. In know I really can't afford not to get a job come october, so I will probably take ANYTHING including checkout work - not an academic term, I mean at the supermarket.

My sup just told me that there will be no opportunities at my current uni at all, so start searching. My location is fixed because of my hubby's work, so I think I have just had to say goodbye to my academic career for the next year or so :-(

I'm not so up on genetics etc but could you not do charity work, or work for a huge industrial place like pfizer?

Post-doc Chat
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aw clogs, I kinda missed you!

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oh, you can use noodles or linguine depending on your leanings.

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Quote From phdbug:

Sneaks would you mind sharing the amazing chilli prawn noodle recipe? Thanks so much if you can!!


haha, ok, its not that amazing, but it does taste yummy. Basically boil some linguine. in another pan put olive oil, black pepper and chopped garlic, cook it for a few minutes, careful not to burn! Put in 1 teaspoon of chilli flakes (from one of those jars), and then at the last minute add realling juicy king or tiger prawns (heads and jackets off) heat through, strain the linnguine and add it to the prawn pan, stir round and VOILA. However, it is frequently too spicy for me, so I like to add a tablespoon of creme freche when served mmmmmmm.

It pays to get the more expenisve big fat juicy prawns!

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I do have a microwave - and full kitchen. I tend to work from home. Surely tinned tuna is just tuna in a tin? I do try to have organic stuff when looking at meat, cos when they feed cows other cows it scares me a little.

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Quote From teek:

Could you bear cold veggies with a nice dip or some humous?

No - humous is the food of the devil.

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not THAT basic - I do just get a bit lazy though. I do cook lasagne, casseroles, spagetti bolognase, my amazing chilli prawn noodle dish etc all from scratch with no jar sauces etc. And I'm usually fine for evening meals - its the lunchtimes I struggle with.

I do know what a tuna steak looks like, but is the texture the same as in the tin? - I always find tuna a bit dry without a huge amount of mayo on it and can't imagine eating a whole steak of it!

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I've never had tuna steak, is it different to tuna in a tin?

Finding the gaps and absences
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taks a step back for a minute. Try and think about describing all the research you have read briefly to your mum/dad/little sister etc. and see if your 'simple' explanation provides any insight.

Often I find I 'overthink' things, and the answer is there in my face, waiting for me!

Think about methodological gaps e.g. has this area been examined used X technique?

Are there techniques from other fields of research that provide insight, but haven't been combined in a particular way with your field?

A PhD is much more focused than you may think, so it doesn't necessarily have to be this huge cave of a gap that hasn't even been touched, it could be as simple as adding an extra variable to an existing piece of research and seeing what the results are!

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Ok, so I've just had lunch, which consisted of a cinema size bag of minstrels and 2 dairylea triangles. :$

I know we have had similar threads before, but I need ideas for EASY to make, healthy eating ideas, for a VERY FUSSY eater - no salad please (I don't really like cold food)

Critical PhD?
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I guess it depends on how confident you are that 'you know your stuff' and are objective - so it doesn't turn into a personal rant about that administration. Can you imagine if you had a 'sympathiser' with that administration as a viva examiner! - they are out there, my father in law is one :$

Sneaks' accountability thread
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ok just writing today, I HAVE to get this done today and send it off so have broken it down into about 5 paragraphs to write.

tonight I also have to put together a load of reports.

I also have to phone plasterer again!

I had a dream....
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I find I have much more vivid dreams when I am dieting as I usually go to bed quite hungry. I did go through a phase where I used to have very vivid dreams of my other half cheating on me, me catching him and then him giving me this awful smirk, like he thought it was funny, then I would wake up and batter him around the head for being so nasty - which of course wasn't his fault, probably just my low self esteem on 'fat days' haha.

I used to have nightmares every night about being chased by scary dogs and not being able to get away - stemming from an episode when I was about 5 and I was chased through the woods by a big alsation who then floored me and tried to bite me, i had fallen behind my family who were out walking.

I now have dreams of vampires of various sorts as am obsessed with true blood and twilight (yes I do feel VERY ashamed)

research masters thesis
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I would just ask for more feedback, what is it specifically about the writing style? ask him to mark up a few pages with pointers. Its very difficult being given no guidance, but some supervisors (like mine) don't really like a hands on approach and often think that students should do it all themselves with some guidance only at the end. its difficult, but this qualification is yours, so you will have to work yourslef crazy for it. Realistically, in 2 years time, when you want to explain to people why you didn't get the qualification, then the supervisor explanation won't really wash - so get to it, ask for some more feedback and use the time you have left. You could also enquire about an extension potentially.