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The One Goal Thread

Morning all. Seems like there were some productive evenings yesterday! My main goal for the day is to rewrite my methods chapter following comments from my supervisor.

Deadline is this summer - let's do it together!

Aw Pink numbers you are dealing with a lot. Like others have said, ask the ex to wait and apply for that extension anyway even if you don't use it.

You are so close now, you can do it!

The One Goal Thread

My discussion chapter is going OK. I am very happy with what I have got, but I'm not sure there is enough of it. :p I have a feeling I'll be sending my sup a short version and will have to add things in as I redraft it.

My final goal is to read through the comments my sup has sent me on my literature review and method chapter. There are no drastic rewrites required, which is a relief!


You are definately not alone and as Olivia said there are all sorts of reasons which can make the last few months seem awful! I found an appointment with the university counselling service really helpful just to talk a few things over. Remember than you don't have to go throuh this feeling alone!

The One Goal Thread

Afternoon- how is everyone doing today?

I am feeling positive after some meetings this morning, one with the careers advisor about applying for a lectureship in my department. My first goal is to email a colleague in the department who is handling it all, and then to go back to my discussion chapter which I have been pretending doesn't have to be drafted out in 2 weeks time!

How many words for qualitative findings?

My data chapters range from 7000 to 12000. I aimed for roughly 10000 per chapter. I have a lot of data extracts transcribed using the Jefferson system (so often a lexical item won't be counted as one word) which I don't think are included in my final word count. I'm coming up to final draft stage so I had better make sure though, thanks for bringing it to my attention!

The One Goal Thread

I have now worked my way through my chapter, hurray. I'm going to come back to it and read the whole thing through tomorrow after a break from it as I think there may still be a few changes to make. My goal for the rest of the day is to start addressing to comments on a chunk of my literature review.

The One Goal Thread

How is everyone doing (computer problems aside!)?

I have now worked my way through the first half of the analysis. I'm getting through it faster than expected as I actually did a chunk when I turned the chapter into a journal paper. My next goal is to work through the second half.

The One Goal Thread

Dunni, yep. I have a deadline 2 weeks on Monday to send the whole thing to my supervisor. I'm going on holiday on the Tuesday so it'll be a nice break and he can read over it while I'm away.

Today I am moving on to getting another chapter thesis ready. My first goal (which may take all day) is to tackle the first half of the analysis.

The One Goal Thread

The chapter I have been working on today is now thesis ready. Whoop! I expected this to take at least an additional day so I'm really pleased. I hope everyone else is having productive days!

The One Goal Thread

Sounds like you had a long evening Dunni.

I got up relatively late today as I went out for dinner and ended up drinking a full bottle of wine over the evening. Whoops.

Anyway I have less than 3 weeks to pull together a full draft of my thesis so need to crack on. My first goal is to address the minor comments my sup made on a chapter.

The One Goal Thread

I have now submitted my journal paper. Not bad going for a Monday! My final goal is to spend a bit of time having a think and preparing some questions I have for the careers advisor on Thursday about applying for a vacancy in my department.

The One Goal Thread

Sounds like you are making some progress today Button.

The analysis sections of my favourite chapter are now thesis ready. (up) I still need to edit the introduction and conclusion parts for consistency but I'm leaving that until I've drawn everything else together. My next goal is to write an abstract, finishing preparing a paper and to submit it for publication (I meant to do this on Saturday but totally failed...).

The One Goal Thread

Yes the vacancies are exciting! It would be nice to have something lined up for October when my funding finishes.

I have now abandoned one particularly problematic chapter which I think I'm going to have to chip away at gradually. I'd really like to get one chapter done and ticked off over the next couple of days so I am going to move on and edit my favourite data chapter!

The One Goal Thread

I hope you're OK Button...

I have spent the morning doing job stuff. Just as I submitted 2 applications and was looking forward to some thesis time with no distractions 2 other posts have come up to apply for- a lectureship in my department (eeek!) and an RA post in my specialist area. It is good that there are opportunities out there but I get distracted too easily by these things!

My goal for the rest of the day is to forget about job stuff and concentrate on getting a data chapter thesis ready.