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Stuck on a reference
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errrr maybe something like Jones, as cited/mentioned in Blogs and Jogs (2002) ??

Hilariously miserable supervisor!
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I changed my name and I got a bit of stick but I wanted to too cate :-)

I think you have a point Chuff, but I don't think its the supervisor's role to bring that up, no other boss in any other situation would dream of telling you what you can and can't do in your personal life. Plus I think most women are aware of the compromises we may have to make as a result of choices, but if you asked me to give up my PhD or give up living with my hubs, I know which one I'd choose (the PhD - even if he doesn't do the washing up)

Hilariously miserable supervisor!
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Sounds great KB! I chose my ring with my hubby too and I was pleased I did, as we walked round and he was looking at really chavvy ones - bleugh. I wanted something a bit more pretty and nicely designed than a lump of rock on a piece of metal.

My sup sounds similar to yours KB, although she seems to think I can rely on my hubby to support me financially while I take 6 months off to finish of my thesis - aint gonna happen as we're skint and need to be a 2-wage house at the mo!

Hilariously miserable supervisor!
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congrats Keenbean! How come you have to wait 3 weeks?

Perhaps its a little bit of the green-eyed monster?

My sup told me not to have kids recently, she said "Do not even think about having a baby in the next 2 years Sneaks, you need to get on with your career". If I was in a 'normal' job, then she could be fired for saying something like that! Also, I'm starting to get peed off with putting my life on hold for my PhD :-s I don't want to carry on doing that for the next 5 years.

Anyway, I thought feminism was supposed to be about choice? i.e. you have the choice to be a mother and a researcher, you shouldn't be forced to be either one, it should be your choice to do what you want.

The One Goal Thread
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congrats on the host organisation Batfink - I urge you to take down loads of details about them as I'm currently doing the 'research context' bit in my method section and while i have anonymised them, I've had to put in loads of info about their employees etc. e.g. stats about numbers of each group and the number of hierarchical levels etc. v dull and I wish I'd done it earlier!

Taken the dog out.

Next goal: to sit and write out one entry for my other project - will prob take ages :-(

THere's a sticky thread on the VIP thing, apparently it means that Button has done a review for PGF. well done button (up)

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had lunch - I made my own soup with carrot, swede, parsnip, onion and spices and whizzed it all up. I hate veg, so its the only way I can get 5 day (or more like 3 in my case). I wonder if galaxy ripples count as one of 5 a day?

Done the lecture -now I just have to re-learn the content over the next week.

NExt Goal: take dog out.

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I've nearly finished the lecture, going to have lunch, fnish it off and then move on to the next bit of work.

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aww I want to be a VIP, but I haven't got time to do a review.

Can we have some more smilies?

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ooh button, I must have missed something. YOu are a VIP :-)

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My PhD is going badly, well it isn't really going at all. But I have so much on!

Today, I need to get my tax return done, write a lecture and get all references and notes up for students, look at a workshop I'm doing next friday and update, and then I need to do a load of non-PhD work. THen weds-fri this week I'm doing my RA work, so nothing on my PhD AGAIN :-(

Goal 1: look through lecture and get all the references

216 Hours: The Movie
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I can't even read this, because it makes me feel physically sick about my lack of progress with mine :-(

But wish you the best of luck Wal, just make sure you don't get your hand stuck under the thesis when you're done, it could be longer than 127hours before you're found!

Online Research and abuse?!
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I think all research gets this to some extent. I learnt to leave a 'comments' section at the end of my online surveys so I didn't get irritating emails like "your questions are repetitive" to which I had to just say something like "that is because I am using a questionnaire that has been used for 20 years in my field, it answers a range of similar questions to make sure it is measuring the information correctly" blah blah blah.

My subject is quite emotive as well so I had comments like "when are YOU going to do something about this issue??"

It is stressful, but do try to remain professional at all times - don't send off any 'silly' replies and keep any emails in a separate file in case you get any issues with ethics etc - you only need one person to complain to cause you a lot of stress.

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its a good thing - means you WILL get the PhD, while I'll be sat here quoting people :$

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starshaped - have you not got dropbox? I got it a few weeks ago - I love it! it is truly a life saver.

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======= Date Modified 06 Jan 2011 13:25:35 =======
you need to type your comment after the [/ quote] bit.

I'm ill :-( feeling very foggy headed. But sup is expecting a ton of work by tonight and I've so far sat slumped staring at my computer and the hours have spun by - need to get on with it!

Goal 1: colour in correlation table (i know, crazy)