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hmm, I've heard of turning point and asked about it - particularly good for stats I think where people get embarrassed if they don't get it. BUt I've heard its a bit of a hassle to set it up?

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lol that sounds great! I'm a little worried, I'm used to teaching classes of about 50, but I think this will be 100-150 and they're only 55 min slots :$

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they're some really good tips AQ, thank you! I'm just about to start lecturing full time (well hopefully not actually lecturing full time, but its a FT post). I'm going from doing lecture/seminars (i.e. all in one time) to lectures, then seminars. I'm guessing my lecutres have to be quite 'presenty' i.e. no group discussion. And the seminars focus on the discussion etc. So how do make the lectures less 'dry'?

Moderation analysis with multiple regression
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I've done quite well today - nearly pushed through 1/3 of a chapter. Hoping hubs will be distracted by his new PS3 game enough tonight to let me get it finished!

Moderation analysis with multiple regression
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well if you have controls (e.g. gender, age) you could drop them and then talk about their possible effects later.

You also have IV1 IV2 and IV2. My understanding is that you want to see whether the relationship between each IV is moderated by 2 moderators.

So rather than chucking IV1 in and seeing if M1 and M2 moderate it *whilst controlling for IV2 and IV3*, i'd drop the latter bit, and just run each IV moderated separately soo..

Model 1 = IV1, M1, M2, DV1
Model 2 = IV1, M1, M2, DV2
Model 3 = IV2, M1, M2, DV1
Model 4 = IV2, M1, M2, DV2
Model 5 = IV3, M1, M2, DV1
Model 6 = IV3, M1, M2, DV2

But I don't know what the variables are so that might be a bit rubbish if your varibales are all supposed to interlink.

Moderation analysis with multiple regression
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if it is a power issue then you might be best just testing 1 IV at a time with the 2 moderators, so not including the other 2 IVs in every analysis.

Moderation analysis with multiple regression
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I think there's an option in one of the buttons on the regression pop up that says listwise or pairwise.

Your uni will probably have the bootrapping add on on their lab computers?

The One Goal Thread
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I woke up yesterday with a slightly scratchy throat. Today the same, now I have a headache :-( and I've just realised the kid I live with has gone back to school this week and probably brought home horrible germs that I now have :-(

Moderation analysis with multiple regression
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You could reduce your control variables. Maybe run it with pairwise? (I've read that's a bit dodgy but probably worth a shot), or you could boostrap it if you have the newer version of SPSS to make any findings more robust.

Moderation analysis with multiple regression
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how many participants do you have? maybe there's not enough power?

The One Goal Thread
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wooo! that must be such a weight off your mind Batfink! I'm so pleased for you (up)

If anyone would like to send me
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a paper that provides a very easy to read explanation between positivism and post-positivism then I would be eternally grateful.

The One Goal Thread
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Morning all,

I was pleased that I managed to do the intro paragraph(s) for my methods chapter - for me that's kind of like a hurdle that once over, I can freely write with my head together. So I'm hoping to finish the paradigm/epistemology 'bo***cks' as I like to call it, today :-)

I'm feeling utterly overwhelmed with work though. I have student's demanding feedback on writing, research work on a project I was paid to do a few days work on but haven't got round to, lectures to prepare for, seminars to prepare for, a workshop to prepare for that i'm running at a conference next week, a poster to design and print for said conference arrrgh! THe only way I can see round it is to just sit and slowly tick off things off the list to regain some feeling of control over it all

Moderation analysis with multiple regression
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you can have more than 3 blocks - you can just stick your controls in block 1 and move the rest down.

I'd conduct an analysis like that for each of the 3 IVs on each of the 2 DVs so 6 analyses in total. I'd then put any non-sig ones in the appendix to make it easier to read (if this is for your PhD).

If you have any sig results you can use the spreadsheets here to make the graphs http://www.jeremydawson.co.uk/slopes.htm

Picking external and internal examiners
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My sup chose for me, claimed to consult me on it, but really bulldozed the matter. She chose high profile people that she's said will probably have an ego fight in the viva, be picky and ask for lots of corrections - just because of who they are, not because of the thesis.

Whilst I'd like to think the prestige of having these people viva me will be amazing for my career, to be honest, I highly doubt it.

I would much rather have examiners who are nice!