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The One Goal Thread

A very late start for me today. I'm just going to do a half day to ease myself in after the weekend. My house is still full of festival goers and I'm tempted to join them to go out for lunch but I won't get anything done if I do!

My first goal is to edit the analysis sections of my journal paper.

What would you do in this situation?

There's no reason not to send them a neutral email reminding them. They are busy people and sometimes people aren't very well organised! When I sent my sup my last two chapters he had them for ages and when I reminded him said he didn't realise I was waiting for feedback! Nothing to lose by sending them a gentle reminder..

The One Goal Thread

I hope you have some good news this afternoon Moonblue.

I have now more or less done my first goal. My next goal is to begin drafting out a job application. I'm hoping to make fast progress with this so I can feel good about leaving things for a long weekend!

Articles request

Both articles received and I have flagged you both as helpful users.

Articles request

I have sent you a PM. Thanks!

Articles request

If anyone can get hold of either of the 2 following articles for me that would be fantastic...

I.J. Mitchell, S.R. Beck, A. Boyal, V.R. Edwards (2011) Theory of Mind Deficits following Acute Alcohol Intoxication
European Addiction Research, 17.

Sarah J. White, Devorah Coniston, Rosannagh Rogers, Uta Frith (2011) Developing the Frith-Happé animations: A quick and objective test of Theory of Mind for adults with autism.
Autism Research, 4 (2).

Thanks very much!

The One Goal Thread

Morning all.

Thanks for the encouragement Dunni. I have been having a bit of a wobble the last few days but I think I've got through it now!

I haven't done much at all this week and I'm taking tomorrow off to go to Download festival so need to make progress today! My first goal is to tidy up the rubbish I have written for my discussion and to increase the word count by 500.

The One Goal Thread

Welcome back Sneaks! I had wondered where you'd got to! It sounds like things are coming along for you and that you have a clear idea of what is left to do.

I'm not feeling too great today after a sleepless night. Now that I am starting to pull together a full draft it has hit me that I'm finishing soon and I'm pretty terrified. My supervisor emailed me yesterday and told me there has been a delay with the grant application we put in and we might not find out until the end of September if we have been successful.

But I can't get things get on top of me. My first goal is to make an appointment with the careers advisor and then to write 500 words of discussion.

The One Goal Thread

My second paper is starting to look quite good. It needs maybe another day's worth of work but I'm too tired to carry on with it now. I'm ready to give up for the day but will spend at least 2 more tomatoes inputting references into Refworks as I've been really bad at keeping up with it recently.

Last few days of viva prep

Good luck, let us know how it goes!

The One Goal Thread

I didn't find many jobs. I also just had an email rejecting my journal paper. :-(

I did get my 400 words written though!

I am now going to go to the gym which will help me dust myself off and feel better and then spend the afternoon preparing a different journal paper. I'm not giving up on the one I already have on the go and will submit it elsewhere but I'm not sure I can face working on it yet...

The One Goal Thread

I hope you got everything done and weren't working too late!

My first goal today is to do a quick search for lecturing jobs to apply for and then to write 400 words of my discussion, before the gym.

The One Goal Thread

I did 600 words this morning and also made a couple of phone calls and sent an email regarding a job application. Then I took a huge break to pop into town so I'm not feeling like I am doing very well getting back into it. My goal for the rest of the afternoon is to write the summary for each of my analytic chapters to go in my discussion.

The One Goal Thread

Good luck getting back into it. I'm feeling the same this morning after taking Friday to Sunday off. I should really have spent more time resting as I was so exhausted but ended up spending a lot of time in the pub and I'm feeling sluggish this morning!

My first goal is to have a flick through some discussion chapters as I have no idea what one should look like, and to belt out 500 words.

Article help

I do! PM me your email address.