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quick grammar(?) query
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obviously the italic didn't work I want to emphasise the word 'emperor'

quick grammar(?) query
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I want to accent a word in a sentence. Do I make it italic, underlined or something else?

" It became evident that it not only related to penguins but emperor penguins"

This is obviously not the real sentence - wish it was tho

Some Advice for Current PhD Students re: Academic Jobs
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The fact that you have not been interviewed points to your CV being the problem. It could be layout/content or both. Make sure you really sell yourself and 'embellish' on your work experience - try to match what is on your CV against the competencies they are requiring e.g. do they want organisational skills and/or leadership? I recently read a friend's CV, I know her career history and I was shocked at what she had left out because she thought it irrelevant!

Also - most employers check the web now, so make sure your facebook page is for friends only, and create your own professional webpage selling your skills and a good professional biog - assuming you haven't got one already.

As I am sure you are aware people hire who they know. So keep up your profile, try and get those extra bits published, ask to 'guest lecture' on any course going, and keep going along to the academic conferences, network and get your name out there.

Sorry to be patronising, its just I have been through this (although pre-doc) myself and have seen successful and unsuccessful attempts by others.

Some Advice for Current PhD Students re: Academic Jobs
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whas is 'bidding' sleepyhead - your 100% bidding record? - is it grant applications or something?

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welcome to PhD land - you seem more productive than me. 2-3 hours would be a dream!

Are all your chapters interesting?
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I usually just search in google the word I am wanting a quote about and then 'quote' e.g. christmas tree quotes and you get lots of sites come up.

Are all your chapters interesting?
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my supervisor uses famous quotes in her writing a lot e.g. aristotle and stuff, but I think I might include some more modern ones in mine - so it doesn't necessarily have to be quotes from participants. I was thinking of Homer Simpson and Barak Obama

Are all your chapters interesting?
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I wish you could submit an 'interactive' thesis - as I keep on thinking how am I going to make the progression of my thematic analysis clear, and what I really need is a nice youtube video on one of the pages, which I think, should be entirely acceptable in this modern age. Just a shame you can't hand it in on a laptop/amazon kindle or something.

Are all your chapters interesting?
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have you tried lots of nice quotes, if it is that kind of study? Tbh, I think my whole entire thesis will be dull, but that's another story!

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I can't do fig rolls - no I just can't, they conjure up images of OAP homes! Its 11am I have trouble with, everyday on the dot, 11am comes and I am absolutely starving. I get up at 6 so by 11 the toast has worn off. But my mother in law makes me lunch for 12 (whether I like the timing/content or not). So I feel that I shouldn't eat, and then waste the hour, orI feel that I should eat and I then have to do the 'sneaky eating' so she doesn't notice, which always ends up in naughty choc stashes :$

When I was working from my own home I was a lot more healthy!

Last on to post on this thread wins
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what was that?

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well - I do drink tea about every half an hour! and then ending up needing the loo all the time and then getting that uncomfortable - swishy full feeling in my stomach when you have drunk too much liquid.

How do I start a Reading Group?
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tea, coffee and cake are essential to encourage people to come! Who wants to talk about some dry academic paper without some kind of incentive?!

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ooh - all these tips are amazing! Part of the problem is that I am in Limbo between houses and having to live my other half's parent. So we have nowhere to store any food - as she insists on making all our meals. SO if I get hungry before/after meal times I tend to scoff the stash of chocs I have stored away in my small desk drawer. :$ Think I will try and fill it up with chewing gum and ryevita instead!

I think I will go for the low fat hot choc ideas and try to get my exercise bike brought up from my previous home as that was what always kept me in check!

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I am t-total which is good in terms of the calorific values in alcohol - not out of any moral stance or any addictions, I just stopped drinking and now when I do, a sip can wipe me out lol.

I think my main problem is that I tend to prefer hot food, so cold veg just makes my skin crawl. I was thinking of getting plain ryevita and cutting them up into 'crisps' - I don't like the flavoured actual crisps they do.