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Moderation analysis with multiple regression
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Are your moderators moderating just 1 IV or are they moderating all 3?

If you're doing it in SPSS I'd be tempted to run it separatly, so control from IV 1 and IV2 and then create interaction terms and run a 3-way interaction on DV1, then the same on DV2

And then repeat with various cominations if you want to see the moderation of specific variables.

For a 3 way interaction in SPSS you'd want to put in hierarchical regression

Block 1


Block 2

IV x M1
IV x M2
M1 x M2

Block 3

IV x M1 x M2

But if you want to moderate all IV's you'd probably be better off getting your head around MPlus or other SEM software

Statistical tests - Within-subjects for categorical data
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have you looked at log-linear analysis? that may help with the independence assumption, but I know little about it.

The One Goal Thread
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afternoon! Spent the morning meeting with people. Now I have the afternoon, hubs is at some team building day until later tonight, so ONWARDS with the methodology chapter. ITS SO DULL, but has to be done. It will have to be little goals for me I'm afraid...

Goal 1: write an intro paragraph on epistemology and what it is etc.

regression in simple words
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I'd just use an example - so e.g. if you want to measure the effects of eating chocolate on mood, when you've already taken into account the effect of gender.

Is it too early to be worried about publication record?
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Whilst I agree with Delta, I have also been turned down for a few roles because I haven't done the PhD - I think some universities prefer to see that you've completed the PhD and have a load of papers due to be submitted, rather than having 1 or 2 publications, but still floundering about doing a PhD (which is where I was at - and am still, for the next few weeks anyway!)

Is it too early to be worried about publication record?
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I think its a tricky one. I've just got a job, I suspect purely because of my publications. However, none of these have come from my PhD, they've come from an RA role before my PhD and one afterwards - I've basically piggy backed onto my sup's work for the last year and got great publications for the REF from it.

I did also waste (In my opinion) about a year of my PhD trying to get my papers ready for publication, they are stil sitting here and I'd have been far better off getting the thesis submitted first and then the publications.

I think it all depends on how much support you'll have - it looks like your sup would rather you got the PhD out of the way, so I'd use her willingness on that rather than try and fight her and get little support with publications.

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My internet has been down all morning which has been irritating, but I've got a few pages of re-structuring done that didn't require further literature.

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@skig - my methods is really a chapter on epistemology and the context my research is in - it relates to the whole thesis, so its kind of odd that it jumps from hypotheses at the end of the lit review, into a chapter that talks about something else and then back to results lol. Its going to be awful. BUt I've spent a year trying to get around sup on this and she just won't let me. For ease of handing in, I'm just doing it her way. I know why she's done it, so I can defend it, but I just don't like it!

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I think it depends on your subject. I've done quite a few lectures during my PhD and its quite easy to engage the group on some level because what we teach them is related to their experience (which they have to have to get on the course) and so during the lecture I can stop and ask for people's opinions/experiences etc. Could you do that with yours?

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The problem with the length of my lit review, is I can't really shorten it. Basically my sup has attached the info that was originally in my first study to the end of my lit review. Which I find VERY bizarre.

So it did go...

Lit review = Theory 1, Theory 2, Introduce Studies (about 13,000 words).
Chapter 3 on methods
Chapter 4 = first study with its on literature to introduce it

Now it goes

Lit review = Theory 1, Theory 2, Introduce studies, literature for first study, hypotheses for first study
Chapter 3 on methods
Chapter 4 = no lit, just straight into results

I HATE the new structure. But I've tried and tried to change her mind and I can see its her way or nothing :-s

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Right I've read through all 80 pages of my first two chapters. IT IS DULL 8-)

Now I have to make the changes to my documents - the changes I make whenever I print it out but never actually change on the file. So that must be done!

I'm SO worried about my new thesis structure. So far I have

Chapter 1 = 6,000 words
Chapter 2 = 18,000 words
Chapter 3 = 5,000 words
Chapter 4 = 5,000 words
Chapter 5 = 14,000 words
Chapter 6 = 10,000 words

It looks so stupidly uneven and I think the lit review is WAY too long. But sup ignores everything I say about it. :-s

Statistical tests - Within-subjects for categorical data
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yeah you can use chi-square for categorical data like that, although maybe you could use logistic regression, using your 4 conditions as predictors and having a dichotomous outcome where ou collapse the first two answers (i.e. not mentioned) as 0 and the last two (i.e. mentioned) to 1. But that would depend on your study. and with just 23 participants you don't really have the power so chi-square is probably your best bet.

Statistical tests - Within-subjects for categorical data
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Is it categorical data within 4 conditions? or do you just mean that you have 4 conditions and therefore it is categorica?

if its four different conditions then you can use repeated measures ANOVA, but it maybe would be better to use MANOVA, with each condition as a dependent variable.

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Ah yes, my earlier congrats was for the viva, not being ill! Obviously :$ I know what you mean about tests playing on your mind. I recenlty found out I have mild PCOS, but when they were ultrasounding me they found a big lumpy thing in my uterus and they have to re-scan me in another month to see if its grown. I gotthe doctors saying "its probably nothing" and then looking a bit anxious while I beamed back at them in my defensive-smile mode.

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ooh also, congrats batfink!

I think I now have 6 weeks officially before I start new job, so I NEED to get my thesis submitted ASAP, otherwise it will become some crazy whirwind of stress before xmas trying to get settled in job and writing thesis :-(