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another supervisor from hell
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My supervisor is very nurturing and not at all like how you describe. However, she does tend to not listen to my arguments for doing things, tells me to "ignore that - go and do xyz" and then 6 months later says " oh that would have been a good idea! - but we haven't got time to do that now" This has happened several times, so now I just go and do what I want, as my instincts so far have been right and she doesn't listen long enough to hear my logic.

If I were you I would just go and do my own thing, organise conferences, submit to conferences (you don't need her permission!) and get on with any experiments you want to.

Some Advice for Current PhD Students re: Academic Jobs
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Shotgun! Head of Psych department please for me :-)

how will endnote react to putting 2 chaps.together?
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just copy and paste the writing from chapter two (not the reference section) and tag it on the end, then click 'update bibliography' and the references for chapter two will magically appear!

Some Advice for Current PhD Students re: Academic Jobs
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Quote From eska:

======= Date Modified 22 Oct 2009 10:07:09 =======
OMG: the films I'm looking at are about the thoughts of a depressed and drifting lecturer who is slowly being pushed out of his teaching career by cuts, a he ponders the state of run down London and England in the 90s, and then eventually cracks up... well, I'll try and stay motivated. I do want a good permanent job out of this and I really, really hope it happens. I will defo speak to my sup about all this, I think it's something we all need to be aware of so thanks for bringing it to the for WJ. Right, will stop procrastinating now, and get on.

Eska - can you enjoy watching a film now or do you find you end up analysing it? I studied music throughout my whole school life and went to a separate music school on saturdays, and now can't listen to music without over analysing it!

Maybe we should start the 'postgraduateforum university' and employ ourselves!

How well is your PhD going - A definitive Enquiry
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sometimes I think its going really well, but then I am woken up to the fact that I have not even written my lit review in full, have not written any of my studies up, have a lack of participants for my 2nd study, and my 3rd study is being impeded by a load of bureaucracy at my industrial partner AND I am in my third year like you walminskipeas! Urgh, after seeing it on the screen I now want to die - or more precisly put off doing any more work today and go an watch a chick flick before my other half returns home and wants to play his ps3.

Had a terrible start to the day, but am determined to write something. Anyone else?
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Hmm, my sleep seems to be all up in the air too, i often don't get to sleep for hours, but husband has to be up at 6.30, so I never lie in which means I gues I 'day sleep' at my desk, hence the staring.

I have also had lots of trouble today with comfort. My back is killing me and I am really cold, but can't turn the heating up cos its not my house! - its ok if you are running abour, but sitting at a desk is a different matter.

Had a terrible start to the day, but am determined to write something. Anyone else?
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I didn't mean I will go out of the window - I meant the work :p

Had a terrible start to the day, but am determined to write something. Anyone else?
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urgh, had an awful day so far - just staring at the computer clicking 'refresh' on my email for hours! Had a shower to wake myself up, cup of tea and now finally (at 4pm) started doing some analysis. Altho hubby home in the next hour so will probably go out the window - at least it is something!

Some Advice for Current PhD Students re: Academic Jobs
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to be fair, I have never seen a job in academia go to someone who wasn't already known by everyone in the department, someone they have worked with before and meet up for drinks etc. that's just the way it is!

Books on reading papers
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I think it is just experience. The more you read, the more you are able identify rubbish papers, and what is rubbish about them. There will be some common criticisms for all the papers you read e.g. was conducted in a different sample e.g. America, is a cross sectional design, didn't control for variable X.

However, these are surface criticisms - only reading and getting to know your field will get you experienced enough for you to be able to critique it. I would start off with a metaanalysis or two and see how they have reviewed the field.

Some Advice for Current PhD Students re: Academic Jobs
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Some organisations sift CVs using word checks - i.e. they run it through a computer programme that sifts them for the correct words e.g. 'leader' - I am not joking, it, unfortunately is used a lot.

Maybe you are missing out on the sift!

Some Advice for Current PhD Students re: Academic Jobs
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Quote From wj_gibson:

I'm sure you have indeed been through some of this, Sneaks, but you need to appreciate that to do what you suggest requires me really to think about leaving my job, which is a professional, 9-5 endeavour (often more hours than 9-5, in honesty) and which requires me to work hard and is thus intellectually difficult. Guest lecturing is out of the question in those circumstances, and it's very hard to really finish any writing off unless I more or less give up my other outisde interests in life entirely and spend all of my time outside work on it. I've had my CV checked over by a few acdemics and other than some tweaking they can't see anything wrong with it.

I understand your predicament. I think guest lecturing i.e. 1 lecture per term would surely be doable though - just a day off work, you could use your holiday time, or convince your boss its part of your professional development.

In terms of the CV, I really would consider having someone non-academic check it out. you should be thinking about adapting your CV for each job, so you highlight the skills they are looking for. And not only listing jobs, but pulling out the skills you have learnt from them, really smacking the reader in the face with stuff you may have assumed they already know.

if you have had 142 applications and no interviews, it will be your CV!

Writing tool
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hmm didn't seem so awful when I didn't meet the deadline - it just gave me a little fanfare!

quick grammar(?) query
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Thanks guys - Im gonna go Italic!

quick grammar(?) query
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ok I will rephrase,

"it became evidet that it not only related to heeled shoes but the **height** of heeled shoes particularly"

Hows that, I mean, I know dont have to emphasise the word, but I want to!