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large file - HELP
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After a few failures I have managed to succeed with googlemail - which won't let me send so I am just letting the recipient have my log in details so she can go to my drafts/sent mail as it attaches but doesn't send it - stupid thing. I dont' use the account much so is a perfect solution - well nearly.

large file - HELP
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Are they secure - its highly confidential!

large file - HELP
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I am trying to send someone a sound file over the internet. It is 17 MB and is too big for an email attachment, or google docs. It is confidential so does anyone know of a secure file sharer thingy so I can just let one other person access it?

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english quality is very poor - and don't like the 'rating your teachers, tutors' etc - that would be awful!

Can anyone recommend good Laptop
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If you are going to use this forum a lot - and that's your real name, you may want to change it as you don't want your supervisor reading your rants!

Can anyone recommend good Laptop
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Get a desktop if you can - you get way more for your money and less hardware issues e.g. power cables breaking. SPSS will also run a lot better on it. For £700 you would get a really really good desktop but an OK laptop.
My bro pushes me to get Mac stuff, but I don't personally think its worth it cos some unis don't offer SPSS for Macs and you therefore have to pay for your own version, or pay for a copy of windows to run on the Mac, and I am told the main reason for getting a mac is to run OS X or whatever on it so having windows defeats the object! You will also have problems with compatability all the time and it will annoy you!

If you can go for a nice desktop with big flat screen!

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Contradicting reviewer opinions on a submission
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Quote From rick:


yeah, the word count. I could also use it the other way round: I can only make minor changes taking the limited word count into account;-)

I know the reviewer's names yet I do not recongise them from the literature, otherwise could add a reference from them to make them happy!

Yes a definite if its appropriate - also it helps to have a lot of references in your article from the journal you are submitting to.

Contradicting reviewer opinions on a submission
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A paper I have just got published went to three separate journals and the final one - we got revise and resubmit twice and so all in all we have had to change it about 10 times - for all the different reviewers from the different journals - but now I look back at that first draft - it was appalling and I can definitely see why it didn't get in!

Contradicting reviewer opinions on a submission
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I have had 'anonymous' reviewers that suggest that certain authors e.g. smith (2000; 2001; 2002; 2004) should be cited - i.e. its obviously their own paper that they want more citations for!

Contradicting reviewer opinions on a submission
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Maybe check the word count with the editor - sometimes they will give leeway for such things.

Having trouble after honeymoon
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I got married about 3 months ago so know what its like! I would advise getting stuck into a task - even if its made up, reading can be so aimless without an actual piece of writing you are adding to. Maybe you should try and write an article or write up what you have done so far for publication.

Lots of to do lists are necessary and a big old calender to scare you half to death when you realise how short a month actaully is and how much work you have to do!

Contradicting reviewer opinions on a submission
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Have you tried getting a third party to read through it - who doesn't have an agenda and see what they think (make sure its not someone who will want their name on the paper). It may be that reviewer 2 is right. A change of title is simple. It may be that you can add to the quotes you have already pulled out to demonstrate your point easier - so not remove the original ones, just add more.

It sounds like the work might be quite disjointed - i.e. you say that other people did the analysis and you seemed to have written it up? - maybe go back to the people that analysed it and ask their opinion.

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Can you do it how I have to on endnote XI - which is to 'exclude author' and then manually type it in the text?

Alternatively - go back to your library and see what is different about this reference, or try inputting the whole entry again. It could be that you have settings for books set up differently to journals for example.

Contradicting reviewer opinions on a submission
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Its hard to comment without specific detail Would it be possible just to acknowledge REviewer 2's standpoint throughout the article, without taking his approach. E.g. "WE are doing it this way, although others would do it the other way, but they are wrong because A, B, C....."