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Sneaks' accountability thread
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ooh, at least you've got the paper in some kind of publishable form! I have walked the dog, she is now sleeping. I want to sleep but must transcribe. My othr half wil be home in an hour and I should really try and get something done haha!

Is my potential supervisor any good?
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Glad to hear it! I would say that it really depends on the subject too. I know that in my specialist subject, my uni far outranks oxford/cambridge and all those types. I can't remember what kind of uni it is, a glass wall one or something, I definitely wouldn't have gone there for undergrad, but for my area, its one of the best.

finish in 3 years?
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Who else is thinking that the three year goal is slowly slipping out of reach?

I don't really want to hear from people who are perfect and will have it done cos I'm feeling grumpy and need people who will make me feel better :p (snowman)

Is my potential supervisor any good?
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ooh I'm intrigued Emmaki - how did you know you were 'the problem'?

I would agree though, getting on with your sup is more important. No supervisor support is RUBBISH and will mean a delay in your PhD. SO its better to get a good quality PhD from an ok university in 3-4 years than an average PhD from a great uni in 7-8 years!

Sneaks' accountability thread
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Done reports. Took longer than thought, still haven't walked dog - she is looking glum.

Can't concentrate - Xmas!
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Anyone else can't concentrate on anything because of the impending xmas hols? I didn't even plan to stop work over xmas, but now I'm thinking I SHOULD be watching old xmas films all day and wrapping stuff. (gift)

Any tips on actually doing some PhD work?

Sneaks' accountability thread
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I'm here early! After a horrible weekend of feeling like death with an evil cold, I have decided to do as many transcriptions as possible today - get them completely out of the way and then try and relax in the afternoon as still feeling rough. However, just got email from sup asking for some non-PhD work for tomorrow. so my list for today is...

- do reports for tomorrow
- last 4 transcriptions (one being a VERY difficult one as didn't record well and can't work out what they are saying)
- take dog for walk
- R&R

A broken foot and a lot of frustration...
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Glad to hear your feeling more upbeat keenbean! Just don't break your back in one of your wicked moves. You can rent those shopping carts that are electric - they are super cool, my aunt has one and they're sooo fun!

Sneaks' accountability thread
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good luck with the presentaion jinkim - I think people just do that to make themselves feel better. I'm sure it will go swimmingly.

I've done the ironing, played with the dog, gone shopping, now onto making lunch and then sitting with a film on while I wrap birthday & christmas presents! (gift)(gift)(gift)

Qualitative quandary
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i''ve emailed it through, let me know if you don't get it. (you can always click me as a helpful user - not that I'm fishing for stars or anything!) (tree)

candle making supplies
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I would say hobbycraft, but depends on where you are


Sneaks' accountability thread
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Congrats Algae!! I'm hoping to do the same after xmas although not sure it will ever happen!

Today, I am feeling a bit under the weather so going to...
- ironing
- play frisby with dog
- wash clothes
- pack for moving house
- go shopping
- go out tonight.

Not very PhD, but hopefully if I get all that done today then I can spend more time on PhD over the weekend.

Qualitative quandary
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Hi Phdee, I have used thematic analysis in my work. THere are many types though.

This book is fab - pm me if you want the full text as I have it on pdf http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=1rPSA16gxIwC&printsec=frontcover&dq=cassell+symon&cd=1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

And this site is great for a step by step approach to 'template analysis' a form of thematic analysis - the site is bit tricky to navigate, just click on all the links on the pages and eventually you will have read it all - they are not all along the links at the bottom - this will make sense when you have a look through the site .


Sneaks' accountability thread
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Right that's me for the night. I'm out all day tomorrow at various sites so will report back friday.

Sneaks' accountability thread
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I tend to ignore my supervisor. there has been a cycle which I have now broken by ignoring her

1) I tell sup amazing idea I have and it really 'feels' like I should do it
2) sup tells me its not feasible and doesn't really work with the project
3) sup tells me to get on with project X instead
4) go back to sup - she says "why on earth are you doing project X, you should be doing project y"
5 go back to sup - she says "why on earth are you doing project Y, you should be doing project X"
6) 6 months passes
7) Supervisor says about the orinigal idea in step 1 "that would have been a brilliant, fantastic thing to do, but now you haven't got time, why didn't you tell me earlier about this amazing idea?"
8) I panic with nothing done because neither project x, y nor my amazing idea have been completed.