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Death penalty: Too heavy for a friday evening?

hehe Maria, isn't dying the point of being on death row

Message from DanB

Hi guys,

The PGF Team wrote a note a few days ago about abusive posts, and this one is starting to head that way.

We all come on here to help people and read funny posts to distract ourselves from the dull monotony that is often the reality of a PhD.

So, shake hands be friendly?

word limit - are appendices included in this?

Yep, like Fifi said, where I am it's only main text that is counted; figures, appendices and references aren't counted. That doesn't make sense to me, because the more thorough and structured literature review you do to back up your research argument, the more you get penalised!

DanB will be happy a lurker is posting...welcome to the forum!

New in the forum and in love with a member

Maria, I'm loathe to get involved in this conversation, but I must admit that saying 'it is not difficult at all to get a PhD position' is a) very insulting to the people who, for various reasons are not accepted onto a PhD programme, and b) insulting to probably many people on this forum (including myself) who have had lots of interviews that had been turned down before they were accepted on to their PhD programme now.

Maria, not everyone on this forum is a current PhD student. In particular, we do have some people who come on to this forum to post because they have failed an interview. Please be considerate and do not undermine them.

New in the forum and in love with a member

First of all, not being intelligent is not a 'bad' characteristic. Someone who isn't deemed as clever as someone else isn't any worse a person.

Secondly, I guess not being 'intelligent' does make you less likely to be a PhD student. Because postgraduate studies assume a certain level of intelligence, judged against previous study. Certainly, perseverance and a passion for the subject play a big role in a PhD, but surely a certain level of intelligence is required too.

Sorry Maria, but I don't really understand your post?

New in the forum and in love with a member

In fact, I think I missed this whole 'off topic' lark. I only got it through the link you put on that other post.

I like the sausages on the front page though. People visiting the site for the first time won't have a clue what that's about...

Oh, and I'm not desperate either thank you very much

New in the forum and in love with a member

Blimey I'm away for a few hours and I miss all the fun!

40 hours of advice before transfer viva. Please give generously!!!!

Yep, I agree with DanB - focus on the future direction of your PhD, what you would like to achieve/investigate, and show that you've put some thought into how achieve those aims

What does she mean?!

'The Comic Book Adventures of StatMan'?

Brain Fart...brain explosion!

It's a gaseous expulsion from the cranium...blimey, I thought that was obvious

Reference managing software

If you use the search function on the toolbar above there have been quite a few threads discussing endnote

How long is your...

I've been itching to make that joke for hours

How long is your...

8 inches...

Child geniuses / genii

I don't know what you're worrying about - I turned 15 in September and my PhD is going fine

Economics PhD students?

Hehe, you marvel that you've found students who talk about stuff other than their research, then you ask a question about research! Made me chuckle...

On a serious note, welcome!