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No response after PhD interview

I think if they have called for a reference once, they should do so again, or else what would be the point?

Feels like landing into the wrong PhD and stuck trying to find a good solution


I think this is a very common problem. I'm sure the other students feel they don't know enough either, but are better at hiding it.

Also, it's very common for experiments to progress slowly, even when you are just copying other methods. I took 6 months to master one simple protocol. This is normal.

Can you talk to your advisor about it?

i'm failing

Has he given you any specific feedback you can work on? Do you think he is being fair? is there anyone else that can look at it for you?

Not accepted from more than 12 applications

I guess it's the places and type of PhDs you are applying for. I know PhDs at my (very good) university often have 0-10 applicants.

Not accepted from more than 12 applications

I don't think age is a barrier in the UK. Having said, most science students that I know are 22-35 when they start their PhD.

Viva story

Congrats Dr Emaa!!

An Academic Job Slump is Making Graduate Students Depressed... Interesting Reading

Quote From Dunham:

I like your positive attitude but one always reads the same stuff "I learned so many things in my PhD, I will make my way". Everybody thinks like this, but obviously it is not true.

I think there is a difference in thinking like this and doing something about it. I hope the difference is that if you take advantage of the opportunities that you will you be rewarded.

For example, even though I am not getting paid this year and it might be sensible to write my thesis as quickly as possible, I have still submitted a paper and presented at conferences. I am still trying to get some additional results to improve another paper that I am going to write.

I look at some of the other PhD students in my lab, some of whom are being paid in their 4th year, and they went to conferences but didn't bother to present something, and they haven't bothered to write up their results into a paper. Then they complain that they don't get offered interviews.

Time will tell I guess.

Not accepted from more than 12 applications

That does seem quite strange to be honest. Have you had someone look over your CV and application letter? Are you applying for advertised programs or directly to supervisors? Do you know what information is in your reference letters?

An Academic Job Slump is Making Graduate Students Depressed... Interesting Reading

Quote From Dunham:

It works like that everywhere outside the UK. Sorry for you guys but that's how it is. If you work in a company 9 to 5 then you get paid 9 to 5. You may work an hour more from time to time but that is usually paid too. I did internships in companies in the netherlands and germany and every biologists I met worked from 8-6 and got paid for exactly that amount. The only exceptions were people in leading positions with a lot of responsibilities. There you can't really stick to fixed hours but in their case it is compensated by a decent amount of money.

Working in the UK sounds really horrible to me...it is definitely not everywhere like this.

No it doesn't. Doesn't work like that in US. Doesn't work like that in Canada. Doesn't work that in Australia. Maybe other European countries are luckier though. Basic employees in companies are different I agree, they usually get paid overtime, but as soon as you hit managerial level, anything goes.

An Academic Job Slump is Making Graduate Students Depressed... Interesting Reading

I really don't wanna play that sort of grumpy "PhD Grinch" but some things just have to change and if not even PhD students see a need for that I really wonder if it will some day

I do see a need for it, I'm just saying it's no different in any other industry. It all needs to change. People need to be paid appropriately for their work in all fields. If you have a 9-5 contract, you should be paid for a 9-5 contract. It just doesn't work like that any more. Like chickpea said, if you have a contract and a decent salary you should be grateful, because too many people don't.

An Academic Job Slump is Making Graduate Students Depressed... Interesting Reading

I think the point is that it's not just science that works like this. It's like this in every business. Science has just been slow to catch up. Nothing is going to change so the only option is to see the silver linings.

An Academic Job Slump is Making Graduate Students Depressed... Interesting Reading

Yeah, I guess it comes down to whether you see the clouds or the silver-lining, Dunham.

I'm a silver lining kinda girl. I just did a PhD for the learning experience. No-one ever made me any promises.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would have a PhD, so anything that comes after is a bonus. And if I only earn £20k a year for the rest of my life I will still be happy that I did my PhD.

No response after PhD interview

yeah, you need to find out from your supervisors whether they have given them references yet. I wouldn't contact the interviewers just yet.

Need some advice please

We are told we are only allowed to work 6 hours a week outside of our PhD work, and that includes demonstrating, tutoring etc

An Academic Job Slump is Making Graduate Students Depressed... Interesting Reading

Agreed Awsoci