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That Friday Feeling!
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======= Date Modified 09 09 2009 13:09:19 =======
I have noticed that the forum has got a bit bogged down with the first years having doubts - which is only natural and I went through the same thing. So I thought I would create this thread to cheer everyone up!

Anyone got a good joke or two?

Starting the PhD
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nice hat paperdoll! :p

council tax exemption and the unfunded 4th year
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I don't think you are technically excempt BUT I have a letter saying "sneaks is a full time student until October 2011" - I actually finish in oct 2010 - but because I will still be technically registered with the uni - I use this letter to get myself an extra year of freedom yay! Pays to be friendly with admin staff for this kind of thing!

I can't see any other way out of this...but how?
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I spent the first year of my PhD like you. What you have to remember is that all the other 7-7's are all just brain dead in front of their computers - or all that frantic typing you here is just rubbish - I always feel that in one hours work I can do more than my office mates do in a week.

Maybe you should ask for a supervision meeting where you have both your sups in on it every few months to keep you on track - and send any writing to both of them to get joint comments.

Maybe its time to have a proper week off - i.e. not even trying to work, just completely relax and then go into it properly when you get back.

discrepency in marking
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In my subject it is odd to even see both the marks - you would just get one final one. But yes, if it were me I would go and speak to the internal marker and ask them to justify the overall mark - if they thought you deserved a distinction it could be worth it. However, it could be a new member of staff with not much experience and they may have 'over marked'.

It's just too hard - I HATE IT!
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The liklihood is, is that your sup won't even remember if he/she is anything like mine!
It seems like you are in the whole 'I don't want to get criticised for doing poor work, so if I don't do the work in the first place they can't criticise me' cycle. You definately have time to put together 1000 words or so on something - write a plan of what you want to write and try to sit down and do it for just 15 mins. If you set yourself the goal of 15 mins its likely you will be involved in it enough to carry on.

Time spent in the office?
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If you work from home it is wise to have a proper set up and routine - and not boyfriends or flatmates around to distract you!

Major panic about getting participants for diss!
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Try netmums.com or any other related facebook group - infiltrate them and then post your study

Time spent in the office?
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I hate working in the office - I just can't. Mainly because I have everything set up on my home PC e.g. all journal articles, endnote, all my writing. But also because I like to take breaks, be noisy e.g. shout "oh ffs, why can't I think of the right word!" and also I enjoy wearing my 'day pyjamas' and sitting with 10 cups of tea a day with my dog. I also get a lot more work done because I dont' spend 2 hours a day travelling to and from work - I just go downstairs!

I have an office in my uni and a desk at my industrial partner. When I go to uni, I just use the time to do admin e.g. checking pigeon hole, meeting supervisor, doing teaching prep. When I go to the industrial partner I do NOTHING because their computers are so 'secure' being a gov't department that you can't download files and can't use USB data sticks, so I can't take my work in to do, I can't download journals from the web, I can't email myself work, I can't use my own laptop cos there is no wifi and I refuse to pay for mobile broadband- so I just tend to pop in, say hi, send off some emails, go to lunch ( so it seems like I am there longer) , twiddle my thumbs and go home. But I generally feel very begrudged at having to go there and waste a whole day!

swine flu
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Our uni was like this up until this week. I think the undergrads coming back has suddenly shaken them into worrying about it. They are suggesting that a large amount of students will be off ill, I assume as all those people come from all over the country and meet in one place - so freshers flu + swine flu = :-(

I guess its an excuse to work from home :p

Where to buy cheap Endnote software
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Argh I need a new hat - I can't be seen out in matching outfits!

How to get into a graduate training program after failed phd
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Do you mean in an organisation, e.g HSBC graduate scheme?

My advice would be get good at psychometric tests by practicing them online

swine flu
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My uni has just begun to go crazy on swine flu - they are predicting EVERYONE will come down with it and it ruin all the courses AND the world over the next 6 months (well nearly).

Any other unis going into swine flu overdrive?

Time management
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I have the same problem although in my third year! I try to either alternate my days e.g. 1 day reading/writing, 1 day practical stuff, or do practical stuff during the day and do writing for 1 hour in the evening - which means at the end of the week I have done 7 hours of reading/writing, which is not great, but better than none.

Piracy Research Survey for Thesis
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Did it - I didn't understand the page on 'piracy rationale' - it wasn't clear what you wanted, especially for a thickwit like me.

Also - would have been nice to have your contact details on the thank you page again.