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ESRC Open Competition results

Anyone tried logging into their Je-S account to see if that holds any clues? I have and couldn't see anything, but that may mean I didn't get it - or it could mean nothing.

ESRC Open Competition results

Quote From PsychBrainiac:

======= Date Modified 06 Aug 2010 11:29:06 =======
Quote From SocDave:

======= Date Modified 06 Aug 2010 11:17:48 =======
Sheffield Hallam - Sociology. I want to study British Muslims attending Faith Schools, in an aim to address the urban myth (or is it?) that they are breeding grounds for extremism. I've been told it ticks a lot of the 'sexy' topic boxes, but that's not enough to convince me!!

That sounds great! Fingers crossed for you and for everyone on here. I think going out sounds like a good idea! I may need to adopt a similar coping strategy ;-)

Copious intake of alcohol works too! Not for me, but for some!!

ESRC Open Competition results

I've decided to go out - have some food and do some shopping. Can't stand this waiting about. Especially if it doesn't come through today. I might want to jump from a great height if that happens!

ESRC Open Competition results

======= Date Modified 06 Aug 2010 11:17:48 =======
Sheffield Hallam - Sociology. I want to study British Muslims attending Faith Schools, in an aim to address the urban myth (or is it?) that they are breeding grounds for extremism. I've been told it ticks a lot of the 'sexy' topic boxes, but that's not enough to convince me!!

ESRC Open Competition results

======= Date Modified 06 Aug 2010 11:07:21 =======

Quote From PsychBrainiac:

No news from Nom Con yet; however my potential supervisor emailed me at 10am saying that RHUL haven't heard yet and she predicts it shall be next week now. I'm still hoping for some news today though! Has anyone else heard anything yet?

Nowt :-(, I keep refreshing this page (to see if anyone has heard) and checking my emails like a madman!!

ESRC Open Competition results

Quote From stressed:

Good luck for today everyone - fingers tightly crossed for you all, hopefully the wait will be over soon :-)

Second that - lets just hope they posted the letters first class!!!

ESRC Open Competition results

======= Date Modified 04 Aug 2010 15:40:35 =======
======= Date Modified 04 Aug 2010 15:40:04 =======
*******************STOP PRESS*********************
The email I mentioned sending earlier has been replied to:

"Dear david

I hope to send the letters out tomorrow. We are just waiting for the Chair to sign-off the minutes of the funding meeting.



Posted Thursday, 1st Class post would mean Friday delivery/opening/emailing hopefully..............

ESRC Open Competition results

I've politely enquired about the availability of someone else to email results and am waiting for a response. I will, however, ring the number anyway - there's bound to be someone I can pester 'til they crack!

I'll post an update regardless. Fingers crossed all :-)

Good Luck for next 'Monday' (COME ON Royal Mail, we know you can do it!!)

ESRC Open Competition results

Quote From PsychBrainiac:

Mixilgt - Yes, true. In a way, it's nice not to feel that I have to check my emails so many times a day now...until Monday.

SocDave - Sorry to hear that. It's bad timing on their part...maybe you can check emails at an Internet Cafe or something?

Oh, I will do - just not what you really want to do on your hols!! And I wanted it over and done with before I went away. Just knowing that the result is on a desk, unopened, with my future decided........

ESRC Open Competition results

Quote From PsychBrainiac:

I also emailed the ESRC a few days ago and have just received their response:

Dear Allan

The decision letters are due to go out at the end of this week and are sent to our nominated contacts at the universities. It is they that forward the decisions to the students.

PTD Enquiries

So looks like early next week people :)

Glad you got a response - but I'm gutted, my Nom Con is off next week and I go away the week after. At least I might find out before (tree) :-s

ESRC Open Competition results

I've bitten the bullet - I emailed ESRC direct to ask when to expect the results!!

"Hello, I am aware that you are not able to give decisions via any other method than by letter to a institution Nominated Contact, but was wondering if you can give me any idea when the results will be released? That is, when ESRC will post the letters to Uni’s. Even though I won’t find out my result, at least I’ll have an idea when the fateful day will be!!"

Lets hope I get a response that isn't "go away" in not so polite terms!!!;-)

ESRC Open Competition results

Quote From killahtron:

That's a good idea, but do you mean when we get the emails from our respective uni's, or when the ESRC tells our respective uni's (if we know)? This is assuming that both these things won't happen on the same day.

OK, I think we have pretty much tacitly agreed to post when we get our results. So I bet that it will be this Friday (6th) that the first person announces their news, either good or bad.

If the results come out on day 1 (i.e. they are sent out), then assuming 1st class post, they arrive day 2 at uni. Presuming good admin, they arrive on the desk of the nominated contact day 2 also. Then, assuming they open it day 2, and are nice people;-) - then you get an email day 2. Problem is - I know for a fact that my Nom Con is on leave a couple of days this week and ALL next week, and i bet that she's not the only one:-(. Ah well......

ESRC Open Competition results

I'm in the same boat as all you - I've contacted my HEI Nominated Contact, and she reckons 'early' August, but ESRC are putting back some call closures so don't hold your breath. Also, the section posted earlier missed something out, below is the full copy. The main bit is ESRC POST A LETTER to the Uni (we ARE in 2010, right?), so even if the decisions are out today, we have to wait for the post before we then have to trust in the administrative prowess of the uni department . Chin up peoples!!!!

1.23 When will the results be available?
Due to changes in ESRC payment methods, the ESRC will notify the University's Nominated Contact of their successful students. The ESRC will NOT send letters to students or supervisors. Universities will be notified of the results in late July/early August 2010.
Students, supervisors and institutions are asked not to contact ESRC to find out any decisions on individual applications. We will notify the nominated contact with the results only by letter, we cannot provide information on results either by telephone calls or emails. In addition, the ESRC will provide the nominated contact with the overall grades of all proposals received from that institution. This information will be made available to HEI contact with the notification of successful Students.

Taken from: http://www.esrcsocietytoday.ac.uk/ESRCInfoCentre/Images/Je-S%20Guidance%20Notes%20for%20Submission%202010%20(3)_tcm6-25861.pdf