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The One Goal Thread

Good luck Algaqueen, I hope you get your references sorted! Just think how relieved you'll be after you've submitted.

My first goal is done. My next goal is to get the second chunk redrafted.

The One Goal Thread

Morning all (well, almost afternoon, I really need to get my sleeping sorted out). My major goal for today is my redrafting of my literature section. My first goal is to redraft the first small section which I didn't get round to working on yesterday.

The One Goal Thread

Gah I have spent half a day on my literature section and haven't even got round to redrafting what I'd already written. I realised that there was some stuff which really should go there so have padded it out with another, very rough, 350 words. I wanted this done by the end of the week (set myself a deadline for the whole chapter in 2 1/2 weeks time) but looks like I'll be working on it next week too.

I can't stand looking at the literature section anymore so now I'll move onto the analysis for a couple of hours.

The One Goal Thread

First goal done- I have read the chapter. Now on with the redrafting. I'm going to begin with the goal of redrafting of one particular small section.

The One Goal Thread

Emaa take some time out for yourself if you can, spoil yourself with a new haircut or a visit to a beauty salon (that's what I'd do anyway!).

My major goal for today is to redraft my literature section. There is a chapter which needs to go in there which I haven't actually read so this is my first goal.

The One Goal Thread

I now have a very rough draft of the entire literature section. I copped out and cut out a bit of literature which I have been particularly struggling with. This is only a first draft for my supervisors to see and I'm not actually sure whether I need to include this particular bit, or in how much detail if I do so I'll ask later rather than tear my hair out over it now and have them tell me to cut it out anyway.

I am now going to print the document and spend the rest of the afternoon redrafting.

The One Goal Thread

I am feeling completely overwhelmed. Most of the stuff I have written for my literature section is nowhere near the standard it needs to be and it is going to take lot of work before I'm happy with it. I now have a complete rough draft of one half of it. My next goal is to tackle the second part of it and to get all of this drafted, but I've been struggling with this particular section for ages. Argh.

I'm starting to get stressed out and snappy :-(

The One Goal Thread

I have been absolutely terrible getting back into things after holidays over the summer break.

Right. Today's goal is to get the introductory literature section of my chapter done.

The One Goal Thread

Good luck Algaequeen, I hope you manage to get some good work done today!

Well I am back after a nice holiday. Yesterday I was jet lagged and I managed 6 tomatoes and didn't do much at all. This afternoon I have to pop into town and also onto campus to visit the library there so I don't have that much time today.

My first goal is to get the draft of one analytic section finished.

The One Goal Thread

Oh no Algaequeen, I hope you get a chance to enjoy the weather soon!

Right. My goal for today is to get together and submit my end of year report.

The One Goal Thread

Afternoon everyone. I have spent the morning doing a few adminny bits and am struggling to concentrate now.

My next goal is to write the 'personal assessment' section for my panel report. Must focus..

The One Goal Thread

I am finding transcribing particularly uninspiring today. But got a bit done.

My next goal is to type up notes from some reading I did a while back.

The One Goal Thread

My first goal is done. My report is now almost ready to submit. (up)

My next goal is to do a good chunk of transcription for my second chapter.

The One Goal Thread

OK, must get on with things today. My first goal is to get together the analysis which I'm including in my end of year report, because I didn't manage to do this yesterday. :$

The One Goal Thread

My second goal is more or less done. I do need to come back to it and tweak a few things but this will be done better with a fresh mind tomorrow. My third goal is to redraft the analysis section I'm including as an appendix with the report.