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phrase change help
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actually, isn't "fully explain" a split infinitive?

My mum told me about these once and I said "no one knows anything about that anymore, you're living in the dark ages" but now I worry about it!

I don't even know what a split infinitive is.

phrase change help
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thanks Ady...I'll steal that sentence from you :-)

My sup likes to change EVERYTHING, I am dreading seeing what she's done to my draft (even though I'm completely re-writing the 1st three chapters this week :-s )

phrase change help
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I have a sentence...

"although statistics indicate that [penguins] may have difficulty [flying], they do not tell the full story"

I need a replacement (or do I?) for 'do not tell the full story' - it doesn't sound academic enough to me, but I don't know if I'm being silly.

Formatting problem
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glad Ady's suggestion worked - my next one would have been tippex.

The One Goal Thread
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Goal 1: DONE :-)

Goal 2: finish section in lit review

The One Goal Thread
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I am SOOOO busy this week! I have loads of work to be doing. So....goal one is to get smarter clothes down and post parcel at the post office.

Formatting problem
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I'd probably change the font to white and then cope with the disastrous consequences of having loads of hidden info all over the page in white font at a later date :p

Calculating multiple correlations
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Do you mean how to present them in a table for example? rather than how to run them?

Pm me your email and I can send you an example of where I have compared 3 separate groups' scores using correlation.

Employment Status
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for council tax and young persons rail tickets I was a student.

For other things I was a researcher :p

But I think officially its student.

Is outside, on the QT help a remedy for bad supervision?
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It is a horrible situation. My only thinking is that you shouldn't have to go through this in the first place and therefore complaining about the existing supervisor and finding a solution where you can formally get the other one on board as an external supervisor seems like the 'proper' solution. Although I don't envy you the politics of the situation!

Is outside, on the QT help a remedy for bad supervision?
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but it sounds like you'll have to work with your current sup anyway - its not like you can just ignore him/her and go off with the 'quiet' one. Also, in my experience, people who have a lot of publications, have them for a reason and are therefore very savvy in knowing how to a) produce good work b) push out publications but importantly for you c) jump on other peoples work. It is definitely something worth considering. I know if I was supervising someone and picking up the slack for another supervisor, I'd expect to be at least a 3rd author on papers.

Is outside, on the QT help a remedy for bad supervision?
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I dunno, I think I agree wtih Keenbeen. While it may be ok for 6 months, eventually it will become tricky. What happens if your actual supervisor doesn't agree with edits you've made due to the 'hidden' supervisor for example? WHat happens if 'hidden' supervisor wants to be named on publications? I don't think its possible to hide it in the long term.

I think you'd be better off either formalising the relationship and asking him to become a supervisor of some sort, or asking this external one to be an informal advisor (with your actual supervisor's knowledge).

Is outside, on the QT help a remedy for bad supervision?
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I'd be tempted to try and get another internal supervisor who can be the internal supervisor for office box-ticking and then ask this other person to be your main supervisor, albeit external.

To continue with PhD or not!!
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hmm - if it were me, I'd convince sup to sign me off as 'writing up' and then if it spills over to another year (e.g. a 5th year), then I'd blag it again when it came to it.

journal access?
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ah yes I found the german name too, but can't access it. I'll PM you the article title.