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writing up qual findings
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I have 40 participants, I'm not sure how to write up the findings. I have lots of quotes, but at the moment I'm putting e.g.

"many participants reported that chocolate was nice: [chocolate is really really nice] - participant 14"

But not sure if that's too 'dry' should I add names in? (obviously fake names), or is 40 participants too much to think about doing that?

The One Goal Thread
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Hi All!

Well I was going to try and push to get my thesis handed to sup for this Friday, but she's just told me she won't have time to read it until next friday. So I'm going to use the time to really get the thesis finished (it would have been a bit more of a draft for this friday).

What I have left to do for next week

- re-draft Chapter 5
- re-draft Chapter 6
- Write Chapter 7
- ALL references to be added (only done 30 pages of entire thesis so far)
- add in appendices
- check SPAG
- add in table of contents.

SO today's overall goal is to try and get at least the results section for Chapter 5 done.

Family issues - I just don't know what to do any more.
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Have you tried defusing the situations? From memory my hubby tried to be like this to me when we first dated - would get stupidly angry (never violent) about stuff. It soon stopped once he realised I just laughed at him. He's not done it since, I think it may be a thing that a lot of young men go through - his dad was the same and it caused a divorce between him and his mum when they were early 20s, maybe its testosterone levelling out or something?

How important is home ownership to you?
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Location is key - we live in a city which is lovely, but when we bought, our house was £170k, our next door neighbours just sold their (smaller by 1 room) house for £240k so we're hoping we'll make money on it, but tbh we love the city so much we'll probably be there for at least another 5 years.

Family issues - I just don't know what to do any more.
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it does sound exactly like substance abuse tbh, very difficult to tell on a forum though! My hubby's cousin is a bit like this, is extremely paranoid e.g. at a meal out with the rest of the family will suddenly jump at and scream at the whole table because he thought someone was looking at him and thinking he was gay - so strange! He's since started hitting his gf and gets extremely angry, it all stems from the weed unfortunately.

I've also seen this type of behaviour from steroid abuse.

How important is home ownership to you?
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me and my then bf bought a house in our undergrad 1st year. We then rented 3 rooms of it out to our friends,for reasonable rent, to may the mortgage and each year we got different people in. We continued to that until about 2 years ago where we kicked out the final set out housemates and took it on as our own home (we're now married). We both did PhDs so budgets are sometimes tight, and now we're looking to do it "all posh" so if we want to sell in the next few years we can. its worth noting that our mortgage for our 3 bed semi is much lower than rent would be on a 1 bed flat in the same town, so its really getting past the deposit which is the tricky issue.

The One Goal Thread
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Goal 2 - pretty much done.

Goal 3 = sort out conference presentation that co-presenter has ruined AND had slides and handouts etc all printed and sent out to delegates without checking with me, so my intellectual property has been put out there for everyone to steal for their own work AND I now need to do loads of work on it because he didn't check with me about the final content and now the handouts don't match the slides :-s :-s :-s

The One Goal Thread
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Done Goal 1, Goal 2 is to pack suitcase for the rest of the week.

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@Skig, it was just adding in references. I managed to 11 pages whilst watching downton abbey and x factor.

I'm out all afternoon today, so need to get a few things done this morning.

Goal 1: Sort out paperwork and print

The One Goal Thread
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well I've done the student work, you've reminded me that I have to do my references Skig. I might try and watch downton abbey on iplayer whilst doing the first few pages of the lit review!

The One Goal Thread
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Chapter done :-) paragraph kept, but broken up so she might not realise :p

Now will eat (turkey) and then have work for students to do. ALso have to print out contracts for new job and find passport/proof of qualifications and anything else they require!

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welcome, and also I love Adam Sandler Films! :-x

Paper Publication Strategy...
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journals do play a big part in securing a job, but it also depends on when you'll be looking for a job. If you're looking before the REF deadline (around Nov 2013), then unis will be taking people who can provide 2 really good journals for thier REF submission. Apply for jobs after that deadline and publications will still be important, but you'll probably have more chance of getting a job with no/lower quality publications.

Paper Publication Strategy...
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I agree with KB in some respects, but if you have the time, why not aim high? In my field the highest journals turn around very fast, its the lower impact journals that take months, so its always worth rattling off articles to top flight U.S. journals, because the feedback I've had from reviews from these has been really helpful in shaping my PhD chapters.

I think it also depends on how long it takes to conduct research in your field, in mine, it can take at least a year to produce one paper, so aiming high is a priority. If you're in a discipline where you can produce papers more quickly, then you can afford to get some published in less well known/rated journals.

Paper Publication Strategy...
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I've published one piece of work by aiming for top level journals and then using their comments to re-structure and sending it to other top-level journals. 3rd time it got into a top-level one, so that worked :-) My sup hates that method though and would prefer to cling on to a piece of work, re-shaping and re-shaping it for at least a year, and then finally submitting it to the best journal in the field (that being her 1st submission ever of the work), and she usually gets it in.