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Statistical Analysis Paid Work
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that is quite a bit of work for £100, an 8-10 page report! I'd say that's more £500-750

Anyone in London? Can't believe the news at the moment
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======= Date Modified 10 Aug 2011 09:48:56 =======
There have been lots of smashed up cars, pubs and shops where I live - we saw a group smashing up cars with golf clubs on tuesday, and our car was parked about 20 yards away. We were kept awake with sirens and helicopters all night :-(

pitching research
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its not really writing style, its content. How in depth should I go -I feel like I need to acknowledge a lot more research than sup is saying I do. She's saying keep it really simple, but I'm worried that its too much. But then I imagine my other examiner reading it and I think that simple is ok.


pitching research
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I think I've lost how to pitch my research at the right audience. I've forgotten in fact which audience to pitch it at.

One of my examiners is an expert in the field - he's literally written the book (or ten books) on my subject area.

So in the back of my mind i'm always thinking of him and thinking of what I should include etc.

But my sup doesn't seem to 'get' what I'm writing about (even though others seem to).

What level should I be pitching it at?

my gut tells me to pitch at an 'intelligent person who has little knowledge of the field' but when i start writing I think "omg - external is going to think this is awful!"

phrase change help
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Well I gave my sup my first three chapters about 7 months ago. I got one email that showed me how to re-structure it. So I completely re-structured it based on this email. THen I gave her it about 4 months ago. She never read it. So I give her the full draft and she's now saying she doesn't like the way its structured (which was based on her recommendation). The problem is, she has a certain style, and if it doesn't conform to that then you won't be able to change her mind.

I've just had 2 other professors look through the work this week and they say its fine. Its just getting desperately frustrating at this point. I've received another email this morning saying the 4 paragraphs I wrote earlier aren't right. I just can't work out what she wants.

The One Goal Thread
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well after a worrying night of riots and me freaking at every noise outside, thinking they were going to smash up my car, I'm feeling unerefreshed. Sup has just emailed me to say that everything I wrote yesterday was essentially a waste of time too :-(

Eek, he thinks I'm conference organiser expert!
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The thought of a plane makes me shudder! I hate them, I always feel really ill and have no idea how to get where I'm supposed to be (what IS "check-in"?? for example)

Next time I go abroad I will be rowing myself.

Eek, he thinks I'm conference organiser expert!
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arrange so there is lots of water and lots of glasses in each room. If you have any 'important' speakers, assign someone to them - I've had some get quite uppity about not having things brought to them.

Also think about things that speakers may want at the last minute e.g. flip charts and where to get them from.

You need cue cards printed up for the speakers (i.e. 5 min, 3 min, shut up now).

You probably also have to write some kind of opening and closing speech?

Suggestions to cheer up my sister who is writing up
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for me - a MASSIVE bag of maltesers. Although unfortunatley I'm on a diet :-(

I'd also like something to look forward to e.g. a holiday, even if it was only a weekend away, or an event like tickets to a musical. Something other than the academic world would be nice!

Eek, he thinks I'm conference organiser expert!
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have everyones number in your phone and on a list - important numbers include..

- building/hotel manager
- security (in case of any key losing issues etc.)
- tech guys - VERY important, to sort out fowl ups with powerpoint etc.
- Caterers
- the chair of each session if possible so sessions are kept on track and on time.

Also have a list of taxi companies

Working and studying while writing up
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======= Date Modified 08 Aug 2011 14:04:32 =======
I'm doing an industry qualification, but its mainly just writing up my exisiting experience in a stupid way to please the examiners of the qualification.

I've also been working 3 days a week as an RA for the last year whilst writing up. BUT I have the same sup for the RA as my PhD, so she actually got me working 5 days a week on the RA job and then moaning that I hadn't done PhD work at the same time -which was confusing!

I'd say it is doable, but I wish I'd focused more on my PhD - maybe made myself set a certain time aside each week with no email access or interruptions

The One Goal Thread
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YES! She's gone :-) for now anyway. Only took 3 hours of ignoring.

The One Goal Thread
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I have the same - I think I have to have it in by the end of sep, but sup is wanting 1st week. BUT she's also got me to re-write my first 3 chapters, which I'm trying to do this week. BUT my sister in law (aged 7) won't leave me alone :-s I've given her a load of stuff to do and said I'm really busy, but she keeps wandering back to ask me stuff. SHe's a cryer too, so if I say it slightly more firmly she'll stand and shreik the house down. Her mother is here, but doing other stuff :-s

phrase change help
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I think I have a few 'to fully explore' in my thesis.

But if my examiners get all stressed about it, I'll just ask them to provide their feedback to me in text speak and see how they get on. I was never taught any of this stuff at school, I have no idea what an adverb is and if Word 2010 hasn't got a problem with it then I don't either.

phrase change help
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I wikipedia'd it. I think it would be a split infinitive if it said

TO fully explain??